Sunday, February 16, 2020

February 16, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well yesterday spiraled down rapidly. Steve threw a giant hissy fit last night about the percentage of used space on the DVR.   He erased all his movies.  What a fucking 2 year old.  I erased some stuff of mine.  This is about the most ridiculous argument we have had to date.  So he jumped in bed and pouted. Then we got up late.  Breakfast and chores.  I started sewing on a project. Steve went to Lowes to get a toilet seat and shower head. Then he decided to try and fix the toilet.  Let us just say he was not successful.  So we ended up buying a new toilet. Unfortunately  it won't be here for 10 days.  Fortunately we have two toilets.   It will quite a walk at night but we are not without a toilet.  We had more words.  He wanted me to stand around I think so he could yell  at me.   I got tired of it and went back to sewing.  I am sick and tired of being his whipping post.   So I finished my sewing project and went and visited Betty.   Caught a ride home with Steve in the Teryx.   Fixed dinner and did dishes .  He BBQ'ed hot dogs.  I know he is upset about  the whole toilet thing but what act like such an asshole.

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