Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April 30, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Last day of the 4th month.  I thought I got to sleep in till 8. But it was only 7!. Breakfast and chores.  We headed out about 9. Stopped at Amazon but the doors were locked. Got the girls nails clipped. Signed them up for teeth cleaning.  Then over to Safeway to pick up Steve's pills. Then we came home dropped off the puppies and headed out to get haircuts.  Visited our neighbor in the rehab center on Lake Valley. Then we decided to have a breakfast sandwich  and Donut. Then home for for TV and stitching. Cart ride to the dog park. Steve smoked a pork loin and that is what we had for dinner.  Amazon packages finally arrived. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Woke up about 7:30. I did a few things in the craftxroom while Steve puttered around outside. About 11 we headed to Walmart.  Who should I run into but Colleen and Mike.  Tgeb we headed to Safeway to pick up some scripts. And more groceries.   Then home to put it all away.  Lunch and a,few more chores.  Finally stitching and TV.  Steve BBQED the fish we caught in Cottonwood. More TV and stitching to finish the night.   

Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 28, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up at 7. Breakfast and chores.  4 loads of laundry.  Baked two loads of banana bread. Done  with most of it by 11.  Then TV and stitching.  Steve worked outside.   Went over to the Fords about 3 to visit for about an hour.  Took Mike the CBD oil.  Then home to feed the dogs. Over to the Etzels for tacos. Randy put Steve to work. Yanked with Linda but very little chemistry there.  Hope Randy doesn't call on Steve every time he needs help.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

Woke up at the crack of dawn.  Got breakfast and chores. Off to help at craft show. Colleen was already there. Froze our buts off. Sold very few raffle ticket. Connie's Richard brought me home to get a sweater.  Colleen had Mike bring us blankets.   Stayed there till about 12 then came home.  25 cars. Hardly any people. Came home to defrost.  It did rain for a short while. Quick dinner and we were off to Bingo. I won the last big pot. Home to finish off the evening.

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up as usual. Breakfast and chores. The sky looked ominous.  Hung out til it was time to drop off the baked goods and help set up the roundhouse fir the craft show.  That took an hour. Colleen and I  had to run to her house for some tables. Steve tried to help set up foe the car show. Found Rick to be the jackals we all know him to be.  I stayed home after the roundhouse.  Usual cart ride.  TV and stitching tge rest of the night.  

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 I woke up really early. Got up and did prep for breakfast. Made coffee. Steve did his chores.  Went to carving. Did some errands. I baked two batches of banana bread for the bake sale. Then stitched the rest of the day.  Thunder and lightening early this morning. Cart ride.  .  

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up late this morning.  Breakfast and chores. We loaded up  the  old recliner and too it to hospice.  Then another car wash. And quick stop at Ace.  I stitched the rest of the day ad Steve waxed the car. Cart ride to get the mail.   Washed the cart too.  More TV and stitching. TV.  Nice restful day.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April 23, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up and at early. 9:15 pedicure appointment.   Then over for a much needed car wash and vacuum.  Finally headed over to  Costco.  We had our ears cleaned.  Bought way too much stuff.then home to put it away.  Then TV and stitching . About 4 Steve decided we needed to go out for dinner at Plaza Bonita.  So we called the Fords and made a plan. It was OK.  Finished the evening off with TV and stitching. 

Monday, April 22, 2024

April l 22, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Today Steve got a wild hair up his butt and decided about 8 am that we should take a tour of northern Arizona. So we left about 9. 500 miles and 10 hours later we were back home. We went up thru camp Verde to Strawberry and Payson. Over to St.John's on the New Mexico border. Then springerville and Eager . Pine top and ShowLow.  Then back the way we came at 75 to 80 mph.  We got home about 7.  Almost time for bed. We did see a herd of Elk.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 21, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up. Stevecwanted bacon and eggs so that is what he got. Did two loads of laundry. Guess I will not find a close friend here. Did two loads of laundry to get back on my Sunday Schedule.   Stitched nmmost of the day. Quick cart ride with the dogs.  Left over spareribs for dinner.  Steve worked on his carving. Nice day. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

April 20, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up about 7;45. Breakfast. Chores. I barely got a cup of coffee before Steve was moving furniture around and vacuuming.  Got dressed and put the chair together which is really nice.  So then I decided to finish vacuuming the rest of the house and dusted.  Finally about noon I sat down to stitch.  2 cart rides to the dog park. Quick dinner. Fords popped in just ascwe sat down to eat. They stayed till it wasbtime to leave for bingo. I won once. Then home for bedtime regime.

Friday, April 19, 2024

April 19, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up about 8. Breakfast and chores. I did some mending.  Steve smoked some ribs which were delicious.  Then TV and stitching the resr of the night and day.  Couple of cart rides for errands.   Quiet Day at home.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up about 7:15. Breakfast and chores.  Steve went to carving.  Colleen and I went to Book Club. Two other people were there.   Then I  stopped at Colleen 's to find out about Hudson and rex.  No luck.  We had lunch.  Then off to Wal-Mart and Safeway.  Home to put it all away.  Finally about 3 I was ablrvto sit and stitch for an hour. Then off to the dog park. Home for dinner . More stitching and TV to finish off the day.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

April 17, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Last night I realized that I left my blue quilt in the rig and Steve left his sweat shirt.  So we had to go to out to the repair shop to retrieve them  in Mayer.  We got up, breakfast and chores. I got the laundry started.  5 loads washed dried and  folded.  Put  away.  After that it was stitching and TV.  Same stuff differen day.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

April 16, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ R

We got up about 7:30. Breakfast and we started packing up. We took off about 10.  Got here back home just before 11..  then unloaded the trailer. About 12:45 we dropped the trailer at the repair place in Mayer.  Came home to finish putting things away.  Took the dogs to the dog Park stopped to say hi to the Fords.  Caught up with their news and the park.  Home for quick dinner. Finally did bit  stitching .  Laundry tomorrow. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

April 15, 2024 Rio Verde RV Park, Cottonwood AZ

 We got up early. Breakfast and chores.  Ralph and Wendy got here  about 10. Wentvto dead horse park.  They git busy setting up  their pokes.  They go quite often. Steve set up his pole.  I took all three dogs for a walk around the pond. Ralph and Wendy caught their limit right away. Steve caught one small one. He was happy he did not get skunked. Then we followed them  over to Plaza Bonita for a wonderful  Mexican lunch. We filled the truck up and  came home. TV and stitching  for the rest of the night. Steve  got pissed off so he hijacked the TV remote.  Then bedtime routine. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

April 14, 2024 Rio Verde RV Park, Cottonwood AZ

 It was really cold when we woke up as we ran out of gas and the electricity was out again.  Steve had to turn on the generator just so I could get out of the recliner. Looks like a pole went down.  Breakfast. Decided to go to tractor so Steve could see his Girl friend Colleen. Spent a small fortune.  Then over to Walmart.  Back home to find the electricity back on.  So we  stitched and watched TV.  Steve prepped his fishing rod.  We ate spaghetti  for dinner.  More TV and stitching to finish the a day. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13, 2024 Rio Verde Rv Park, Cottonwood AZ

  We got up normal time. I should say Steve got up normally and made enough noise to wake me up.  Then we got ready to pull up stakes leisurely.  We left at 10:30. Drove 150 miles to Cottonwood.  We arrive about 1:30. Stopped twice to potty. Setup.  Then TV and stitching to gmfinish off the night.

Friday, April 12, 2024

April 12, 2024 Petrified Forest KOA, Holbrook AZ

 We got up around 7. Breakfast and chores. We watched TV all day. Got lots of stitching done.  I finally decided the Colleen is an underhanded bully.  The only time she texts is when she wants to let me know thar she is off with the Burczyks. I absolutely despise her. Can't say anything as she would blab it around the Park and I would end up being the bad guy .   We are off tomorrow.  Just a short jaunt to Cottonwood.   Steve went to the Post Office and filled up  the truck.  

Thursday, April 11, 2024

April 11, 2024 Petrified Fores KOA, Holbrook AZ t

 Got up early and took off for Canyon de Chelly.  It was about 2 hours. Started out at the visitors center.we took off down the south side Canyon de la Meurte there were several overlooks.  Then back tracked to Canyon de Chelly.  It was beautiful.   Steve seemed like he was about ready to get pissed off but never really blasted off.  We left the Canyon about 2:30. Came home thru Window Rock and Gallup.  Arrived here about 5:30. Fed and pottied the dogs. Went out for a quick bite at a nearby restaurant.  Came back for stitching and a little TV .

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

April 10, 2024 Petrified Forest KOA, Holbrook AZ

 We got up at the crack of dawn with the dogs. Breakfast and chores. Then we hit the road  for the painted desert and petrified forest. One thing became evident. I need to walk more. Felt good to get out there.  70 Mike round trip. 10 stops on tge loop.  Stop at Safeway and got gas for our trip tomorrow to canyon de chelly.   Came home and bbq hot dogs for lunch.  Then stitching and TV.  Dinner was BBQED hamburgers.  Then bedtime routine. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 9. 2024 Petrified Forest KOA, Holbrook AZ

 Today we drove about 250 miles. We left about 9:30. So tired being mauled by the dogs. Hazel decided she wants to come out of her crate now.  Steve is being an a hole. We weren't speaking by the time we arrived.  He did several maintenance chores before settling in his chair.  We stopped a whole 5 minutes for lunch.  It was a surprisingly hard day.   Still more work to do.

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 8, 2024 Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 Got up . Stevevhad a hard night. Thinks he passed a kidney stone. But seemed ok today.  I fixed him breakfast.  Chores.  Cleaned the fridge door bins.  Steve picked up the outside stuff. Stitched and TV. Wentvto Michael's and got gas.  Then home for left overs for dinner.  Had enough of Tucson and Voyager RV.   Leaving tomorrow. On to Holbrook and Canyon de Chelly.   

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7, 2024 Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 Got up early.  Dressed coffee and crossword.  Then off to breakfast and errands. First Ace Haedware.. then Breakfast at the Waffle House. Okay food but hated to watchbthem cook.  Then over to the mad house also known as Costco.  It was awful.  Finally Walmart.   Then home to put everything away.   Sat down for stitching TV and carving.  Then BBQED steak for dinner.  Tomorrow is our last day here. Steve expecting a huge breakfast.

April 6, 2924 Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 Quiet day at the RV. I stitched Steve carved.  Watched TV.  Cooked dinner.  Same stuff different day.  Bedtime routine.  Cooler as anticipated.  Not looking forward to 2 months in the trailer.  Now I understand why I did not want to continue living in it.

Friday, April 5, 2024

April 5, 2024, Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 We got up about 7:30. Breakfast and chores.  We decided since it was so windy we would drive to Bisbee . So we drove to Benson to Tombstone. We got out at Tombstone for pics. Then on to Bisbee where we decided it was too congested so we took offvfor Douglas. A quick stop at tge Copper queen mine where we lunched.  Drove by the Gadsden Hotel to see where Poncho Villa rode his horse up the marble staircase NOT.  Then on through Sierra vista and backbto Tucson.  Colleen texted supposedly to see hiw the trip was going but really to let me know they were dining out with the Burczyks.   Stitching and TV the rest of .the night.  Wind died down somewhat.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024

April 4, 2024 Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 Got up early.  Coffee and chores.  Then off to breakfast with the Nances and the Clark's atvtge Bisby Breakfast Club in Murana about 35 miles away.  It was very good but too short. Then back home.  Hung out at the house. I stitched and Steve did some carving.  BBQED hot dogs  for dinner.  Put on short pants and they still fit!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

April 3, 2024, Voyafer RV Resort, Tucson AZ

 We got up about 7. Breakfast and chores. Steve went outside to organize his fishing gear and then came in to replace a ceiling light and turn the curtains around.  We then decided to take a ride to Mt. Lemmon.  It was about 35 miles one way.  Took about 3 5 hours.  Home for lunch and trip tocwhatvi thought was the dog park.  Locked myself out of the park.  Rescued by another dog daddy.  Then we went to Fat Willy's in the park for dinner.   It was very good.  We were stuffed.  Went to sit outside. Has a fight about the curtain holders. Came in one of the shades fell on Steve.  He isxready to blow a gasket for some reason which of course he won't tell me.  He has been working on a blow out since we left home.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April 2, 2024 Voyager RV Resort, Tucson AZ

Steve was up about 6:30 so I wasbup as well.  Breakfast and chores.  Loaded  the food and last minute things into the trailer.  I was ready at 9:10.  We left at 10Am.  Steve backed into the cart. Bent the  trailer license plate holder which I haven't mentioned to him.  No incidents to report.  We stopped at the rest stop near Casa Grande.  We arrived here at about 1:45.  Set-up.  Cleaned up. And watched TV and stitched the rest  the night. Made ice.  Nice place.  Huge.  We were able to pull thru the site.  


Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 2024 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well we are ready to hit the road for a couple of weeks.  Got up about 7:15. Steve went and filled up the truck. We had to work between showers. We brought the trailer over about1 and loaded all but the last minute stuff.  Finished the countryman.  Quick dinner. No stitching as all my supplies are in the trailer ready to go.  Safe travels to us.