Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17, 2020 Neskowin Creek RV Resort, Neskowin OR

Well we had a relaxing day at the rig today.  I got up about 8.  Breakfast and chores.  By 10:30 I was sewing.  I played out my blocks for the Fiesta Grande BOW.  The material I got for the sashing won't work.  So back to the drawing board.  This was determined after a lengthy conversation with Betty.   Steve was finally able to get out and carve and commune with the neighbors.   We made plans to go see Don Reutzel tomorrow  for an early dinner.  I walked the dogs and we had lunch.  More sewing.   A nice BBQ  of chicken thighs and potatoes.   This the first time on the new BBQ.   This one heats much higher and cooks so much better.   The electric went out again.  We complained and were told that we could move as the pedestal here is questionable.  So first thing in the morning we will make the move.  I finished  up a project in the sewing room and put some stuff away in preparation for tomorrow's move.  Finally TV and cuddles. 

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