Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26, 2021 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

 Another fun day at Fiesta Grande RV Resort.   Up early to walk but postponed it a half an hour as it was pretty cold out.  Steve did quite a few chores including raking and watering the yard.  We did a short walk as we out walked ourselves yesterday.   

After walking there was sewing at Betty's.   A quick lunch then it was time for games.  Sandy and I decided that we needed to go out for dinner.   We each told our husbands that the other one asked us out.  Somehow they saw through our plan.  We played 5 crowns and had a real fun time.  Then we took some time to make a few reservations  but decided we would not plan too far ahead as we don't have any time constraints.   A Teryx ride with the dogs and we were ready to go to Lucky's for Chinese.   It was crowded but we survived.   Then home for TV and cuddles with the dogs each on our own TV. 

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