Last day of May! Got the cart back. Got up on the early side as Steve had to be at work at 8. I worked in the craft room prepping the June mug. The I waited for the cart to be delivered. Then off the the dog park. When I came home Steve was here. He got off early. We had left over quesadillas for lunch. Then off to the dentist as Steve's denture broke. Then tractor. Finally costco. Came home and put everything away. Another rise to the dog park. Dinner was pot pies. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. Glenda comes tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
May 30, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up at normal time. Breakfast and chores. Then if to get haircut. We had some difficulties finding the place. Once we did I liked the place. Then Steve decided to get one as well. We went over to alliance to check on the artificial grass. Then gas and car wash. I wanted to get bew harnesses for the dogs at pet Headquarters. Stopped at the dog park so the dogs could poop. Then home. Stitched the rest of the day. Final dog park run at 4. Came home to feed the dogs. Then went to Lindo Mexico for Taco Tuesday. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. Cart dmshould be here tomorrow!
Monday, May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy day today. Up early. Breakfast. Then work. Started laundry. Vaccuumed and dusted the house. Did four loads of laundry. Remade the bed. Done by 1:30. Stitched the rest of the afternoon. trip to dog park before Steve left for work at noon. Walked the dogs later. Watered the geraniums. Put out garbage can. Warmed up port roast but Fords came by for 45 minutes. So we started dinner at almost 7:30. Finally it was time for TV and cuddles but no time for stitching.
Sunday, May 28, 2023
May 28, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up early as Joae was coming over early to help Steve. They made quite a bit of progress. I got up and got dressed. I was able to stitch most of the day. Unfortunately it came with hours of tennis matches on the TV. Two trips to the dog park. Other than that it was a quiet day at home. Glenda left on her trip. So words was quiet. Tacos for dinner. Found out Sandy was in the hospital. She had a stroke. I hope she is going to be ok. Had to do cleaning in the refrigerator. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, May 27, 2023
May 27, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up at the crack of dawn so Steve could be taken over to storage and get the truck. Then he went over and got buckets of sand. Then I stitched most of the day. He worked on the side yard off and on. We took the truck back to the storage. Two trips to the dog park. I wasn't in the mood for card Bingo but Eve texted and asked if I needed a ride. Steve actually won a Bingo finally. I am still on a dry spell. Came home for a dab of screen time then start bedtime routine. Hopefully Jose will come and help tomorrow.
Friday, May 26, 2023
May, 26, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up normal time and finished off the donuts for breakfast. Steve worked on the construction project while I gave the dogs baths. Then I worked on the shower doors in our bathroom. The pavers were delivered about 11:30. Then we were off to Michael's and Walmart. Came home and put everything away. Then about 2 I started to stitch. Steve went out for about half an hour to work. He came in. Fords dropped by. They mentioned dinner. I thought they wanted us to go out. They were just asking if we were eating. Decided to go to Tailgaters. It was yummy. Back home it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching. Jose came to look at the job. Hope Steve hires him.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
May 25, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Stevecwoke up early therefore I woke up. He must be lonely because he just can't be quiet. He wanted eggs for breakfast so before I even had coffee I made breakfast. Chores . Stitched most of the morning. Steve started work on the side yard. At one I went down to the roundhouse to put popcorn in bags. We each loaded about 16 bags. Brought the rest home. Not sure why Christine needed us to load the bags as she stood there and chatted with us while we worked. We cleaned the mess up. We were there about 30 minutes. Then home. Steve was off to work at 2:30. We are missing some crescent dough rolls I thought I bought at the grocery store. The I walked the dogs and watered the geraniums. More stitching. Getting ready to start the bedtime routine.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy morning. Got up. Had breakfast. We hit the dog park on the way to check on the cart. Then Hobby Lobby and home depot. Car wash bank and finally the grocery store where I spent a small fortune on groceries. Came home and put everything away. Trip the dog park. We had pot pies for and early dinner. Stitching has been very difficult. Knot and everything else going on. More stitching tiki Steve come home. He picked up an extra shift for tomorrow. Ugh. Like the money put hate the hours.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
May 23, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up leisurely. It has been a few days since I was able to do that. Did a few house keeping jobs. Got dressed. Stitched. Steve went to work. Walked the dogs. On the 4:30 walk ran into Colleen and Mike. They gave me a ride home. I want the cart back. Steve was home at 5:10. Dinner was fried egg sandwiches. Cleanup.
Monday, May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I woke up r
Prior to the Alarm going off at 6:30. Quick cup of coffee. Got dressed and was at the doctor's for the blood draw and check up by 8:00. Then breakfast at Mama's . Then home. Steve was off to work at 10:30. Two loads of laundry. Lots of stitching. Couple of potty breaks for the dogs. Sausage and potatoes for dinner. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well I think I can confirm that Colleen and I are done being friends. Anyway got up and had breakfast. Chores. Stitched most of the day. Steve played outside. Dog park run. Talked to Mike. They were helping Christine and Alan clean out the activity shed. Colleen hardly said a word to us. Then we stopped and talked to Terry. Finally home. Steve smoked some ribs for dinner. They weren't quite done. Will finish the rest in the oven at a later date. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Breakfast. Then we took off for Bosa Donuts. Then Lowes to get the tiles for the side yard. Then we checked on the sand and gravel. Then home. Once we rested we went over to the trailer so Steve could put the caps on the end of the awnings. Then some TV and stitching. Frozen burritos for dinner. Then if to card Bingo. Less than best. We sat with Gerry and Debbie neither of which are my favorite people. Terry and Eve did not go. Bummer. we only see them at bingo.
Friday, May 19, 2023
May 19, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We had a busy morning. We were up and out the door by 8:30. We drove the car to Jerry's to pick up the truck. Dropped the car in front of the cargo trailer. Then went to check on the cart. Then breakfast where the server dropped our mocha on the floor. I only got a couple of drops on me. Then we picked up the trailer. Swapped the truck for the car. Back to the house then dog park and post office and another quick trip to storage. After that it was stitching. Another early dinner so Steve could go to work. Colleen has really pissed me off for good. She wants to be by herself she can be by herself . Why she can only do something with one friend ar a time is beyond me. Things are going to change with us. Poured like crazy here today. Getting ready to initiate the bedtime routine.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Nice day. Breakfast and chores. I drove to book club where we discussed the medical profession in Prescott Valley. Got some new information. Not much to discuss about the book. Then hone to take the dogs to the dogs park. Steve was working on the chair. It looks beautiful. I stitched the rest of the day. We had pot pies at 2 and steve was off to work. Stitched the rest of the day. Off to get ready for bedtime routine and ice cream as soon as Steve comes home.
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
May 17, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve woke me up at 6:30. Fortunately I was Alberto sleep thru all the noise he was making. Bizarro Steve threatened to reappear. We argued over that stupid chair repair. He went outside for the remainder of the morning and I stayed in the house. We played in our separate sandboxes. Colleen has also has been very quiet. I drove the dogs to the dog park. Stitched most of the day. I made my dish for the block party potluck. Wouldn't you know we had to have it in Jeanie's carport. It pored rain several times. It went from 4 to 5. Came home. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching ..
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up normal. Steve went off to his pedicure while I got ready. When he came home we jumped in the car and headed to Gateway Mall. Walked the length of it and nearly did me in. Hit two ago stores. Ultimately decided to order shoes online. Steve needs a good pair for work. Then stitching. Rained off and on all day. Some thunder. Decided to Taco Tuesday at Mia tierra. Of course we stopped at the car wash and dog park on the way home. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. Ice cream to night.
Monday, May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home , Dewey AZ
Mother's day vacation is over . Today was a busy day. Worked in the craft room getting my next project ready. Three loads of laundry. Watered the flowers. No stitching until almost 1. Drove the dogs to the dog park. Grilled chicken thighs in the ninja. Steve worked. Decided to keep the rig we have. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Very nice Mother's Day. Heard fromall the kids but Nikki. Got up. Breakfast and chores. Stitched. Steve worked on intarsia. About noon we took the dogs to the dog park. More stitching. At 4 we went for pizza at Tailgaters. Came home. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. Finished the rabbit.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
A very laid back day. Got up. Breakfast and chores. Went to Affinity to check on the RV. Checked out some of the imagine models. The a quick stop at Hobby Lobby. Home stitch. We had an early dinner. Steve went to work. I did my chores and stitched. Couple of dog walks. Waiting for Steve to come . Will start bedtime routine.
Friday, May 12, 2023
May 12, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7. Breakfast and chores. Quick run to Walmart for scripts. A few groceries. The a quick car wash. Home. Stitched and sputtered. Went to Helen's retirement. Chatted for awhile. Then home Steve went to work. Walked the dogs. Stitched. Almost time for Steve to come home. Starting the bedtime regime.
Thursday, May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
The day dawned early 6:30 for me. Got up and had breakfast. Steve took the dogs. He was raring to go at 7:15. We left with the truck at 8:15. I was ready at 8 for the record. Dropped the truck. Checked on the cart. Car wash, gas, Office, dog park, 90 minutes to spare before the Mother's Day brunch and Fashion show. Came home and stitched. Ran out of thread so Colleen came to the rescue. Then mail, activity office regular office and dog park. Then we smoked some steaks. Ate really early. Clean up. Retired to the bedroom to sew and the TV needed to reboot. Colleen needed some fabric so they sropped by. Bizarro Steve emerged during the reboot. Finally it was time to begin the night time routine.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up. Fixed Steve breakfast. Steve hung out till it was time for work. Colleen and Mike picked me up for the activity meeting. Glad I don't work for Michelle. What a bitch. Meeting went well. Helped set up for Mother's Day Brunch. Then home to walk the dogs. Stitched. More walking. Dinner and Finally it was time for TV cuddles and more stitching.
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up late this morning. Both Hazeland Sophie abandoned me to sleep with Steve. Breakfast and chores. We got in touch with the cart people. They came about 2 and took the cart. I stitched most of the day. Steve hung out in the house most of the day. We took the car and ran a few errands in the park. Colleen and Mike came by for a visit.. a quick meal and it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Today was much better than Yesterday. Steve went to work at 10:30. I did two loads of laundry. Stitched. Made tomale pie. Two dog walks. Watered the geraniums. Steve came and acted like nothing is wrong. I am still pissed. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
What nightmare this day was. Steve was fine last night when he came home last night. When he got up it was from the wrong side of the bed. He was in the worse snit I have ever seen. My best guess is that he didn't want to work on the cart so he decided to spend the day sulking. Judy across the street came and got me to show me her craft room. While I was getting ready to go over Mike and Colleen dropped by so while Mike and Steve tallked Colleen and I went over to Judy's and listened to her talk about her card making for at least 2 hours. I don't think he wanted help with the cart. He worked on the cart parking area. Terry came over Mike and Terry left. Colleen left. I walked the dogs. Steve threw a real hissy fit. Steve went out on the porch and sulked for about half an hour. Then came back in to fix himself lunch. He won't tell what is wrong. Decided to go to Walmart and Fry's for groceries. So we didn't speak. Still won't tell me why he is mad most likely he doesn't want to to do the work himself but wants the cart guy to do it. He wouldn't help with the groceries. He has been odious all day long. We had a quick dinner and I escaped into the bedroom both before and after dinner. Watched TV and stitched. What an awful day.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Steve still in a semi snit. Steve took off after breakfast to help Terry with his awning. I sat down to stitch it Colleen decided that she wanted to go to the Library and she knew I needed to be rescued. So off we went. It was fun. Then Hobby Lobby. Back about 12: 30. Steve walked the dogs. More stitching. Steve went to work. I walked to dogs. Eve picked me up for card Bingo. Had fun there. Terry took me home. Steve came home. Ice cream and crossword before bed.
Friday, May 5, 2023
May 5, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We were up at 7am. Coffee and breakfast. Then I got up and made cookies. Steve worked on the cart. I finished the cookies by 11. Took the dogs for a walk. Then we made a run to the cart place and Ace hardware. Stitching. Steve got super frustrated with the cart. Which he still is. He is trying to pick a fight with me. So I guess we will have to have someone come and clean up his mess. Found out Judy and Mike are moving over to Granville. Selling the house in Chandler and here. Another dog walk. Steve got more snarky as the day wore on. Not speaking at all right now. I grilled hamburgers on the ninja for dinner. Not bad. Finally I could escape from bizarro Steve. It was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
May 4, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Woke up super early but went back to sleep. Breakfast and chores. Steve went to work on the cart and then of course Tractor Supply called. This is really starting to piss me off. So all worked ceased and we rushed to the cart place to take the old battery cores back. A quick stop at the dog park, a quick change of clothes and he was off. I continued stitching. About 4 Colleen delivered some bread. We chatted for an hours then I walked the dogs. Ran into Steve coming home. A quick dinner then it was finally time for TV cuddles and more stitching.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
May 3, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at the crack of dawn so I could have coffee leisurely. Took off to the doctor a little after 8. He was late getting there but we were out by 9ish. Then we went over to the xart place and got new batteries. Came home and I made sausage and eggs for Steve. Then he went off to work. I walked the dogs twice once around the block. Other than that I stitched for the most part and drank water. Steve was late coming home. Dinner was left overs. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well Steve was in a snit first thing this morning. Breakfast and chores. Well as predicted the cart is broke down. Steve barely made it back home from taking the dogs. I washed the sheets on our bed and the dog beds. Tractor called and wanted Steve to come in. Fortunately he said no. I stitched after doing a few cleaning chores. We walked the dogs around the block. Then we went to get our toes done. On the way we stopped at Ace. After we dropped off some goodies at the thrift store. Then home . Steve then proceeded to waste the afternoon. About 3:30 he decided to work on the Carr. We drove the dogs to the dog park. Stopped at the cart store but it was closed. Then called Battery store. Finally I called First Interstate and the carry the batteries. Stopped at the store as Steve ran out of waters. Oh no. Finally went to get get batteries. Nobody in office will have to come back tomorrow on the way home from the doctors. Dinner cleanup and it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up early. God forbid I get to sleep if Steve want to be awake. Breakfast and chores. We went over to the trailer to hook up. All went ok except Steve hit a huge tree branch and broke off the awning covers. Fortunately we were headed to the trailer repair shop. Dropped the trailer off and came home so Steve could go to work. He was in a snit when he left. I did 4 loads if laundry and folded and put away. I finished May mug but still need to tweak it some. I stitched in between. Dog park run. Steve worked a little late. Just as I was going over to start the oven and Eve and Terry walked in. Steve got home . We sat and chatted. Then dinner finally. Then it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.