Friday, September 16, 2022

September 15, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA

 We got up before 7 thanks to Steve and were out the door by 9.  Just as we were ready to leave here came Jerry for one final goodbye.  We drove 191 mile and arrived around 2.  We pulled off twice as we got an alert that the engine was over heating.   Their vacation has been one crisis after another.  Once we got to  Ukiah it was mostly down hill from there.  We made it to the Campground from there without stopping.  When we got here we were dismayed that we had no cell or internet and thus no TV. So we are here for 6 more days with the tv in the clubhouses.   At least we don't argue about the programs.  Steve does not share well.  I have decided to cut back on Glends games since she can't play if she is gone.  Poor baby Tom needs her attention.   Steve watched football at the Clubhouse.  Came home to BBQ dinner and went back.  I stitched most of the night.

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