Tuesday, August 3, 2021

August 3, 2021 Maple Grove Resort, Randle WA

 Wow we got up at a quarter of nine.  So we got a late start on the day.  Chores.  Steve decided to carve.  I did chores which included sweeping.  Then I made a concerted effort to finish as much of the top for dan's quilt.  We worked til about 3:30 then took a quick trip to the grocery store in Packwood.   Back to the rig and it was about time to feed dogs and get ready  for dinner.  We BBQ'ed brats.  Dishes and it was finally time for TV and cuddles with the dogs.   Worried about Dave and Ed.  I know Savid is stressed about a lot of different things.  Ed is drinking way too much.  He must be really bored.  

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