Last day of August. Steve was up and out early to go to coffee with the motorcycle guys in Diamond Springs. Came home and I had everything prepped to do laundry. Then off we went. Had to go to Placerville no laundry in the Park. Busy place and hot. The an errand at Wallmart. Stop at the dog park. Put the clothes away. Had a snack Steve took a nap. He started a movie which was ok. An episode of Longmire then the final episode of Longmire. Dog walk. Dishes. Fun fun.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Fun day with the Kibler's. Got up at 8. Slept right thru the night. Hung out till they got here at 11. About 12:15 we went to American River Pizza for lunch. We sat there for 3 and a half hours chatting and more when they came back to the rig. The finally left about 4:30. Then we called Ford and found out that the are having difficulty finding the part we need to repair the truck. We may have to stay here another week and everything out a week. We did not have an official dinner as I was still full from lunch. Then the neighbor came over and visited for half an hour. She flies a private charter plane for celebrities. Very interesting life. More stitching and more episodes of Longmire.
Monday, August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Got up at a decent hour. Steve carved for awhile while I stitched. We hung out at the house until it was time to go to dinner with Maylene and Don at the Forrester in Camino. Took us awhile since traffic was bumper to bumper due to construction. We were a few minutes late. Maylene ate almost no food. What we had was delicious. We left there at about 7 and stopped at Safeway to pick up a few things. Finally home to put away groceries and relax.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Fun day. We got up late. Me at 8. I made eggs for breakfast. Then about 10 we borrowed the park's blue boy. We made two trips to the dump station to empty the black and gray water tanks. The rest of the was spent watching episodes of Longmire. Dinner was BBQ'ed hamburgers. The more TV and stitching. We are on the downward slope to leaving here. Tomorrow we should know more about the truck.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Interesting day. Got up after a fairly good night's sleep. I actually fell asleep while reading a book. Woke up about 5:30. Went back to sleep for about an hour and a half. Then breakfast and some stitching till about noon. We determined that the gray water was full. Steve called to schedule the honey wagon. Not sure if it will be ready by Monday. May have to borrow their blue boy. Then we took off for Glenda's. First stop was the dog park. We stopped at big 5 for Steve's shoes. Then home depot. Then Nikki's to pick up the chewy box. Finally Walmart. Then over to Glenda's . We played Mexican train. I must be losing it as I missed several plays. Then Tom BBQ'ed brats. Finally home where we hit the dog park again.
Friday, August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Another leisure day. We were not supposed to do much of anything today. Breakfast and chores. We looked up and the electricity had gone out. We puttered around here till about 10:30. Then we decided to take a ride into Georgetown. PG&E was replacing a power pole here in the park. We picked up a sandwich at the market/deli. Sat outside and ate then jumped back in the car and drove up Wentworth Springs Road to Stumpy meadows Reservoir. We got back about 2:30. We had power by then. Breaking news their honey wagon is broke down. This ought to be interested as I think we may be full. No truck to haul it down to the dump station. Speaking of the truck. Over 6 thousand to repair it. It is what it is. Anyway we hung out here doing TV and stitching. Dinner was leftovers. No more in the refrigerator. Lots of people in the park. Weekenders. Next weekend will be a mad house here.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Today was busy but laid back. We got had breakfast. The jumped in the car and headed down town to the needle craft store. Not much there. Then we stopped at Verizon. Will have to replace the phone. Eventually. The got a hair cut. They closed the hospice on Placerville dr. Finally headed home. Then we hung out at the house the rest of the day. Lasagna for dinner. Lots of stitching. Steve painted in the back. Sofie has had diarrhea and some blood in her stool. Likecthus streaming.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Another day spent stitching. This will be a stitching trip. Stevecwas up early and out the door. He met Jim Moore and his cronies in Diamond Springs then on to Sportman's in Pollock for breakfast. He was home about noon. Then we just hung out the rest of the day. Steve made tons of plans which did not include me. We BBQ'ed pork steak for dinner. TV and stitching the rest of the night.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up a 5 and were out the door at 6:15. We stopped for gas at the Chevron by the Coloma club. Then drove to fleet services with no incidents. Except that we turned one driveway too soon. Then we headed to Caneron Prk for a breakfast sandwich at McDonald's. we stopped at Safeway to pickup groceries. Back to the rig to put everything away. Then Jim moore called and wanted to meet for lunch and it had to be today.. so if we went to meet him at Mel's. It was ok. We stopped at the quilt store but I took a fancy to nothing. Back home for stitching. Finished the Eagle. Love having the car. Steve's shoulder continues to bother him. Wonder what that is about. Always something
Monday, August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up early so we could have breakfast with Glenda and Tom at the Buttercup. It was yummy as always. Steve wanted to leave 45 minutes early buy it only took us 20 minutes to get there. We drove through town to check it out. Not alot has changed. Back to camp to hang out which we have become very good at. Steve did some carving and I stitched as always. I am very close to being done. Some greenery left to do. We had a quick dinner. Then went to Nikki's to pick up the car. Guess I haven't forgot how to drive. Anxious to get it over with. Steve is not sure where we are supposed to take the truck. Guess we will find out tomorrow. Back to the Campground and transferred things over to the car. She looks like crap but still drives well. We have to get up at the crack of dawn to get the car over there by 7:20.
Sunday, August 21, 2022
August 21, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We slept in as there was no internet. We were really roughing it. Steve was really worried. We could not call out. No wordle. No games and no TV. He did a little carving. I stitched . I took pity on him and played two games of 5 crowns with him. So far I am ahead 3 to zero. We had a snack. We left at two stopped at Safeway for Salad. The on to Stephanie's at three. We had a wonderful dinner. Salmon, beans. Salads. Rice it was all yummy. On the way back we stopped at Lotus park to potty the dogs. They ket us in for free. The co to the rig for a leisurely evening of TV and stitching. Internet came back on about 2 just as we were leaving.
August 20, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up about 7:30 . Had a quick breakfast. Steve went out and carved for awhile while I stitched. Then he came in for TV and I stitching. Finished the eagle. Now for the last tree. We went to visit Glenda . We had two squabble there and all the way home. He was advocating bringing the kids here where we have no room to move. He is also in asshole mode because I don't want to go to some party for all his Weott kids. People who I don't know nor share any history with. Nikki came out about 6. There was a fire across the river. They put it out very quick. Lots of smoke. He accused me of trying to put a wedge between him and his kids. I guess he just says stuff to hear himself talk. A two year old asshole.we had dinner. We took a ride so He could call Stephanie. He continues to try to get the TV to work even tho we have no internet due to the fire. Now the readout on the microwave does not work. Is there an another thing that can go wrong. Amazingly it came back on by itself. Love it when things fix themselves.
Friday, August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Got up at 7. Breakfast at nine with Lindy Pittman. At Annie's Mimosa. Then shopping at Safeway. Got gas. Came home. TV and stitching. Nikki barely has time to fit us in her schedule this weekend. I forgot to mention that what was lost has been found. And the chair works much better. Steve went to watch Teddy's game. It is now 11 and he is not home yet. Hope he gets home safely in the dark. He is on the motorcycle. Am really liking this streaming.
Thursday, August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up later than we anticipated but we were on the road by 9. We didn't have any issues with the truck. It was about 1:30 when we arrived. We drove 206 miles. It was 102 degrees. We got set up then I collapsed . I was so hot and sweaty. We hung out while the sun went down. We had leftovers for dinner. I walked the dogs after the dishes. Finally it was time for stitching. Getting close to finishing. I would say another week.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
August 17, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA ierra
We are sitting here once again without electricity and in our last day here. I was up about 7:15. We had breakfast and did chores. I gathered up the laundry. Steve was still in a snit. So it was a pretty quiet day. I did three loads in about 2 hours while Steve did the last of the getting ready chores here. It is really nice not having all that sewing stuff to put away. Then we chilled in front of the TV while I stitched. About 5 we jumped in the truck and got dinner at Yosemite grill. Came home for Seinfeld reruns and about 8:30 we were without electricity again. We head out tomorrow for Placerville area.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Our days here are numbered. Thank God. We are close to killing each other. Steve was up early as he had to take the truck back to Oakhurst. Turns out we have to take it to Roseville to a dealer to have it repaired. I understand that he is upset but who takes the beating. Me. We almost have everything put away. For some reason we cannot locate the black bag that has all the paperwork for the trailer. All our how to . We have looked everywhere multiple times for it and cannot locate it. A mystery. It was 101° today. We mostly sat in the trailer and baked. We will have a $300 electric Bill. We cooked potatoes and sausage. It was quite good. I stitched most of the day while Steve was tearing the trailer apart looking for the black bag. Fortunately the day is over and we can start over tomorrow.
Monday, August 15, 2022
August 15, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Today started last night about 10:30. The electricity went out again. We had to start the generator so I could get out of my chair. I propped my fee on a chair. But by 5 it was on again. Then we got up at about 8. Steve worked outside and I stitched. The Steve called the Rusty Piston. We took the truck in as there was a check engine light on. We got there about 1. The ran the codes. Something to do with the catalytic converter. Could only be a sensor but most likely with our luck it will be much more. He takes it in tomorrow to find out. Then we stopped in Von's and the shelves were just as bad as the last time we were in there. Had to go to Raley's to get what I couldn't get there. Home to put everything away. Then back to stitching and terrible movies. Dinner was fish sticks. Now we are watching Seinfeld for awhile. Maybe I won't kill myself today.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Steve let me sleep til 8: 15 but he was making noise the whole time. We had leisurely breakfast. Then Steve decided to watch a movie. I stitched. We are much. Move terrible movies. More stitching. We went to the ice cream social . Yummy . Met julie and Bob. New to the park. Ate ice cream. Came home. More movies and stitching. BBQ'ed pork steak for dinner. Took the dogs out to poop. Then Steve and I played two hands of 5 crowns. More bad movies. The end of another day.
Saturday, August 13, 2022
August 13, 2022 Park Siierra, Coarsegold CA
We got up by 8 at least I did. Steve wanted bacon and eggs. Then I stitched till noon and Steve carved. Then we hit the road to Bandit Town near North Fork. Then we went to Auberry for a potty break. Then Shaver and Huntington Lake. Steve wanted to see the damage done by the fire two years ago. Then home through Friant. We got home about 5:00. We had hot dogs for dinner and spent the rest of the hot night in front of the TV.
Friday, August 12, 2022
August 12, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Somehow I just erased everything I wrote. Got up at the crack of dawn. Chores. Then I got dressed and started stitching while Steve did trailer chores. He emptied the black tanks etc. About noon we jumped in the truck and went for lunch at the deli in Hillside Market. We ate in the car as we couldn't leave in the hit vehicle. Apparently the "kids" must go everywhere with us. Then home. More stitching . More bad movies. Trip to dog park. Very hot out. We are going to have a $300 electric bill. Frozen burritos for dinner. I did make some jello before the bananas went bad. More stitching. Then we shut down for the night.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
August 11, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Today was a much better day than yesterday. We got up about 7:30. Coffee and some chores then we headed to breakfast at Fairway Cafe. We drove to Oakhurst where I went to the Quilt store. The woman there talked my ear off so I really didn't get to shop a lot. We the drove around to find a potty place for every one. Steve made a toe appointment for himself. I waited in the car with the dogs. Then we headed home to the dog park. The rest of the time we sat and watched TV streaming. We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner. About 9 I started my evening routine. Another day down.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
August 10, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Today was a bust. I woke up and tried to get out of the recliner and determined that the electricity was out thank you CA. I had to slide out of the chair crawl on the floor till I could get enough purchase to get up. When I did I realized Steve was was in a ultra bad mood which I now understand was a justification to take a motorcycle ride and leave by myself in the trailer with the dogs. We had planned on breakfast but why bother when everyone was in a bad mood. The electricity was back on by 9. Steve left around 10. I stitched and did chores as usual. Then Steve came home and we continued to hand out and watch TV. Pot pies for dinner and we are in detente. Tune in tomorrow for the next chapter. Ugh.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022
August 9, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
.Another very boring day. I can't believe we survived 5 years in the trailer with out killing each other. Another hot day. I almost got to sleep until 7 am. Steve worked on and off outside then coming in to Pester me or watch terrible movies. I tried going out in the garage but it was just too hot. He is bored as well else he would not be acting like a jackass. We BBQ'ed steaks. Otherwise I am not sure how we are going to make it 9 more days.
Monday, August 8, 2022
August 8, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Another boring day. Got up and sputtered around. Steve got to go into Oakhurst to have the truck repaired. Fun for him. I stayed here with the dogs and watched TV and stitched. We walked to the dog park. We climbed the hill back to our spot. I did not die. More TV and stitching and reading. Looks like we will be here for the duration. .
Sunday, August 7, 2022
August 7, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
We got up leisurely. Breakfast. Watched a movie. Worked puzzles. Steve went outside and worked in the heat. I stitched. Steve came in for more TV. At three we went to Von's in Oakhurst. The shelves were empty. Came home and put it away. The dinner. Hot and very boring here. Most everyone is smart to leave. Wish we were diverting to the coast for a week. Dinner was BBQ'ed hamburgers. More movies. Pulled out everything I stitched in the eagle head. Will try again tomorrow.
Saturday, August 6, 2022
August 6, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
We got up late and had a nice breakfast. I reorganized some things to free up the bathroom. Mopped the floors. Steve took the dogs to the dog park and picked up the mail . He was pissed because did not want to stop what I was doing to go with him to the office. He came back and messed with the cable and got more frustrated. He spent the rest of the day working on his carving. I stitched all day. Finished one project and started another. Fish sticks for dinner. Dishes, walked the dog and stitched.
Friday, August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
We arrived back at Park Sierra about 3 o'clock today. We got and early start from Newberry Springs. We traveled 296 miles. We got set up. I mopped the back and will clean more as I can in the coming days. The park is pretty empty. We did a drive around. About 5 we went to Roberts Frosty. There was an old car club meeting there. One of the guys talked our ear off for about 15 minutes. Then back to Coarsegold. We have no regular TV for the next two months. We are roughing it for sure.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
August 4, 2022 Newberry Mountain RV Park, Newberry Springs CA
What a day . We were up at6 to get ready. Steve was waking everyone up at 6:30 moving the motorcycle. It was pouring down rain. We hand our coffee. About 8:15 we were over pulling the rig out of storage and putting it in front of them house to load the last of the food and frozen items. When we picked up the rig we noticed that there were no brake s on the trailer. We then hightailed it over to Affinity so they could tell what was wrong with it. Apparently Steve did not hook up the new battery correctly. So when we finally left town it was 11:30 . We then drove 336 miles to Newberry Springs. We ate on the road. We stopped in yucca for gas and a potty break. We arrived about 5:45. We got set up. We can only stream TV. It was almost 7:45 when we ate. I stitched for maybe an hour and accomplished very little. All the routinedms are skewed. We brought everything but can't remember where we stashed it. This is going to be a long trip.
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
August 3, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well we leave tomorrow. We are as packed up as we can be. Steve went to Walmart and had the til leak repaired. He washed the truck. I washed the bed linens. We made multiple trips to the trailer. We finally solved the refrigerator problem I hope . We drove over to interstate batteries and bought a new battery. Just prior to the downpour we went to dinner with the Fords at red Lobster. Colleen and I checked out the new Quilt store while the guys went to Harbor Freight. We stopped for gas and ice. Then home. Finally it was time for TV, cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
August 2, 2022 0rchard Ranch home, Dewey AZ
Got up early and got laundry going right after breakfast. 1 more day and we are off. Went to the dentist. So much fun but better than Aspen Dental. Then we got a late lunch at outlaw donuts truck. Not great. Wendy came over to get the key . She will pick up the mail while we are gone. It piyred this afternoon. I stitched and finished the laundry. Steve ate lasagna for dinner. Finally it was time for TV, cuddles and stitching.
Monday, August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up finally Sophie wanted me up. Breakfast and normal chores. Then the dogs got baths and I washed their beds. Then I started stitching. Finished my quilt project. It is now Queen of the quilt room thanks to Colleen. We did a couple of trips to the dog park. Steve worked outside while I stitched. Left overs for dinner. Usual rain showers. We sat on the porch for awhile. Then I cleaned the kitchen and finished my project. Taking the rest of the day off. Finally it was time for TV and cuddles.