Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Got up at my normal time. Steve went outside. I started laundry the worked on Becky's letter and gluing fabric on the boards for September and October.  Just as I was ready to sit down and sew we took the dogs to the dog park. On the way Steve told me he wants to take a drive to Flagstaff.   No stitching today.  So off we go. Even before we get to Jerome we disagreed over whether we should bring the ice chest.  Steve got pissy again. I hope he resolves whatever is making him so pissy.  Came home and parked the truck in the carport.  Almost did not get it in. We had Kentucky Fried for dinner.  Another dog park run and we were in for the night.  Some more TV and stitching before bedtime routine. 

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