Monday, January 30, 2023

January 30, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up at the normal time but had to leave by 9:30 for my echocardiogram.   The found a small hole in my heart which probably caused my stroke. I was born with it.  Normally it closed up. Mine did not.  They should have found it back in April at Optima.  I am not impressed with optima.  Will have to have a follow up appointment  next Monday. Then when I  returned to the car I found out that POS finally sent out money back to us.  Steve was happy.  Then this morning when I woke up I thought my sight was really taking a downturn.  But then later on I realized that one of the lenses in my glasses was missing.  And so was the screw. So after the doctor appointment we had to run up to Lenscrafters to have them fix and adjust our glasses.  Finally Shopping at Fry's.   Finally home for afternoon stitching and a dog park run . Dinner.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.   

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