Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Last day of 2022. Got about 8. Fixed breakfast.  Chores. Stitched. My life is very boring these days.  Valdez's asked us out for Pizza but Steve worked til 6 and he would be too tired to go.  Guess he will be too tired to go to Golden Corral.   While he was gone I stitched of course. Then I worked on January calendar mug and dusted. Yippee.  Dog park run.  Steve was home about 6 for leftovers. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

December 30, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well 2022 is almost over.  We went to storage taking what we already packed and picking up empty containers for the last of the Christmas stuff. We packed up the rest and took those back.  We cleaned up the mess and we are done with Christmas.  We BBQ'ed brats about three. I stitched the rest of the dat till Steve came home at 8:30 ish.  His hours are disrupting my routines.  David called and we had a really good talk.  Finally it was time for bed. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 29, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Last few days of 2022.  Got up at 8. Breakfast and coffee.  Started taking Christmas down.  Made Mexican stuffed shells for dinner. Was able to fit stitching and TV in.  Steve worked 10 to 4 ish.  He came home for a dog park trip.  Finally after dinner it was time for TV and cuddles and stitching.   

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

December 28, 2022 Orchard Ranch home, Dewey AZ

 We got up about 8 and had breakfast.  We sputtered around the house. The weather turned cold. Rain last night. I stitched this morning.  We had a late lunch. We went to get our toenails done. Then picked up a few things . Trip to the dog park.  Dinner, cleanup. Then TV cuddles and switching. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 27, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Quiet day at home. I worked in the craft room with the dreaded glue gun.  We survived.  Steve worked outside.  Rain coming. Couple of trips to the dog park.  Steve put all his tools away.  I stitched the rest of the day . Leftovers for dinner.  Steve was happy with mash potatoes and gravy.   Finally it was time for TV  and cuddles with lots of stitching.  

Monday, December 26, 2022

December 26, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Say after Christmas.   Got up about 8. Hazel still not feeling tip top.  Breakfast Laundry.  Went to Ace hardware and Safeway.   Then home. Steve worked 2 to 8.  I watched Hazel while I switched and watched TV.   Got pot pies ready for when Steve came home. Then it was time for night time routine.  My routine is definitely upset.  

Sunday, December 25, 2022

December 25, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Our first Christmas in the house.  Very low key.   Fords came over for a quick breakfast.  They were scheduled for 9 but came at 8:30.  Thank goodness I set the alarm for 7.  Then we hung out watching football and stitching.  Steve did some intarsia.  At 4 we went to Wendy and Ralph's for a wonderful turkey dinner.  We were back by 6 for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 24, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Christmas Eve 2022 . First in our new home.  We got up about 8.  Breakfast and chores.  Hazel not feeling well.  She had the squirts really bad but seems better tonight.  The off to the grocery store.  Home to unload.  Watched football and stitched.  Dog park trip.  BBQ'ED brats and left over  mac and cheese for dinner.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Friday, December 23, 2022

December 23, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well it was a very quiet day here.  Bizarro Steve reared his  ugly head. Early.  First he complained that there were nuts in the pancakes.   Funny how he can eat candy awent tond cookies but not pancakes with nuts.  Then we had words because I told hime to do something.   Ugh.  So we had quiet time till he decided to take a motorcycle ride in the dead of winter.  He was gone about an hours.  It was nice outside so he worked on his wood projects. I stitched most of the day. I finally finished the reindeer.   I fixed hamburger Salisbury steak for dinner.     The grinch liked that.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.   In the bedroom by myself.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 22, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Our third and final busy day.  We got up late and Steve decided not to go to carving.  He wanted avocado toast so that is what he got.  Then we loaded up after a trip to the dog park.  We stopped at the Dentist for one last adjustment on Steve's teeth.  Then off to great clips. A quick car wash. A hair cut. We checked out Mortimer Farms.  Pricey.  Then home.  We chilled at home till 5 dinner. A quick visit from Mike Ford.  Dinner was left overs. Then we went to Fain Park to see Valley of light.  It was amazing.  Finally home it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 21, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home , Dewey AZ

 A very busy day today.  We got up late to start the day. Steve made a double payment to citybank.   Then we were off by 9:20 to the post office. First stop the Fords to turn on the heat.  After the Post office we made our 10 o'clock appointment at OneAZ to open new accounts.  Then a surprise trip to Social security in Prescott. Surprise  Very little wait.   Then we had a nice lunch at Gabby's Grill.  Poor service but good food.  Final stop was Walmart where the parking lot was packed. Then back home . We went with the Fords to Casa Perez for a nice dinner get together.  Finally it was time for TV  cuddles  and stitching.   Close to done on the reindeer.   

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 20, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Busy day today.  I got late but before Steve. Breakfast.  Steve wanted scrambled eggs  easy to chew.  Teeth still hurt. I prepared my goodie baskets for the people in the park. At one we went to the dentist for an adjustment on the teeth.  He thinks it feels better.  Then picked up a few things from Safeway 7.50 for a dozen eggs!.  We checked out somethings at Tractor Supply.  Bought dog stuff.  We checked out Golden Corral location.  Then we gave out goodie baskets.  Made another. Then dinner.  We then took hot chocolate and checked out the lights in the park.  Pretty sparse.  Our neighbors did the best.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.   

Monday, December 19, 2022

December 19, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up about 7:30. Hazel and Sophie both slept on my lap last night.  Got up and fixed the worker breakfast.   I did a load if bedding this morning.  I continued to hobble but the more I walked the better my leg got.  Not perfect yet but getting  there.  Did a lit of stitching.  2ctripa to the dog park.  Lots of TV.  Frozen lasagna for dinner.  Stevecwas home at 6.  Beautiful day out. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 18, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 I am married to a 2 year old. We got up late this morning. I was actually up before Steve.  I did a couple of loads of laundry and made my batch of chocolate chip  cookies.   Steve tried to work outside but it was just too cold.  He left for work at 1 and came back shortly after 7.  I did a dog park run but somehow developed sciatica in my left leg which is preventing me from doing anything but sew. I watched TV and stitched most of the day.  Darn the bad luck.  It wasn't worth watching TV in the bedroom as it was so late.  So we watched football till bedtime. My immature husband fought with the dog.  

Saturday, December 17, 2022

December 17, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Steve let me sleep till almost 8.  We had mondo cinnamon roll for breakfast.   Next time we split one.  I got busy and made my Praline crunch.   Then stitching the rest if the day.  Two trips to the dog park.  Dinner was left over chicken alfredo.  Steve made inroads into his intarsia.   Sophie was driving me nuts  trying to work with her standing on my lap is a real difficult thing.  Finished the night off with TV cuddles and stitching.  

Friday, December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up about 7 :30. Breakfast.  Steve went for a haircut.  I made 7 layer cookies.  Steve tried to work on the intarsia but it was too cold out. Judy across the street came to visit and drop off a hand made card. Stitched most of the day.  Dinner TV and more stitching and cuddles.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 15, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Another busy shopping day.  I made french toast for breakfast.  Steve secretly wanted to go to the wood store in Prescott so he didn't want to go to carving.  He had a headache. So we headed out to that first.  The we made our monthly donation to Costco.  The a quick stop at Hobby Lobby.  Then home to put it all away.  Stitching the rest of the day.  We did a dog park run. Dinner and cleanup.   Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 14, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Busy day.  We were up early and out the door. Hit the Post Office first then stopped by the Credit Union to make the car payment.  Breakfast at Mickey D's. Then off to the Dentist.  That took a couple of hours. The Steve came out with a full aet of teeth.  Then  off to the grocery store and home to unload and put away.  Lunch and stitching.   Then off in error to Walmart to get a prescription that really wasn't ready.  Stopped by the trailer for a mug. Home to relax . Dinner and cleanup.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up rather late this morning.   Work is taking its toll on Steve.  But he should toughen up soon.  Honeymoon phase.  I fixed breakfast of breakfast burritos. We woke up to lots of snow.  Then Colleen and I took Christine wall hanging to her.  I think she liked it.  We chatted with her for awhile.  About eleven we went to Pet Headquarters to have the girls nails trimmed.  Then over to Walmart.   Came home and chilled while Steve waited to go to work. He picked up an extra shift.  4 hours tonight. We had pot pies for dinner.  I wrapped the packages for the girls so that we could mail them.  Then I finished up the evening stitching.  Cuddles with the girls.

Monday, December 12, 2022

December 12, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up at 7 30 and went outside to snow on the ground.  Breakfast and chores. Finished making the tamale pie.  Did a few things then took the dogs to the dog park.  We ate at 2 so Steve could leave for work.  Stitched most of the day and night.  Hate it when he works nights.  Watched TV and had lots of cuddles.  

Sunday, December 11, 2022

December 11, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We were up by 7.  Breakfast and chores.  Steve left for work.  I got the laundry started. Then I finished Wendy's Christmas present. Made the crust for the tamale pie. Loaded the dishwasher.  Took the mail to the Fords and turned their heat up.  Dog park.  Finished the laundry.  Stitched . Steve came home and after a trip to the dog park we went to Lefty's for dinner with the Fords.   Then home where it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching. 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

December 10, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up on the late side.  Breakfast and chores. A quick trip to Hobby Lobby.  Back home. Steve was painting the sleigh. I stitched.  Wendy brought over Christmas goodies.  Steve watched the army navy game.  A quick dinner of BBQ'ed hamburgers.   Then card Bingo. Both Steve and I each one a game and Steve won the big jackpot.  Finally home for TV and shower and bed. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

December 9, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Steve was up at the crack of dawn but I went back to bed for another hour.  I got up and had a wonderful cinnamon roll. Then we took the truck to the mechanic.  More dollars involved.  Then home.  Steve worked on the lights and I stitched.  We ate at 2 since Steve left for work at 2:30.  I stitched.  Talked to Debbie Snodgrass for 45 minutes.  Then a dog park run and mail.  Grabbed a package off the Fords porch.  Then home to stitch.  Ice cream when Steve gets home.  Stitching and TV for most of the night. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 8, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 What a day.  I got up and fixed Steve breakfast and he took off for work at 9:39.  I got right to work.  I made cinnamon rolls from scratch.  First time in a long time for bread dough. Flour all over the kitchen, the floor and me.  I washed the comforter on our bed.  I had did two dishwashers full and put them away. Trip to the dog park. Raked leaves. Then Steve came home. Took care of some business matters.  Warmed up some leftovers for dinner.  Finally it was time to retire to the bedroom and watch TV have cuddles and stitch. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up late this morning.  I fixed Steve a nice breakfast of french toast.  Then we arranged the vehicles so that we could take the truck on a test drive.  We headed up through Jerome to Cottonwood  thru Sedona to Flagstaff  across forty to Ash Fork. The brake fluid seems to be leaking.  Then a quick stop at Frys for groceries.   Stopped at home to unload then over to put the truck away in Storage. Mail stop. Dinner.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.   

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 6, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up at a reasonable hour.  Breakfast and chores.  Steve stressed out on paycheck issues.  I am sure he will figure it out.  He also wrote the letter to Citi bank about the shoes.  I stitched.   It has been cold all day.   Lunch and more stitching.   Steve and Sophie butted heads.  He just keeps bugging her til she snarls.  Then he gets mad and isn't spirals down into a war.  We went and got the truck.  Won't cost as much as we thought.  Home for brats and mac and cheese.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

December 5, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up super early.  We did speak but it was spotty.  We picked up the truck from storage and I followed in the car to the repair shop.  Then back home. I stitched and Steve watched missed football games.  Then we loaded up the dogs and went over to the trailer to try and cancel the streaming services.   And we got a refund.  We finished putting Christmas boxes away and the final decorations up. A quick trip to Hobby Lobby.  Home for more football and stitching.  Leftovers for dinner.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

December 4, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well everything was going well until Steve came home from work. I fixed Steveca breakfast.  He went to work.  I stayed home and did laundry.  Made mac and cheese. Said goodbye to the Fords.   They wanted us to go to dinner but of course we are too poor to go. So was going to have them for dinner.  But Steve didn't want that either.   And neither did they.  So we are here and they ate somewhere else.  As far as I am concerned I will no longer be friends with the Fords.  Steve and I did talk at dinner and I do now see that we are very poor.   And financially strapped.   We went over finances.  We need to do more talking.  I gave Steve my credit cards. He will now do all the shopping.   I quit.  I will stay home by myself at all times.  Never leaving.  He BBQ'ed steaks and ruined them.  Finally I went in the bedroom and he stayed out front fighting with the dog.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 3, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 I have decided not to divorce Steve at least for today. He was quiet enough that I slept in until 8:30.  Got my wordle and played words. Coffee and a muffin.  Watched TV  finished decorating the tree and house.  Steve was working.  I made a jello salad. Some stitching.   Steve called around 2 during his lunch.  He worked an extra hour.  Then we had pot pies and went to card Bingo.  We didn't win but our table had 3 Bingos.  Home in the rain and watched some football.  Stevecwasvin much better spirits.  When he gets wound up he has no filters.

Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well today started out ok.  Steve slept in and so did I. I fixed him waffles for breakfast.  I didn't even get to drink my coffee. Then he wanted to go to Lowes to get lights and Christmas decor.  On the way there we had a terrible fight. Most probably because he found out the it was his boo boo that caused us to not get the shoes he ordered.  Anyway we said some pretty awful things especially Steve.  Then I went in Walmart and got what I needed.  Came home and put it away.  Once we got back Steve put out the Christmas lights and just about killed himself.  I put out the rest of the house decor.  Fords dropped by after I took the dogs to the dog park.  Finally it was time to escape into the bedroom for TV cuddles and stitching.  

Thursday, December 1, 2022

December 1, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

Well the dreaded appointment with the neurologist is over.  As anticipated no news or insight.  We got up Steve early me 7:30.  As usual Steve made as much noise as he could. He went to carving after erecting the Christmas tree. I spent the morning stitching after vacuuming the mess up off the floor.  Then about 1 we took off for Flagstaff.   We finally found the place and I saw the doc.  40 minutes in and done. Then back home. We stopped at Lindo Mexico for a bite to eat. We got home about 6:30. Fed the dogs and it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching.