Friday, August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018 Mt. Hood Village Welches OR

Our day started out as usual. Up about the same time as yesterday.  We hung out around the house till it was time to drive to Sandy for the dog's nail appointment.  Sophie was not happy to have her nails clipped.  They had to muzzle her. Such a drama queen.  The off to great clips so Steve could get a hair cut. Thank goodness for small miracles  he is growing long sideburns. He thinks it makes him look better but he is sadly mistaken.   Then we got gas and I went to Safeway to pick up a few things.
The park is filling up for the weekend. We have a new neighbor who came in just as we were leaving for cousin Rich's house.
While traveling thru Sand we noticed runners running along side of the road. It was the annual Hood to Coast relay race.  The start at the base of Mt. Hood and end up in seaside. It lasts 24 hours. There are 12 persons on each team and about 1000 teams. So about 12,000 people participate. People were still  running down 26 when we came back from Rich's at 8 pm.
After we left Safeway we came back and had a snack.
Then we drove out in the boonies to visit Aunt Alta's son and Ken's Brother Rich aka Ricky.
Had a very nice visit with them. The have a very nice house but it is rather sterile. The furniture is modern and functional.   No warmth to the house at all. Lots of toys for the grandkids but other than that no much.  The grounds are gorgeous and Steve fell in love with Rich's shop.  The poor dogs were stuck in the truck the whole time but I got a better understanding of Rich and Lynnette.
Back home by 9 and back to a more normal routine.

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