Sunday, November 5, 2023

November 5, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 We got up around 8 and what I thought was going to be a quiet Sunday with football turned into a work day.   Steve decidedvthat he could not live without french toast for breakfast. So about 9:30 I made brunch.  Then cleaned up the mess from that. Steve remembered to pull the sheets off so I washed those and 2 other loads.  Folded those and remade the bed.  Did get some stitching done.  Up and down all day.  Dog park run.  Steve and I had words.  Quiet rest of the night.

Have decided to give up being friends with Colleen and Eve.  I guess I am looking for a buddy and I have vert little in common with Eve and Colleen is maniplative and controlling.   I was hoping that since Steve and Mike got on the four of us could pal around but it was not to be.  Oh well I like me the best anyway.  

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