Friday, December 18, 2020

December 18, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

 Well the grinch and I were up early to get to the post office to mail our Christmas packages to the family.   Back by 9 so Betty and I  could walk.  We did over 2 and a half miles.  Then I got cleaned up and ate lunch.  Went to coloring.   It was just Betty and Suzanne and I.  Once I was back at the rig Steve said Paul Heebner stopped by.  Apparently somebody in their block tested positive for Covid.  So they had been exposed.   So Steve wiped everything down real well.  I made my apple pie.  While it was baking the oven started smoking..  some juice must have over flowed.  We BBQ'ed hamburgers.  Dishes then TV and cuddles with the dogs. 

Steve has been real grinch all day.  He made his own lunch.  He walked the dogs while I was at coloring.   He ground the coffee  and put some things away under the bed.  Wonder if that is apology chores or he is still in grinch mode.

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