Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA

 Interesting day.  Got up after a fairly good night's sleep.  I actually fell asleep while reading a book.   Woke up about 5:30.  Went back to sleep for about an hour and a half.   Then breakfast and some stitching till about noon. We determined that the gray water was full.  Steve called to schedule the honey wagon.  Not sure if it will be ready by Monday.  May have to borrow their blue boy.   Then we took off for Glenda's. First stop was the dog park.  We stopped at big 5 for Steve's shoes. Then home depot.  Then Nikki's to pick up the chewy box.  Finally Walmart.  Then  over to Glenda's .  We played Mexican train.  I must be losing it as I missed several plays.  Then Tom BBQ'ed brats.  Finally home where we hit the dog park again.  

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