Monday, August 12, 2019

August 12, 2019 Antelope Valley RV Park, Delta UT

I thought we had the house sold but it doesn't look like Nikki is going to take it.  So we will uo the rent  and they can pay the utilities as well.  May we will up the asking price and put it on the market.
Another day down.  Three more to go. God this place is deserted and quiet as a tomb.  We got up around nine. Actually Steve got up after I did.  I got up at nine and he got up about 10 or 15 minutes later.
Breakfast and chores.  I sewed till about 1.  I got all the pot holders trimmed and quilted. At one I walked the dogs and ate a snack.  Then we decided to run a couple of errands in town.  When we came back I decided to do a couple of loads of laundry.   Steve said he was out of socks so I did whites and lights  Tomorrow I will finish up with two loads of coloreds. 
I hope we get up earlier today.  After laundry then dinner and TV.  Definitely
Ssdd.  Did get some reading in.  Good book. Something a bit different for Sandra Brown.
It is sad when the highlight of the day is laundry.

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