Well last day of the month and Stickney's will be here tomorrow. We got up. Breakfast and chores. Started the laundry. Then we were off to get the trailer. Steve turned into bizarro Steve. I think he is trying not to eat candy and is going thru withdrawals. He seems to be doing everything he can to provoke a fight. We had words at the trailer. The words asshole and bitch were bandied about as usual. I just about had heat stroke trying to help him move the trailer into the overnights. Did a little cleaning and and putting things away. Still trying to keep my heart rate back down. Then home to finish the laundry lunch. Sophie and I are vibrating together. Then afternoon cart ride. Wendy came by to report on her trip. Quick dinner. Steve all of a sudden is watching only what he wants to watch on TV. Yesterday it was baseball after 3.5 hours of news then all night wrestling. Today he was going to watch baseball but the game was backed out. Darn the bad luck. Then it was going to be gymnastics. So I made a move for SWAT. As I said he is spoiling for a fight. His way or the highways. Control freak.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
June 28, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well I guess I forgot to post an entry for yesterday. We got up late. Steve washed the cart so we could decorate it it. Of course I did my usual and stitched all day. We were going to wait till dark to decorate the cart but Mr. No patience couldn't wait. But it was still too hot. We at least put the cart underneath the carport to get out of the sun. We got most of it done. Dinner, TV Is stitching.
June 29, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well I definitely married an asshole. I got up about 6:30. Steve got up after 7. Then breakfast and chores. I then decided to vaccuumed and dusted. Steve did help with that. Then stitching and TV. Steve set up a puzzle. We decided not to go to bingo. Afternoon cart ride. Went to storage. Dropped off Valdez mail. Dinner was chicken cordon bleu. Steve watched baseball and boxing all night.
Thursday, June 27, 2024
June 27, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up about 6:45. Steve was still in silent mode when he got up. Breakfast and chores. Then Steve was off to carving. I mopped all the floors. Then stitching and TV. Steve took he good old sweet time coming out of his snit. By after dinner things were getting back to normal. Tomorrow I will tackle the porch.
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
My husband was an asshole all day long. We got finally about 7:30 after waking up at 5. Then back to sleep til 7:30. Then breakfast and chores. Then we had words over some pictures he left out. Then the 2 year old emerged. He took the pics we going to hang in the den were put away nevervto be seen again. We decided to go to Costco. He literally ran into Costco. Then thru it. Then mad about the money we spent. Silent day. He did perform one miracle and fix me a cheese quesadilla. We got chicken at Costco. Just waiting for me to say the wrong thing so he could he could have an excuse snarl at me. Going to go take a shower. Guess I will have to start watching TV in bedroom. Ugh.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I woke up at 6 . We did coffer and chores. Then we were off to breakfast at Mama's which was terrible. I even ended up sending it back twice. The toast was like cardboard. Then off to the Post office to mail Betty's package. Home to take the dogs to the dog park. Fun times. TV and stitching. More showers. Another dog park run early to avoid the rain. Steve worked outside on the cart. Some wiring on the brake. More picture organizing . The end is in sight
Monday, June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up late. Breakfast and chores. Breakfast out didn't materize. Steve worked 0n photos I stitched til noon. Then off to the copy shop and car wash. I helped him some with the photos. So sick of the photos. At 4:30 went to Colleen's to witness their will. Monsoon rains off and all afternoon and evening. T h en off to dog park. Late dinner. TV and stitching to finish tge night.
June 23, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up on the late side. Breakfast and chores. More pics to sort through and identify ugh. Two loads of laundry. My back was bothering me. Tge rest of the day was spent watching TV and Steve out pics in sleeves. Spent a small fortune on those. Afternoon cartride. Afternoon shower.. at eight thirty we walked across the street hoping to see the space x cross the street but there was too many clouds. Home for bed.
Saturday, June 22, 2024
June 22, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Today was a much better day. I calmed down. Up at 7ish. Breakfast and chores. Worked on more pics. Finally got some chores done done in the sewing room. Finished the Ferret. Started the treehouse. Monsoons finally arrived. Early dinner. Card bingo..no wins again. Home c and ready to start bedtime routine.
Friday, June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up late this morning. Breakfast and chores. I worked my puzzle. Then went in the craftroom to sew which was my plan for the day. Unfortunately Steve talked to Alan and tgeycwere on the way to see Bikeriders. Half an hour into my job. Steve decidedvwe could go see it. My favorite a biker movie yay . And lunch atvthecSeniir center. I could not believe it. So offcwe went to the senior center for Sloppy Joe's my absolute favorite. Then off to the biker movie. Yuck. Then Safeway and home. Cart ride for the dogs. We come home and watch endless news. We try to get on Paramount. Can't get on. Frustrated . Decide to watch direct. Internet is so slow. One frustration after another. Wendy came over to drop off the mail key. Thenche wanted to watch some old war movie. I went in the bedroom. He doesn't share well with the TV. GRRR
Thursday, June 20, 2024
June 20, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up late. Steve didn't go to carving. Breakfast and chores. Steve went and got the truck. Washed it and took a bunch of stuff to storage. I made the instapot cheese cake. A couple of snags but it turned out well. Then stitching. Steve BBQed the tri-tip. Linda and Randy came at 4. Ate. The guys watched baseball. Linda and I shared bios. And pics. They finally left about 8:30. Not much time for anything else.
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
June 19, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up about 7ish. Breakfast and chores. We hung out at the house until it was time to take the dog for teeth and nails at Yvonnes. Then off to the car wash. Home foe an hour until it was time to pick up Mike and Judy for dinner atvthe Gurley Street Grill which was very good. Half price for seniors. Then we ran to 2 Home Depots and Lowes. Looking for paint for Mike. Dropped off the Miller's and headed home to feed the pups and a cart ride to the dog park. Back for TV and stitching.
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up early and had coffee. Chores. Out the door by 7:30. Off to Bosa's for donuts and breakfast. Then hair cuts at Great clips. Then shopping at Walmart. Finally Safeway. Home to unload and put away. Finally caught up on puzzles pics etc. Stitching and TV the rest of the day. Afternoon cart ride. Sliders for dinner. Spoke to Dr.Moe nurse pratitioner. Had an episode of Tachabradia. Pacemaker working ok.
Monday, June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I woke upcreally early but was able to go back to sleep. breakfast and chores. Paid some bills and placed some orders. Then off to do our pedicures which are only toe nail clips. The tractor for dog food and home. We stopped at the trailer to pick up more pics and the fourth of July decor. Lunch and a few chores. Then stitching and TV. Stopped to say good by to Mike and Colleen. They are off for a family reunion. Home for dinner stitching and more TV.
Sunday, June 16, 2024
June 16, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up around 7. Steve complained about being dizzy. He talked to the kids. But I think he was sad to be away from them on Father's day. We were supposed to go to the ice cream social but he was not up to it. Or he lost courage to wear the shirt he was supposed to wear. Did two loads of laundry. Folded and put away. Stitched the rest of the day. Quiet Day. Boring day at home. Hope Steve gets better.
Saturday, June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up about 7:30 to the sound of dishes being put away. Breakfast and chores. I wanted to get some stitching done as it was going to be a busy day . Steve was outside for about a minute. We hung out until it wasvtime to pick up Cindy and Jim. We went to Casa Perez. Then we dropped them off and went home to feed the dogs and prepare for card bingo. At 5:30 we picked them up and had a fun time at card bingo. Another hot day. Hope to see them while they are at Ranco Verde after the Stickney's leave.
Friday, June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up super early so we could go garage saling with the Etzel's. We had breakfast and did chores and left so we could be at the Villages by 8. They got us in on the residents day. We shopped until we were about to drop. Then Linda fixed us brunch . It cooked while the guys went and picked up the larger items. I got a really nice table for the entryway and Etzel's got a headboard that matched their bedroom set. We left about noon to pottyvthe dogs . Then off tocthe bank and car wash since Steve was cashless at the garage sale. Home for TV and naps. Cart ride. Quick dinner and mort TV and stitching.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
June 13 2024,Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at a reasonable hour. Breakfast and chores. Then steve took off for carving. Came home about 11. Started the wait for tge TV to be delivered. Stevexwas frothing atvthe mouth thecwhoe time. I stitched. Scott and Sally Jo dropped by as Steve thought he might need help with the TV. The old one. They finally came by with the TV about 5. Dog park run. Threatened rain all day. Then the set up began. We got it out and the feet on. Ralph came over and helped put in on the bookcase. Which is barely fit. Next is getting back on the app. Me Patience was having a fit.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
June 12, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7 ish. Breakfast and chores. I worked on the dog sweaters in the sewing room. Till almost noon. Cart ride to dog park. Then home for late lunch. Stitching and TV. After dinner we hit the dog park and tour of the park. Then home for more TV. Another hot day
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7. Breakfast and chores. Threw tge bed sheets and towels in the laundry. Gave the puppies baths. Then stitching. Steve continues to work on organizing pictures. Went to taco Tuesday with the Etzel's at Plaza Bonita. Then home by just after 5. More stitching and TV to finish out the evening. Wish I liked them more as they seem to want to things. No chemistry for me.
Monday, June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Happy Birthday Steve . 71 today. We got up about 7:30.out the door to breakfast at zek 8:15. Then over to JoAnn's and dollar tree. Then home. Stitching. Afternoon cart ride. Steve got alot of Birthday calls. Steak in the ninja . TV and more stitching.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
June 9, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at 7:30. Breakfast and chores. Laundry. 2 loads. Steve did some painting. Stitched. TV. Afternoon cart ride. Lori brought a cake over. Made Chinese chicken salad for dinner. Steve worked on putting pictures in sleeves. Nice day.
Saturday, June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up early again. 6 am. Slept good. Breakfast and chores. Steve went on a short ride in the am to Cordes Junction. Had breakfast at the 50's Diner. Very disappointing. I finally finished the coachman and started on the ferret. Early dinner. Card bingo. Small group. Steve shared a bingo and I won one. Met a nice couple from Colorado Springs. Fun night.
Friday, June 7, 2024
June 7, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Finally got to sleep in until 7:30. Nice quiet day at the house. Stitched most of the g e day. Hot outside. Steve stayed in all day and sorted through old pics. Afternoon cart ride. BBQ Hot dogs for dinner. Set the the thermostat at 74. It was nice.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up at 5 this morning m had coffee and breakfast. Steve went to carving. I did TV and stitching. Steve came home. We snacked for lunch. Steve and Scott went to pick up the Scott's trailer in Mayer. Then more TV and stirring. At 4:30 we picked up Scott and Sally Jo. After Lavay caught The elusive El chapo we all met for dinner at the Thai cafe . We were there until 7:15 chatting. Very fun evening. Til we got home and Steve got in a snit because he asked if I wanted to watch a certain show and I had the audacity to say The n word.
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
June 5, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up around 7. Breakfast and chores. Steve went on a long ride with Scott. I sorted thru the fabric that Betty gave me. Then stitching most of the day. And TV. Steve was home by 2:30. Very hot today. Steak salad for dinner.
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
June 4, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I woke up early again this morning. Breakfast and coffee. Then offvto Best buy to look at and purchase a new TV. It will be delivered on tge 13th. Then Safeway and gas. Home by noon. Then stitching and TV the rest of the day. Pot stickers for dinner. Afternoon cart ride. More TV and stitching. Making progress on the Coachman.
Monday, June 3, 2024
June 3, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up at the crack of dawn so Steve could go with Scott to drop off his trailer. They ended up having Breakfast. I actually took the dogsvon a very short walk He came home and we headed off to walmart. Then home to put it away. Lunch then it wasvtime for stitching. Afternoon cart ride. Started dinner and Ann and Jeanne stopped by to get to know the dogs. We had a very late dinner. TV and stitching to finish the night.
Sunday, June 2, 2024
June 2, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Quiet day at home. Steve got us up around 6:30. I told him I would make hime pancakes. He also wanted bacon and eggs. Then washed folded and put away 3 loads of laundry. Steve painted the boards in the carport. Then stitching and TV the rest ofvthe day. Leftover meatloaf for dinner. More stitching an TV.
Saturday, June 1, 2024
June 1, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up at a reasonable hour. Breakfast and chores. I put up the June Calendar. Stitched ans watched TV most of the day. Steve worked outside. Afternoon cart ride. Early dinner. Fords dropped by while we were waiting for the Etzels. Card bingo with the Etzel's. They did all the winning. Then home. They stayed for another hour. Then bedtime routine!