Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 2024, Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well last day of the month and Stickney's will be here tomorrow.  We got up. Breakfast and chores.  Started the laundry.  Then we were off to get the trailer.  Steve turned into bizarro Steve.  I think he is trying not to eat candy and is going thru withdrawals. He seems to be doing everything he can to provoke a fight. We had words at the trailer. The words asshole and bitch were bandied about as usual.  I just about had heat stroke trying to help him move the trailer into the overnights. Did a little cleaning and and putting things away.  Still trying to keep my heart rate back down.  Then home to finish the laundry lunch. Sophie and I are vibrating together.  Then afternoon cart ride.  Wendy came by to report on her trip.  Quick dinner.  Steve all of a sudden is watching only what he wants to watch on TV.  Yesterday it was baseball after 3.5 hours of news then all night wrestling.  Today he was going to watch baseball but the game was backed out. Darn the bad luck. Then it was going to be gymnastics.  So  I made a move for SWAT.  As I said he is spoiling for a fight. His way or the highways.  Control  freak.

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