Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Firiday thec13th turned out to be a great day.  I got up at 7:30.  We cancelled the vet appointment.  Hopefully things have resolved and Sophie will stop licking her eye.  I made bacon and eggs for breakfast.   Then we started our shopping expedition.  We started at ace hardware. The Hobby Lobby.  Costco.  While I was in Costco Steve bought A freezer.   Just in the nick of time.  Then best buy for printer ink.  Finally Safeway for groceries.   We paid our bill at nextcare.  Came home and put the groceries away.  Teryx ride.  Then I piddled around with the floss I bought.  Another Teryx ride.  We stole a push pin from the bulletin board for the neighbor.  I went to visit the neighbore. Sat on the porch for awhile.  The neighbors came to visit and Bobby their dog played with the girls.  Colleen and Mike drove by while they were there.  Dinner was a stuffed Chicked breast.  Cleanup.  Then it was time for TV stitching and cuddles. 

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