Saturday, August 18, 2018

August 18, 2018 Quinalt Beach Casino Ocean Shors WA

This was our first real experience with boondocking and while it was not terrible it is something I don't want to have to do often. A night here and there is okay but for any length of time is not my cup of tea.
I got up at 8:38 ish and has breakfast and did the usual morning chores.  It was sunny in the morning so we decided to sit outside but the dogs were chilly and wanted to go inside. We tried bringing their beds out but inside us where they really wanted to be.
We basically laced around the house all day taking the dogs for a short potty walk about 4 PM.
I cooked leftovers but there was still a lot of dishes to do.
I finished a book called dead girls don't blog. It was on the order of the Evanovich books but sadly didn't measure up. I don't think I will continue with the series.
The weather turned overcast later in the day and remained that way for the rest of the day.
We are headed to Chinook for three nights but we at least will have water and electric..
I will survive.

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