Friday, January 31, 2020
January 31, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Super day today. We got up at 7 am with the alarm. We met Betty and Larry at the Big House Cafe at 8:30. I ordered a flapjack which was not fully cooked. We lingered for awhile the each went our separate way. We headed over to Norris RV for propane. Then we stopped at Fry's for supplies. We unloaded the groceries then I went down to the quilt room and arranged two quilts on the design wall. Chatted for awhile. Then came home for a Teryx ride. Some sewing. About 4 we sat outside at Larry and Betty's til 5 . We went over the directions for the buckets and bows project. Sandy and Alan came over. At 5 sandy and Betty and I went to JoAnn's but everything was on sale so I couldn't use the coupon. A quick trip to the good will. Back at Larry and Betty's the guys were waiting for us. We decided to hold off on the chicken til tomorrow . So it was hot dogs and beans. Then dishes and up in the bedroom for TV and cuddles.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
January 30, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
I got with the alarm at 6:30. Today was the trip to Phoenix for the quilt show. Larry was here and ready to boogie at 7:45 as promised. There was judy from the quilt club with us. A very nice lady from Canada. She lives north of Edmonton Alberta. Right now she is in spot 576 in the park. We arrived at Macayos and caught up with Lisa who picked us up and took us to the quilt show. We walked through the two buildings. It was amazing and overwhelming. I did much better this year than last spending wise. But after 4 hours of walking looking for Halloween fabric and items for our dresden neighborhood in March we decided to head back to zmacayos to meet up with Larry and have lunch. We had a very nice lunch on the patio with the doves which I didn't really care for. Then back to the rig and Steve by 4. I sewed for awhike. Steve had dinner but I was too full. Some TV with Steve. Then uo to the bedroom for cuddles with Dogs and more TV.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
January 29, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Got up at 7 then went out on the couch and slept for another hour in the couch. Then breakfast and chores. Steve left for a motorcycle ride and I sewed until it was time to leave for quilt meeting. Picked up Betty Suzanne and Sandy. Went to the quilt meeting then block of the week. Finally home. Some quick sewing. Quick dinner. Teryx ride and then a quick dinner. Then girls night out. Steve didn't go to Bingo. I bingoed with Paul Heebner. The he went again but wouldn't share the winnings. Then home in the Teryx after dropping off Sandy. Then home for TV.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
January 28, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We had a full day. Up really early 7 am with the alarm. Today was the day for Betty's candy bag class. It was fun and I helped out where I could. Steve came at 11:15 to pick me up. We took a quick ride with the dogs to pick up a package and let the dog's do their thing. Suzanne came over about noon. We chatted for awhile then we left for the cotton farm. We got there about a half hour early. Then we all went into a small building for over 90 minute lecture on all we would ever need to know about cotton farming and then some. Then we walked around and oggled the farm equipment. Finally we took a hayride through the fields. Fascinating stuff. We finished up about ten to four. So we drove straight through to Taco Tuesday. We had a grand time as usual. We definitely need to find a new set of friends. Sandy really is starting to bug me. She has so many health issues. She gets migraines she has back issues she gets car sick. The list goes on. Very high maintenance. I don't know what is wrong with me but something is not right with my attitude. Oh well this too shall pass. We got back about 6. Took the dogs to the dog park. Finally TV and ice cream..
Monday, January 27, 2020
January 27, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We need to get some different friends here than what we have. Guess we are just chopped liver. We probably need to happy hour more than we do. The whole group went to Barris Pizza and didn't think to invite us. However Sandy couldn't wait to tell me he take of woe as to what transpired at the meal. I can't stand Karen Andews . She always has one better story to relate and she never shuts up. Done with my rant. Think I am going to back away from that group of people including Betty.
I got up at 8 ish. Breakfast and chores as usual. Steve finally got a shower and took the dogs out. As soon as I finished my chores I got underway sewing. I made my two potholder blocks. Then I finished sewing the rest of my quilt blocks together and am ready to put them on the design board for the final stitching together. I finished up about 12:25. I quickly threw together lunch and walked the dogs. Then off to coloring. Ron McDuff picked me up at the corner and drove me to the Clark's. Then we walked to the Clubhouse. We had coloring in the craft room again. Walked back to our rig with a quick stop at Betty's to get set up for tomorrow's class. We discussed Thursday's quilt show jaunt. Which has turned into a cluster fuck. Steve decided he was going whick won't really work out since Larry wants to go visit some friends or an aunt. Them home to sew tomorrow's potholder blocks. And prepared more half square triangles . We did our daily Teryx ride and picked up the mail. We stopped and chatted with the neighbors for awhile. Then home for sewing and dinner. Brushed the dogs' teeth. Then it was time for nightly TV.
I got up at 8 ish. Breakfast and chores as usual. Steve finally got a shower and took the dogs out. As soon as I finished my chores I got underway sewing. I made my two potholder blocks. Then I finished sewing the rest of my quilt blocks together and am ready to put them on the design board for the final stitching together. I finished up about 12:25. I quickly threw together lunch and walked the dogs. Then off to coloring. Ron McDuff picked me up at the corner and drove me to the Clark's. Then we walked to the Clubhouse. We had coloring in the craft room again. Walked back to our rig with a quick stop at Betty's to get set up for tomorrow's class. We discussed Thursday's quilt show jaunt. Which has turned into a cluster fuck. Steve decided he was going whick won't really work out since Larry wants to go visit some friends or an aunt. Them home to sew tomorrow's potholder blocks. And prepared more half square triangles . We did our daily Teryx ride and picked up the mail. We stopped and chatted with the neighbors for awhile. Then home for sewing and dinner. Brushed the dogs' teeth. Then it was time for nightly TV.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
January 26, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We had another great day today despite the fact that it was filled with chores. Got up at 8 and had breakfast. Pulled the bed sheets off the bed and organized the laundry. I sat down to make three potholder blocks. Then off to the laundry. It was packed but I found three free washers. Despite the washers that were out of order. Got everything ing washed and in the dryer. Then off to fix lunch. Back at the laundry only to find the whites still wet. While they were drying I folded the other two and went to check on the shingled one while they were in paint and sip. Back to field the whites. Back at the rig I put the clothes away and started sewing blocks. Then a Teryx ride. We had ribs in the instapot. Finally dishes and TV with cuddles.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
January 25, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Gorgeous day today. We got up at the crack of dawn 7 am with the alarm. I got started on the chores. Time for our annual biscuits and gravy breakfast. Just two hours until our breakfast guests arrive. My biscuits took forever to cook and never did brown . Leslie tweaked her back and wasn't able to make it so we sent a care package to her. All the food was great. We quickly cleaned up the mess and I did dishes as soon as everyone left. Then I walked over to the quilt room to help Betty lay out her quilt. We found out that she put the blocks on wrong on some of them we did not check them all. There are two that definitely needed to be redone. I also noticed that there were some that were crooked like mine. We just about drove ourselves nuts trying to vary the fabric patterns. Once we finished with that I walked home and took the dogs for a walk and got them set up in the small dog pen with something to chew on. Then over to Suzanne's porch to rest. Betty was on medication for her shingles so she was not up to par. I walked home and got a little sewing in Finally. We took a Teryx ride. Then more sewing. I walked the dogs again. Then we decided to go to Michael's then to the Big Wa for a wonderful dinner. We got there just in time to get seated. Shortly after that there was a line out the door waiting to get seated. Delicious food. Then over to Fry's to get milk and a fee other things. Home to watch TV and cuddle.
Friday, January 24, 2020
January 24, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Got up at 7:30. Had breakfast and did chores which included dishes. I sat to sew for 10 minutes then off to get a haircut at Shelly Brooks. Then back home to get ready for a Teryx ride. Then lunch and coloring. I took Sandy in the Teryx to coloring. Betty went to urgent care. I looked at a bite on her back Wednesday. I thought it might be shingles. As it turned out it was shingles and they gave her some prescriptions. So she is now medicated. Thank you doctor Deb.
Finally home to sew. Of course Steve decided he wanted to take the dog run down. I was able to sew for 20 more minutes. Steve decided to walk with me to the dog park. We ended up taking a walk around the block then a Teryx ride. Finalky home to fix Irene's white spaghetti. More dishes the TV ice cream and cuddles.
Finally home to sew. Of course Steve decided he wanted to take the dog run down. I was able to sew for 20 more minutes. Steve decided to walk with me to the dog park. We ended up taking a walk around the block then a Teryx ride. Finalky home to fix Irene's white spaghetti. More dishes the TV ice cream and cuddles.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
January 23, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We had another fun filled day at Casa Grande. Steve is still only sleeping a few,hours in bed. I got up for good about 7:30. Breakfast and morning chores the I sewed while Steve was at carving. He came home just before 11. I took the dogs for a short walk then Shirley and Paul picked us up for Lunch at Creative Cafe. They dropped us off at the house. Then we took the Teryx over to their place and played Five Crowns. We left there after making a plan to meet up in two weeks for more cards and Pizza. We went home and grabbed the dogs for a Teryx ride. Then back to the house for more sewing. After a snack for dinner I retired to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
January 22, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today was Betty's birthday. It started while I was still asleep and I heard her text notifications. Got up for breakfast and chores. Steve got busy and cleaned the filters on the air conditioners and tried to figure out if he could fix the fire place which decided to quit working. Then over to Betty's to lay out the quilt and get ready to sew the blocks together. Back to the rig for lunch and a little sewing. Then off to coloring and block of the week. We waited at Sandy's for them to come back from coloring with our stuff. I met up with Steve in the Teryx and went for a short ride. At 4:40 went got in Allen's truck and went to BeDillons for Betty dinner. The food was excellent but pricey. Would definitely go back. Then home for TV and recreation.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
January 21, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We woke up to heavy rain. The dogs went out early. I did my chores as usual. I supposed to go shopping with Betty at 9 but Steve needed the truck to go carving. So we waited until 11 when carving got out. I sewed while waiting for Steve. We went to the crowded post office. I just about sideswiped a vehicle but Betty kept screaming car and I pulled back in my lane in the nick of time. Then Safeway. That took us out until 1. Came back and dropped. Betty off and her groceries. The put my groceries away. I ordered the backing for the quilt but Steve didn't have much to say he was so engrossed in the impeachment hearings he didn't say much. Then I did a little more sewing until it was time to go to Taco Tuesday.. we had a great time as usual. Then back home for TV and ice cream.
Monday, January 20, 2020
January 20, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Well another jamb packed fun day. We started out early with breakfast at Mimi's . I ordered an avacado bacon omelet with spinach tomatoes and cheese. I requested no tomatoes. What I got was an omelet with tomatoes and spinach in it . In top was a slice of melted cheese two tomato slices two strips of bacon and avocado. I ate it but told the waitress that I was not happy. So they comped the omelet off the bill.
Then off to have our nails and toes done. That felt good. Glad to be rid of that red polish. Back home to walk the dogs and take a Teryx ride. Stopped at the Heebner's to set up a lunch and card game on Thursday. Rushed back home and got ready for coloring. We got pushed out of the ballroom again. They were auditioning for the talent show. We went over to the craft room to color. Betty wasn't there since they went to Phoenix for lunch. Sandy and I walked over with Suzanne. Back at the rig I did my two potholder blocks and eventually fixed dinner.
Tonight we saw a BeeGees Trubute band. It was pretty good. I didn't know which songs to expect but I did recognize some of them. Then back home for TV and relaxation.
Then off to have our nails and toes done. That felt good. Glad to be rid of that red polish. Back home to walk the dogs and take a Teryx ride. Stopped at the Heebner's to set up a lunch and card game on Thursday. Rushed back home and got ready for coloring. We got pushed out of the ballroom again. They were auditioning for the talent show. We went over to the craft room to color. Betty wasn't there since they went to Phoenix for lunch. Sandy and I walked over with Suzanne. Back at the rig I did my two potholder blocks and eventually fixed dinner.
Tonight we saw a BeeGees Trubute band. It was pretty good. I didn't know which songs to expect but I did recognize some of them. Then back home for TV and relaxation.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
January 19, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Not much to report here. We spent all day here at the rig. I got up at 7:30. Had breakfast, we took a Teryx ride. I sewed most of the day. I made 2 potholder tops, made my block of the week, worked on the river quilt and made the half square triangles for the next block. I may make more of those as it will make the block sewing go much faster. We watched football the NFC and AFC conference championships. Of course it will be the niners versus the Chiefs. Again I will be rooting for both teams. I finally blew up Steve at Steve. All he does is eat and sleep on days like this. I told him he will be on diabetes meds and checking his blood if he isn't more careful. Ugh!
Saturday, January 18, 2020
January 18, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
What a day. We got up by 7:30. I fixed Steve some some scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. Did our morning chores. Betty came over by 10 with pancakes alerting me she ccx was ready to go over to the cutting room.. I picked her up about 10:15 and over to the quilt room we went. Steve came over to take the Teryx and take Sandy down to the mailboxes and pick up her mail. We cut until I needed a break then we went home for about an hour. Frankly I was sick of listening to Betty yak. She never seems to shut up. Drives me nuts. I don't have to talk to her for another 2 days. Yeah. Anyway we finished cutting finally a little after 4. I drove Betty home and they were having happy hour. We decided to go down and visit for awhile. Around 5 we went home. Fed the dogs and went to Culver's for dinner. A short drive then back to the rig for TV and cuddles.
Friday, January 17, 2020
January 17, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
This was an unusual day. Very little sewing but I got some beading done. Got as usual. Steve woke me at 7 inspite of my not setting the alarm. I got ready and sat down to sew. Steve went to the store and got propane. Then we ran down to the office to pick up tickets for the Eagles Tribute band on March 2nd. Then he dropped me off at Sandy's for a day of beading and gabbing. Bertha , Jean and a gal by the name of Linda came over from Florence. We beaded until about noon then went to lunch at the Creative Cafe. Linda ordered a BLAT and I ordered the Crunchy Munchie wrap. Then we traded half of each one. Yummy. Back to beading for another hour. Steve came and got me in the Teryx. Then we went to say goodbye to the Fords. We stayed and chatted for awhile then over to the Dog park . Back to the house for an hour of sewing. Then dinner and dishes. Finally TV in the bedroom cuddled up to Sophie. Long day.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
January 16, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Well the day started early again. I got up with the Alarm. Steve got up later. I ate breakfast and did morning chores. Steve went off with Denny to carving. I took off with Betty on errands. We made our usual stop at JoAnn's and found nothing. Then off to the quilt lady to pick up Betty's quilt which turned out amazing. Found out she is not going to be quilting for the rest of the year. Then over to Michael's and finally the 99 cent store. Back home to find Steve had ymtaken to dogs out already. Shock. I had lunch and Steve left for his tooth extraction. I took the clothes to the laundry room and ran them thru the wash. Once they were in the dryer I came home. Then Steve arrived. He did ok. I sewed for a few minutes the back to the laundry to fold clothes. Packed up my marbles and drove home. Steve was just coming back from walking the dogs again. Double shock. We threw the clothes baskets in the door then off we went on a Teryx ride with the dogs. Back to the rig for more sewing .. steve had soup for dinner I had egg and sausage burritos. Steve fed the dogs while I sewed. Triple shock. Games dishes and clothes put away. Finally TV.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
January 15, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today's adventure was a trip to Chandler to go through Eddie Bashas Museum. It was definitely worth the trip. We left here about 9 and arrived there about 9:45. We hooked up with Haland Shirley Perry. The Museum itself is fabulous they had hundreds of paintings, kachina carvings, bronze statues, and kachina drawings by lost of different Cowboy artists. Eddie Basha passed in 2013. It was fabulous but not my style. Then we all drove over to Chen's Chinese Bistro for lunch. We left about 1:30. And took a roundabout way back. We arrived here about 2:25. I ran in and grabbed my block and jammed over to La Casa where we showed off our blocks. Back hone to sew for awhile. The a snack for dinner then off to Bingo. Bingo was a bust but we had a good time. Then TV with girls for the rest of the night.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
January 14, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Well today was very busy and it was only a Tuesday. Tomorrow promises to be busy as well. I set the alarm for 7 and got up. I decided to quit wasting the day sleeping late. Anyway I got up and started getting ready. Sandy Betty and Colleen went over to Palm Creek for their Craft Fair. It was amazing. Bought a couple of things and am thinking about a couple of others. We were home by 11:30. A quick lunch then Betty and Larry and Steve and I went over to Sundance RV park and took a wonderful tour with Carol Lund. They are more expensive than Fiesta Grande. But it is a much nicer park. Roads are better and the list goes on
There is no grass anywhere including the dog runs. We will have to wait until the middle of February to find out if they give us the Thousand trail discount here or not. We made reservations at Congress for March 9th thru April 9th.
There is no grass anywhere including the dog runs. We will have to wait until the middle of February to find out if they give us the Thousand trail discount here or not. We made reservations at Congress for March 9th thru April 9th.
Monday, January 13, 2020
January 13, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We both slept late this morning. I got up at 8 and Seve at almost 8:30. I made eggs this morning. I was out of shredded cheese but we were able to make do with provolone. Then I mended Steve's pants . He decided to take a short motorcycle ride. I sewed until it was time to go to coloring. I picked Betty up. She was in a very snarky mood. I am a little miffed but I will get over it. We extended out stay at Fiesta Grande. It took forever for them to figure out how to get the computer to accept the reservation. . We finished our coloring in the craft room. Back at the rig, Steve was home and off we went to Fry's. Once the groceries were out away we BBQ'ed hot dogs. Dishes then the normal TV.
I was really surprised at Betty today. Guess the honeymoon is over.
I was really surprised at Betty today. Guess the honeymoon is over.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
January 12, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We stayed home all day. Football playoffs. Our teams won. We got up late or I did. Breakfasted and did chores. Steve installed the rain shields on the truck. I vacuumed the floors and mopped in the bathroom. The I made my two potholder blocks. Then the quilt club's Block of the week. Finally got to the log cabin quilt. Kept my eye on the games. Made tamale pie for dinner. We got in a short Teryx ride. Texting with Betty all day. That woman is exhausting. I would rather sew than text. Turns out Steve doesn't want to dump the bathroom garbage with my used pouches in it. Interesting.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
January 11, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Well today is Marie Moore 's Birthday. I called her but she was napping. I hope that she is here for her next one. Jim was very vague saying she has her good days and bad days. She also has not called me back.
We got up around 7, Steve earlier. We did our chores and were out the door by 8:30. We picked up the Fords and were off to the cookie jar. The breakfast was adequate but certainly not exceptional. Steve said the chicken fried steak tasted funny. Then we went to the Dwarf Car Museum and checked it out. We drove through Maricopa and headed back home. At the rig I sewed and Steve stayed home and watched football claiming that he had a cold. This is his normal MO when wants to stay home and watch the game. He brought home a win for the niners. We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner which were quite tasty. Dishes then TV with the girls.
We got up around 7, Steve earlier. We did our chores and were out the door by 8:30. We picked up the Fords and were off to the cookie jar. The breakfast was adequate but certainly not exceptional. Steve said the chicken fried steak tasted funny. Then we went to the Dwarf Car Museum and checked it out. We drove through Maricopa and headed back home. At the rig I sewed and Steve stayed home and watched football claiming that he had a cold. This is his normal MO when wants to stay home and watch the game. He brought home a win for the niners. We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner which were quite tasty. Dishes then TV with the girls.
Friday, January 10, 2020
January 10, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Another incredibly busy day. Got up late as usual. Breakfast and the usual morning chores. Steve found out the his payment to the electric company was returned from the bank due to an incorrect routing number. He decided to run to their office which turned out not to be a business office. So he got all flustered about that.then he had to drag the printer out to print some things. I helped him straighten out the loft area which meant I had to stop what I was doing and put away my ostomy supplies. The with a half an hour left before coloring we had to go on a Teryx ride. We rode down to the Fords. Mike was sitting outside so Steve sat down to chat at all concept of time flew right out of his brain. I reminded him we had to leave. He dropped me at the dog park and I came home grabbed a bite to eat and left to pick up Betty for coloring. There were only 5 of us. They had a pickleball meeting in there at the same time. About 10 to three a guy came over and asked us how soon we were leaving or tone down the noise. It didn't go very well. Back to the house and continued sewing. Almost ready to start sewing on the last two color rows. Betty brought us Taco soup for dinner. Steve's had beans and mine was chicken with no beans. Dishes, dogs teeth brushed and TV.
Something is bugging Steve. We had words about which does the most work around the house. He had to dump all by himself. He does it all. He spills salt all over and leaves it for me to clean up. Oh well he says.
Something is bugging Steve. We had words about which does the most work around the house. He had to dump all by himself. He does it all. He spills salt all over and leaves it for me to clean up. Oh well he says.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
January 9, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today was the big trip to Florence to see the Buhmans. We got up as usual me first then Steve. We were in front of the Clark's place at 9:15. We arrived at the Buhman's about 10 am. First person we net was Bertha. Then Jean and then Dave came after horseshoes. We chatted till 11:20 then the girls drove over to the River Bottom Grill. The guys went in Dave's car and Bertha and Murph met us there. Wonderful lunch. The guys left to take the pups to the groomers. They ran several errands so we had Birthday cake for Sandy. They had theirs when they got back. About 2:24 we headed home. I sewed for awhile then we had a snack for dinner. Then TV in the bedroom with the girls. A good day.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
January 8, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today was Sandy's 74th Birthday. We got up at 7 and had breakfast. Then morning chores. I was hoping to sew but as soon as I sat down Steve wanted to take a Teryx ride with the dogs which meant I had to go. That took almost 40 minutes while we made a trip to the garbage. Then all around the park to fill the water bottles. Back to the rig with 45 minutes to spare. Got two blocks made. Then I walked over to Sandy's. A group of nine met at Boston's for lunch. 7 of us had the chicken Cobb salad. We got back at 12:30. Steve left for horseshoes. ( that was a shock). I left for the quilt meeting which lasted until after 2. A quick stop to say hi to the coloring people. Then over to the Casa to start the block of the week. I left the Teryx for Steve who was still at horseshoes. I walked back with Betty. Steve arrived here shortly after that. I made two more blocks. We ate a quick dinner. Then off to Bingo. We didn't win anything but the company was good. Back at the rig for TV and ice cream.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
January 7, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We had a great time at Taco Tuesday. We were up early this morning so Steve could head over to carving. Betty and I took off in the truck. First stop JoAnn's of course. Then the Quilterie to drop off Beatty's quilt the over to Walmart. I was done in 40 minutes. But Betty was not. I had to wait 40 minutes at the checkout for her. She had a really slow cashier. We didn't get back to the park until almost 12:30. Ste BBC e unloaded the groceries then took off for the dentist for a consultation. When he came home he decided that going to Mexico was too much of a hassle. However it means that we will be coming back next year god willing to do follow on Steve's dental work. I did some mending then sewing. Got my tow potholder blocks done. Then we took Beatty to Taco Tuesday. We had some new people tonight. Sandy and Alan didn't make it so we took them a to go order. Then home to feed the doggies. Then TV and a doggie cuddle.
Monday, January 6, 2020
January 6, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today I got up at 7:30 Steve at 8. I think he is still pissed off about the case if the missing chocolates. We ate breakfast and Steve went to the nuts and bolts place then came back. He carved and I sewed till it was time to go to the seminar and luncheon about dental service in Mexico. I stayed for coloring. When I got I found out that Steve didn't take the dogs to dog park since this morning. Sophie climbed out of the pen twice once heading over to the dog park. This is the third time he has neglected to take the dogs. It is almost like malicious compliance. I gathered up the laundry and got the wash going. Then we took the dogs for a Teryx ride stopping at the dog park. Then I put the clothes in the dryer. Came home and made the taco meat. Back to the laundry to fold clothes. Then back to the rig to finish dinner . Ground coffee beans in the new grinder. Dishes and finally TV in the bedroom.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
January 5, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Not alot to report on today. We got up at almost 8. We did chores. I was Steve's car repair assistant for a short period as he put on the other Bully step. I vaccuumed and dusted. Then I started sewing. We ate lunch. More sewing. Teryx ride, more sewing. Lots of football. Trips to the dog park. We ate egg sandwiches for dinner then dishes. Finally TV and ice cream and dog cuddling.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
We got up early and did our chores. Promptly at 8 our ride to breakfast came and off we went to the big house cafe for a wonderful breakfast with Colkeen and Mike. Very hearty. John Zeifle showed up for breakfast. Then after a stop at Harbor Freight we were back at the park. We toured the craft show the home.
I started sewing. As Steve sat down to watch football the bully steps for the truck arrived. So he spent the rest of the day trying to get the back one on. Tomorrow the front on. I tended the dogs and sewed. At 4:30 we took a Teryx ride. Then I fixed dinner at 5:30.
Finally dishes and TV in the bedroom with the dogs.
I started sewing. As Steve sat down to watch football the bully steps for the truck arrived. So he spent the rest of the day trying to get the back one on. Tomorrow the front on. I tended the dogs and sewed. At 4:30 we took a Teryx ride. Then I fixed dinner at 5:30.
Finally dishes and TV in the bedroom with the dogs.
Friday, January 3, 2020
January 3, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Well Steve is still in a snit but it is lessening. We got up late after 8. Did breakfast and chores. Then we took off for errands. First we got propane then we found a'wonderful groomer rmto clip the dogs nails. Dog and Suds on cottonwood. Then Steve wanted to have the truck washed. Finally we did our weekly shopping at Safeway. On our way home I decided to better part of valor was to go to Coloring. So I came in after walking the dogs and had lunch, put away the groceries, put away the chewy order, Organized under the bed and grabbed my coloring stuff and took the Teryx to the ballroom. Dropped Betty off and cine home to the silence. Steve was carving on the patio out back. I sewed for awhile till Sophie made it clear that she needed to go to the dog park. I asked Steve if he wanted to do a Teryx ride. He didn't sound thrilled however when I came out of the dog park and there was Steve waiting in the Teryx. So off we went. We went to see the Fords and make arrangements for breakfast at the Big House. Back to the house, me to sew and Steve to carve. We worked to about 6 the I warmed up the leftover soup. Ironed my blocks then dishes. Finally TV in the bedroom.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
Today was our big shopping trip to 35th Street fabric store. I got up at 6:45. Or should I say I got woken up at that time. Got up and did chores. We ate breakfast. I was out the door at 8:30. We went to the fabric store first and spent about 2 hours there. I bought several items but Betty didn't find much to her liking but then she goes to quilt shops more often than I. Then we ate lunch at Sweet Tomatoes which is a salad shop. They has pizza like bread, muffins, baked potatoes, and of course soup. Then we spent an hour or so at Hobby Lobby . Finally we went to Costco. We were home by 4ish.
Sophie was whining for a couple of hours but Steve was too lazy to take her to the dog run. He took her at 11:30 and that was all she was going to get. When I got home he didn't t even have his shoes on to help us un pack! Frustrating!. He had to wait until I came home to go down to the ballroom to sign up for the seminar on Monday. Finalky we stopped at the dog park. Then home to finish unpacking and did a little sewing. Then dinner which consisted of rotisserie chicken from Costco and cottage cheese and fruit.
I found out that Steve was taking more than his share of the truffles which I dole out 1 per person per night. Then I called home on it and he threw the expected fit. I went up to watch TV with the dogs. Perfect because I am in the Doghouse anyway.
Sophie was whining for a couple of hours but Steve was too lazy to take her to the dog run. He took her at 11:30 and that was all she was going to get. When I got home he didn't t even have his shoes on to help us un pack! Frustrating!. He had to wait until I came home to go down to the ballroom to sign up for the seminar on Monday. Finalky we stopped at the dog park. Then home to finish unpacking and did a little sewing. Then dinner which consisted of rotisserie chicken from Costco and cottage cheese and fruit.
I found out that Steve was taking more than his share of the truffles which I dole out 1 per person per night. Then I called home on it and he threw the expected fit. I went up to watch TV with the dogs. Perfect because I am in the Doghouse anyway.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
January 1, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ
This is a beginning of a new decade! I got up before Steve this January 1 at 7:30. Steve didn't make it til 8 ! I made pancakes (from Betty). Eggs and sausage. Cleaned up the mess and other morning chores. Then I gathered up my things and headed down to Betty's to start cutting on our 2020 quilt. We cut for about 2 hours then back to the house. Steve was actually out walking the dogs--miracles do happen. I did up the dirty dishes and got ready to color. Up to the ballroom to color til 3. Then walked back. I did more cutting while Steve did some power carving. Then a quick ride around the park. We BBQ'ed some steaks for dinner. Made my potholder for the day. Finally TV in the bedroom.
Larry and Betty are really having some serious issues. Hope everything turns out ok. They are both needing to resolve their own issues and meeting half way if this gets resolved anytime soon.
Larry and Betty are really having some serious issues. Hope everything turns out ok. They are both needing to resolve their own issues and meeting half way if this gets resolved anytime soon.
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