Friday, May 19, 2023

May 19, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

We had a busy morning.  We were up and out the door by 8:30. We drove the car to Jerry's to pick up the truck.  Dropped the car in front of the cargo trailer.  Then went to check on the cart. Then breakfast where the server dropped our mocha on the floor. I only got a couple of drops on me.  Then we picked up the trailer. Swapped the truck for the car.  Back to the house then dog park and post office and another quick trip to storage.  After that it was stitching.   Another early dinner so Steve could go to work.  Colleen has really pissed me off for good.  She wants to be by herself  she can be by herself . Why she can only do something with one friend ar a time is beyond me.  Things are going to change with us.  Poured like crazy here today. Getting ready to initiate the bedtime routine.  

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