Thursday, January 30, 2020

January 30, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I got with the alarm at 6:30.  Today was the trip to Phoenix for the quilt show.  Larry was here and ready to boogie at 7:45 as promised.  There was judy from the quilt club with us.  A very nice lady from Canada. She lives north of Edmonton Alberta.   Right now she is in spot 576 in the park. We arrived at Macayos and caught up with Lisa who picked us up and took us to the quilt show.  We walked through the two buildings.  It was amazing and overwhelming.   I did much better this year than last spending wise.  But after 4 hours of walking looking for Halloween fabric and items for our dresden neighborhood in March we decided to  head back to zmacayos to meet up with Larry and have lunch.  We had a very nice lunch on the patio with the doves which I didn't really care for.  Then back to the rig and Steve by 4.  I sewed for awhike.  Steve had dinner but I was too full.  Some TV with Steve.  Then uo to the bedroom for cuddles with Dogs and more TV. 

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