Monday, March 13, 2023

March 13, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home m, Dewey AZ

 Well I beat Steve almost getting up. He was in the shower when I hit the bathroom.  Breakfast and chores. I was planning on shopping but Steve was not.  So I stitched and watched TV while he did his intarsia.  He doesn't get as much opportunity as I do to work on his craft.  So I did not make a big deal over it.  I took the dogs at lunch.  Colleen asked me to lunch tomorrow but we settled on Wednesday.  I about fell over when she included lunch with the JoAnn's and HL run.  We BBQED steak for dinner. After dinner we rushed out to find the Airbnb where the girls supposedly are staying but we could not find it. Finally it was time for TV  cuddles and stitching.  

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