Thursday, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

A jam packed if not fun filled day.  We started out early when Steve dropped me off at Sandy's for our hike to the shrinking meeting.   I weighed in at home this morning and I actually lost a couple of pounds. 206.9.  At least back to pre Christmas weight.  We had a good meeting.   Just as we were about ready to leave Betty called me and wanted to know if we forgot about her.  No we didn't she was a half hour late.  So she met us down there. We walked back after checking on a few things at the office we all walked home.  
Then I gathered up some stuff and headed over to the laundry.  Walked home for lunch while round one was drying.  Then Steve took me over with three more loads after he got home.  By 2:30 the laundry was done and put away.  Sandy came over and got up to date with the dogs as she is going to watch them when we are gone tomorrow at the quilt show.  
Then we went to go get gas for the truck and fill a propane tank.  Discovery Market where we usually get propane was out so we went to Tractor supply.  
Sandy thought we should go out for a bite to eat so we did.  We went to Panda Express where we had great Chinese fast food.  
Then a run through at Walmart for groceries.  
Finally back at the rig for putting all those groceries away.  After that I sewed on my flannel quilt for awhile.  Then a shower on back on the bed for TV .  All in all a very busy day.  

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January 30, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

The first quilt is finished.  I made one small repair on the stitch in a ditch along the inner border. We got up late until Sophie came in whining and woke us up.  We finally woke up about 8:15.  I got busy and made the meatloaf for tonight's dinner.  Washed dishes, put new sheets on the bed and got ready for the quilt meeting.   We had show and tell on our quilt projects. 
We had some bad news today.  A friend of Sandy's had to put down her dog.  Sandy is real close to her and the dog.  A sad day for everyone. 
We went to the quilt meeting and then dropped by coloring to say hi, then block of the week, the back to chat with Sandy.  Back to the rig for dinner and dog walks. 
At 5:50 we were off to Bingo.  Betty and Shirley  Heebner were 2 of 4 winners on the last blackout game.  Unfortunately they did not win the big payout.  Back home for hot chocolate popcorn  for Steve and a truffle for me.  Don't know how Steve plans on losing weight  but he continues to eat junk anyway.  Oh well better him than me. Off to shrinking meeting tomorrow  morning. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

January 29, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I did it.  Finished my sampler quilt.  Went to quilting this morning.  Everybody was late getting there.  I trimmed the quilt and put the binding on.  It was a struggle to sew a straight seam and get it the correct width.  Put a label on it which I wasn't impressed with but about noon it was all together except the handwork. Steve picked me up and dropped me at the dog park. 
We ate lunch and I parked myself on the bed to do the handwork. I visited with Betty for a few minutes before that.  Then I worked on that the quilt rest of the afternoon.   At 4:15 we went to Taco Tuesday.  We had a nice time at Eva's with the normal group.  We saw Shirley little at the mailbox.  She was actually chatty. 
After Eva's we came home and I finished the handwork on the quilt.   I have one place I need rework on the actual quilting then we will take a picture and be done with it. On to the next one. 
Steve can't wait to post it on Facebook. 

Monday, January 28, 2019

January 28, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another fun day at At Fiesta Grande.  Still blowing my nose which is very tiring but manageable.  We left here with Sandy and Alan.  We got to the Biosphere2 about 10:30. While we were checking in we got suckered into a History tour with the guy who claims he was from Wisconsin but is part English whose name was Claudio.  Anyway we had to pay extra for it.  After that we took the under the glass tour that came with the tour.  It was very informative.   When it first opened in 1987 8 people went in for two years and grew all their own fruit and veggies.  They got 2 oz of meat every two weeks and no seconds except once a month when they were allowed to pig out.  They had several biomes-ocean, rain forest, fog desert and underground tech biome which ran the place.  The people who were pushing the button are off site.  The best part was the 2 lungs.  It was really cool.  When they opened the door the aluminum bowl dropped somewhat.   Great engineering feat. The biosphere is now used for studying water flow and absorption  and is now owned by the University of Arizona. 
It was a long walk back to the center.  They guys tried to interest us in their cafe we decided we could wait till we got the Florence for lunch.  We had a very good hamburger at The River Bottom Grill.  It was very good.  We met Jean and Dave who are good friends of Sandy and Alan.  They will be at Congress. 
We ended the trip to the home in Florence Gardens.  We saw her she shed and his he shed.  He carves Cypress knees.
We got home about 5 and The dogs were fine.  Ron would not take any money from us for taking care of the dog.  They are getting ready to move into a park model. 
We watched TV first the rest of the night. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

January 27, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow Steve did not wake up until 8:30.  I slept through the night and woke up at 6.  It was freezing in the right we has run out of propane.  I went back to sleep as did Steve.  I got up and dressed half way and took the dogs for their morning constitutional.   Came back and Steve is still in bed.  Unfortunately for me my cereal  was still under the bed. So I figured since it was not likely I would be getting lunch I would make breakfast. I finally woke Steve up at 8:30.  We ate a good breakfast then I jumped in the Teryx and grabbed Betty and we went to the sewing room. We worked there until I left at about noon.  Sandy came by to visit.  I got home and took the dogs for a walk.  Sandy and Alan came by and we went to see a great movie called the Green Book about the pianist Don Shirley.   I was not excited about going but really enjoyed the movie.  It was based on a true story.
We came home and did chores.   I finished all the blocks  for Block of the Week.  Did dishes before retiring to the TV room.
Well a month from we will be leaving here for Congress.  We have had a great time here.  But all good  things come to an end.  So sad.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 27, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We both got up after a good night's sleep and some very weird and vivid dreams. After morning chores I made my pinwheels for the blocks of the week.   They came out rather well.  I hope part 2 goes as well.  Steve worked on ruining the recliner by trying to use a leather repair kit.  Guess I am going to have to make some covers for the tops of the recliners.  Once all those chores were done we took off for the big city.
On the way there Sandy texted me and told me which spot they would be in at Congress.  So I called and got a spot nearby.  We continued to 35th Avenue Fabric World with only one little mishap.  I went in and did my shopping, such a fun shop.  Then we went to meet Bea and Lee.  We were a bit early so I sat in the car while Steve shopped in Michael's.
We has a fun lunch.  Then back to the rig.  Took the dogs for a walk and dropped in on Sandy and Alan.  Sandy invited us to the Movies tomorrow afternoon.   Stopped to say hi to Betty and Larry.  Came back and  worked a little in the sewing room. Ate a quick snack for dinner and adjourned for TV and games in the upper and only bedroom.

Friday, January 25, 2019

January 25, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

It was a beautiful day today.  Up about 8 then normal routine.  Decided to finished the hot chocolate and get it stored.  Just as I was finishing up the dishes Steve decided to try and determine why the printer wouldn't work.   Some how that become my project as well.  So instead of working on my quilt as I planned to i worked on the printer but to no avail. Steve ran down to the computer room and his friend Gary ended up coming over and working on it.  They finally got it to work by cleaning the print heads.  Meanwhile I went to a quilting demonstration of a Square in a square technique.   Interesting.  However we know that it is never as easy as it seems. 
Betty met me there then we walked home.  We both decided not to buy into the concept just yet. 
I finished what I was doing on the quilt.  It looks much better than before I fixed most of the issues where I goofed on the stitch in a ditch. .the quilt is just too pretty to use.  Not sure what I will do with it. 
Then we decided to take the trash to the dumpster and check the mail in the Teryx.  We stopped by Wally's to see if he wanted to grab a bite to eat but we found Sandy sitting there.  So we ended up.deciding to go out with Alan and Sandy. We had a nice dinner at Boston's Pizza and Grill.  Then back to the rig by 7 ish.  A little bit of sewing then TV and games. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

January 24, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I am almost finished with the infamous quilt. I was up early and at the sewing room early and right to work.  Nose is still dripping.   Sophie is driving us both crazy.  She won't let me have my blanket.   She insisted she gets it and won't take no for an answer.  Steve fought with her last night about territory. 
Worked till noon quilting the center part.  Came back from lunch to stitch in the ditch.  It takes more practice a lot more.  There are a few places I need to redo.
I left at 2 so we could run errands.  Ran to the mailboxes to grab my package.  Then off to Lowes, Office Max and Big Lots. Finally Safeway. .  Put the groceries  away and fixed a bite to eat.  Fed and walked the dogs.
Finally we walked down to the clubhouse for the Credence Clearwater Revival Tribute band with Randy Lindor.  I recognized some of the songs but hard rock is not really my cup of tea.  Not to mention it is hard to see these 65 year old men try and come across as rockers.
They were done by 8:45.  A quick ride back to the rig and recreating in front of the TV. I did my Thursday morning weigh in.  This time I took all my clothes off.  I weighed in at 209.3.  Actual lost about a quarter of a pound I a guessing. At least it is going in the right direction. 
On to the next day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

January 23, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

The weather has turned cold again.  Mid afternoon was pleasant but the nights are chilly.
I finally got a good night's sleep.  Up at the normal time.  It was in the 30's so I decided to take a shower later in the day when it got warmer.
We had several errands so we went and got propane and fuel for the Teryx. Then over to the postal store to mail Alaina's plaque that Steve made and finally the quilt store for thread.  Back to the rig for lunch and off to coloring.  I decided that I don't really care for gel pens so I will go back to pencils.  I didn't feel up to line dancing.  At 2:30 we went to block of the week.  Back to the house for a Teryx ride.  Shower, dinner and off to Bingo.  No wins tonight.  Picked up Darleen next door and took her to Bingo.  She must have a group that she sits with and it wasn't me.
Took Betty home and headed back to the rig,walked the dogs.  Time to unwind in front of the TV.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

January 22, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well I did not get much sleep last night.  Sophie refuses to use the pee pads.  And I refuse to take her out in the middle of the night.  Also there was tug of war over the blanket.  And I lost.  The cold prevents me from sleeping well however it shouldn't be a problem tonight.  I will be lucky to make it until 10.
I was up from 2:45 till  5:30 then when the alarm went off at 7 I got up.  Got ready for sewing class.  Was there till  noon then came home for lunch.  The quilt is coming along fine.  Will quilt it on Thursday.   Nervous about that.
Back after lunch to sew til 2:30.
Hung out till it was time to go to Taco Tuesday  and celebrate Betty's Birthday.
Dorothy and Richard brought a cake.  After that Sandy and Alan and Larry and Betty went to Culver's for ice cream sundaes.   Yum.
The TV the rest of the night.

Monday, January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Ok its official I have a runny nose.  It is all in my sins uses.  Hope I am better tomorrow.   I have no time to be sick.  We got up at the normal time actually  it was around 7 which is on the early side for us.  Got up and ready to go to Chandler for brunch with Shirley  and Hal Perry.  They are getting ready to take off on their bucket trip.  Around the first of Fed 1st.
We stopped at Michael's first and Steve went in to check on some paint supplies.  Then on to brunch in Phoenix.   On Eliott Road.  We cut it short as neither one f us wanted to prolong the lunch..  then we stopped at 35th Ave  so I could pick up some thread which I found out I can get at Amazon.  Back in the car for the short ride to Fiesra Grande. It was very breezy when we got back so we quickly put the awning in.  I gathered up the laundry while it was still only 2 loads.
I took it down there and while it was washing I worked in the quilt room.  Once I put them  the dryer and came home and finished some more prep work on the quilt.   Back to the laundry room to fold the clothes.  Then we ate leftovers as neither one of us was very hungry.  After getting packed up for tomorrow i went upstairs for TV and phone.
Walked the dogs and took a shower .  Back to the Bachelor.  Cross finger that I feel better today.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another Sunday spent sewing in the quilting sewing room.  I picked Betty up about 9:30 and we didn't get back til about 4.  But we did get a lot  accomplished.   I got my one block done and it came out fairly well. Cut some strips for my quilting class quilt.  Then I put together my flannel quilt.  I wish I had started it after I got instruction and fine tuning in class. 
Back home we chilled out in front of the football games.  Our guys didn't win but the games were excellent.   Tacos for dinner then more TV.  We went down to Larry and Betty's to check out the lunar eclipse and blood moon.  More TV for the rest of the night.  My nose is running away with me.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 19, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well we had a fairly restful day and I got a lot accomplished in the sewing room.  After our usual morning ritual I got right down to sewing.  I finished three blocks the 9 patch variation. About noon we decided to check out the Hong Kong Kitchen in the 300 block on Florence Blvd.  Lots of food for a lunch.  Fairly  decent as well.  Steve stopped for a haircut which he desperately needed at Great clips.  Then on over to Walmart for are necessities.   Finally back to the rig to put it all away.  Then I came home to finish the last three blocks of the quilt.   I could make more but I have to stop before I have to but more materials. 
We too the dogs on a Teryx ride then came back to finish up in the sewing room.  Neither one of us was real hungry.  Steve was feeling some better and  I felt off.  Not really sick but off.  I had a sinus headache.   I hope it is over by tomorrow. So he ate more Chinese food and I had cottage cheese and fruit and cheese and salami.
Then back to the bedroom for TV and some hand work on my pencil roll which is too small to hold all my pencils or gel pens.
It was nice to hang out around the trailer and not be overloaded with appointments. 

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

End of day two of Steve's illness.  Today was somewhat better than yesterday.   He seems better but his attitude was good until it was time for him to go to bed. Oh well  life goes on.
Girls up at normal time.  We did breakfast and chores. Sat down to sew and Betty texted me and asked me if I wanted to go to JoAnn's which I did.  We also went to the quilt store.   Larry drove us.  He didn't have much to say to us.  Course Betty didn't give him much of an opening..  she talks non stop.
Once we were back Steve wanted some lunch, then I had lunch and drank my water,then it was time to go to coloring.   I picked Darleen up next door and we headed to Betty's.   Sandy was gone so we headed to the clubhouse.   Did a lot of chatting at coloring.   Then walked back.  Got a couple more log cabin blocks done and a good start on the 9 patch variation. We didn't go to BeDillons for dinner with the birthday celebrants.
We had dinner here and I  did dishes and I was off to the TV room.  Called Glenda and got updated.  She is having liver issues. Hope everything is OK.
And that was our day.  More if the same tomorrow.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

My day was spent in the sewing room.  Things went quite well.  Got quite a bit accomplished  was there from 9 to 2:30 with a break for lunch.  Came home to the sicker.  He managed to get himself dressed to take me to the store.  When we got home he accused me of being an uncaring bitch.  According to Steve I  taught him how to be uncaring.
Once he threw his I am sick and it is all my fault tantrum we went down to the Relay for life dinner.  That was a scam.  They served sloppy Joe's or as they called them not so tidy burgers.  They served each of us a bun and a scant spoonful of the hamburger.  With it came half a jigger of coleslaw.  They did have a nice ice cream sundae which covered my growing need for I cream. I got on the scale this morning and it was not good news 210.6. Some of that is most likely from the holidays. Will have to watch it more closely.
At the dinner we sat my Wally and Leslie who we really enjoyed.  They ride motorcycles and are from just outside of Calgary Alberta  Canada.
We got home and I worked on some additional cutting. Then finished the evening off watching TV and playing on the phone.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 16, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another fun filled and action packed day.  Up at the usual time but before under the weather Steve.  He finally roused himself.  I took the dogs and we did the normal morning chores.  About 8:30 I started cutting blocks for the quilt class.  I cut until about noon.  Steve had the truck serviced.  The  the dogs for a walk and walked down to Betty's and Sandy on our way to coloring.   Betty and I went to the quilt club to get tickets for the Phoenix quilt show. Then over to the clubhouse for line dancing and coloring.  Then over to the Block of the week meeting and then walked home.  More block cutting.  A ride in the Teryx dinner then off to Bingo. I actually had a bingo.. Twice in a row. Unheard of.  Steve didn't go which was probably a good idea so he doesn't spread any more germs.  Hooe he keeps them to himself.
Back for some relaxation before bed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well another fun filled day at Fiesta Grande.  We were up at the normal time and got ready to go me too quilting class and Steve to carving group.  The day was overcast most of the day.  My blocks came out fairly well but the harder ones are coming up. We broke for lunch and finished up about 2:30.
We too the Teryx down to the mailboxes.  I came back and did some more cutting.  I listened to Steve complain about going to Taco Tuesday.   So at 4:15 we set out to Eva's with Betty in the back.  Larry was at the Elks.  We met some more new people all from Kansas City  and all staying at Sunscape RV park east of town.  There was Janet and John, Joe and Collette and Richard and Dorothy. We really enjoyed ourselves.  John and Shirley don't come to this event.  So we decided to come back.  Sandy and Alan showed up late with Alan's cousin who is visiting. 
Back to the rig to show Betty my blocks and walk the dogs.  More cutting.  All blocks must be cut by Thursday.   I only have 4 more to do but they are difficult.
Finally relaxing in front of the TV.  Hopefully the cutting will get easier.
It is hard to fit all these things in .  Too many activities and too little time.

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

A new week.  Our Amy here is about over.  This week is as crowded  as last week.  As much as I am enjoying our stay here at the same time I am also looking forward to moving on to Congress.  I will miss a lot of people here especially Betty but sometimes I feel that it is just too hectic.
We were up at normal time and did our normal morning routine.  I sat down to sew but as soon as I did Steve decided that he wanted to run some errands.  He wanted to go to Harbor Freight.   After that we got a slab of wood for an ironing board at Lowes. Then Office Max for some page protectors.  Back to the rig for lunch and  and got ready for coloring. 
Coloring was great  as usual.  The usual suspects were there.  Back to the rig for our daily Teryx ride with the pups.  We had a quick dinner of deli sandwich. 
Then we went to see Bernie and Red.  We went down an hour early to get a good seat.  Sandy and Alan  traded their yellow tickets so we could sit up front.  So glad that they did that.  They are an older married couple who sing and do comedy routine.  It was absolutely fantastic. 
Back to the rig to wind down for the night.  Hazel was wound up when we got home. 

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Very hectic and frustrating day.  I got up late at 8:45.  I was awake before Steve.  By 9:45 I was in the quilting room sewing and chatting with Betty.   I still had problems but I did get the binding on my pencil case and learned how to do mitered corners and close the binding.  Then the hard part came and with that more people in the sewing room.  I got one block half way done and cut it wrong.  Back to the drawing board. 
We spent 7 hours sewing and two visits from Steve then I dropped Betty at her place.  A ride in the Teryx with the dogs.Then a quick dinner of Steve's favorite -- frozen burritos.  We had no lunch and nothing to drink all day!  Once the dishes were done it was off to TV and words and Yahtzee. 
The best part was Steve went to the horse shoe  arena and tossed a few shoes by himself!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

January 12, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow we slept until 8:45! Neither one of us could get to sleep right away.  Steve went down on the recliner and I turned on the TV.  It was well after one when I finally got to sleep.  I woke up at 7 and went down stairs. And Steve crawled into bed.  Then we finally woke up at almost 9. We ate breakfast and piddled around the house. I got the crock pot going with a chuck roast for dinner tonight took two loads to the laundry which not  surprisingly was very busy.  Went home to take Steve to horseshoes.  Steve wanted to take the dogs for a ride but ended up dropping him off at horseshoes.  Then back to the rig to drop off the dogs.  Hazel reminded me to firmly close the door.  Back to the laundry for three more loads.  Back to the rig while they dried the back to the laundry for folding.  Took all the clothes back to the rig and put mine away including the general  laundry belonging to everyone like towels etc.
Sewed for awhile then fed the dogs.  Finally I got all the blocks finished for the log cabin quilt.  Yeah!  I hope I don't have to take then apart.   I don't think the material will withstand that.  Some of the logs are definitely rough hewn. 
Finally it was time to kick back and relax. 

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well today was a mixed bag.  It started out kinda rough.  Steve wanted to take a motorcycle ride so he tried to pick a fight so that he wouldn't feel so guilty. We discussed some preliminary travel plans.  Then he took off and I had some much needed alone time.   I worked on cutting some quilt pieces and walked the dog. I got caught up talking to Ron.  Or should I say listening to Ron.  Made some plans with Sandy and Alan, Bea and Lea and tried to reach Shirley and Hal.  Grabbed a quick bite for lunch and headed off to coloring. We discussed how we all met out husbands.  Darlene had a very interesting story to tell. Ben's ex wife left him for another woman.  And the story spiraled down from there.  Steve picked me up from coloring so that he could pick up his package from the office.
We ate dinner early waffles and fruit. Way too early. I am s   Then down to the clubhouse dance with the Campell Brothers.   They were very good.  I improved doing the electric slide.   We sat with Betty and Larry and John and Shirley.   I sure fell like we are getting the cold shoulder from them  I definitely feel like the newcomers from them. But Betty and I had fun.  We sang and chatted and did some line dancing.
We came back and took the dogs to the dog park.  Then shower and normal  bedtime routine.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

January 10, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Finally a semi quiet day in the Park.
It was very cold last night.  For some reason the furnace wouldn't come on.  I ended up turning on the electric  heater. It was kind of funny as we have full propane tanks. When I went to turn on the stove later in the day still no gas.  I think some one forgot to turn the tank on.  But am naming no names. 
Got up and went to my first official quilt class.  It was very informative I learned how to cut and iron.  Then we got my sewing machine set to sew correctly.   We worked till about 11:30 the broke for lunch.  At 12:30 we reconvened at the quilt sewing room to head over to the quilt store. Amazingly we were there only about an hour and a half.  There was l lots of material to cut.  They have some beautiful fabric there.  The instructor Joy dropped me off at the end of our block.  I dropped by and chatted with Betty for a few minutes then back to the rig.  I puttered around the house for the next two hours I hard boiled some eggs for to night's salad.
Sophie had an appointment for a mani pedi and we ran by O'Reilly 's to pick up some Def since Walmart has been out for over a week. 
Got back to the house fed the dogs and made our dinner.  Dishes.  Then I cut out some squares for the block of the week.   More tomorrow.   I hope I get better at it.  Very hard on the back.  .  Laid on the bed and played words with Glenda.  Finally walk with the dogs  and bed.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

January 9, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

What an incredibly busy day  Wednesdays seem to be that way. Steve was up and out the door and off to the gym so he can justify eating a donut at the town meeting ..I met him there after walking down. Couldn't sit at Betty's table as it was full.  So I sat with Steve.  John and Shirley have a closed group of friends and just not anybody can enter.  Back home after the meeting and down to Norris to get propane and pick up the hose we ordered which turned out to be wrong.
We decided to check out Nico's taco shack.  Let 's just say I won't be returning to there for food.  Back to the rig to walk the dogs and get ready for coloring.  Picked up Betty in the Teryx to go to the quilt meeting and coloring.  Betty and I danced to a song or two and colored til 2:30. Then off to the sewing room for block of the week with my quilt teacher.  Left the Teryx with Steve at Horseshoes.  Walked home and as soon as Steve got back we headed over to Walmart to do grocery shopping about 3:30.   I ran through Walmart and we were back eating dinner by shortly after 5.  Fortunately we had leftovers in place.
Out the door at 6. For Bingo.  Wonders of wonders I Bingoed finally.   $28.00 Jackpot!.  Back to the rig to prepare for the class tomorrow.   Shower and TV.  It is already after 11! What a crazy day. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2919 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Today was Sandy Clark's Birthday.   On this day we got up a little bit later than normal. We ate the left over biscuits and gravy for breakfast.  Steve went to carving and I took the dogs over to the dog park.  Hazel still had not done her job I decided to take them on a short walk.  Once we were back I swept the dirty floors and cleaned the sofa.  Then I finished my other candy bag. Once Steve got back sandy came over to  visit and bring the recipe and the ingredients for the cocoa.  I invited her to go to see the Mule with Clint Eastwood.  She refused off hand and then called to say they changed their mind.
About 1:15 we left for the theater.  The movie was OK but was the typical  Eastwood movie.   He is 88 years old.  Amazing that he could do as well as he did.
Back to the house for an hour to walk the dogs and feed them. Then off to the Creative Cafe for Sandy's Birthday dinner.  We got reacquainted with Shirley and John who aren't sure if they like us or not.  We also met Wally and Leslie from Canada.
Then back home.  Added another block to the quilt.  It certainly is not going to be perfect.   But I am learning as I go.  Those quarter inch seams are about to do me in.  Very stressful.  I hope to be putting the blocks together this weekend. 

Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I was really tired last night and slept pretty well .  Got up at normal time 7:30. We decided to do run some  errands. We went to Norris RV to order a coiled hose since it was the furthest out. Then we stopped at JoAnn's and Lowes.  Back to the rig for lunch a Teryx ride to check the mail and prepare to go coloring. 
Had a great time at coloring which is more a time to chat with other ladies and escape the husbands. When I got home we did our daily Teryx ride and drop off  at the dog park.  We grilled hamburgers for dinner.  Did dishes and some sewing.  I actually figured out something by myself. I sewed the binding together for the pencil role.  I feel Betty looking over my shoulder urging me to be more perfect in my work.  .  Then on the bed for TV, shower and bed. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 6, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

A rather blah day all in all.  We were up way before our usual time to go to breakfast with Betty and Larry at the Cracker Barrel. I did not get enough sleep which is not a good combination.   Breakfast  was very good.  It rained most of the night so there were big puddles all around in the streets.   We were home at nine-ish.  I sewed most of the day.  It was rather nice to stay home after the busy week we had.  Still there was a let down I guess. Betty was trying to help via texts. Their friends finally got here from South Dakota.  I guess they got here about 1 PM.  I started on a popcorn candy bag which ended up in the trash basket.  Which also added to my sour mood.  I have to get some thicker batting.  Anyway the vinyl came in contact with a very hot iron.  I tried to salvage it but to no avail. 
So I decided to do what I do best.  Cook.
Made a potato sausage casserole which we devoured.  Then I worked on the pencil roll which won't hold all my pens.  So other than running the dogs to the dog park we stayed warm in the trailer all day.
After sewing I did the usual TV movie thing.  And that was my day in a nutshell.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Today was a red letter day. I drive the truck without Steve not once but twice.
We got up normal time and did our normal chores.  Then we went down to the cart show.  Got some new steak knives which are very sharp.  We walked around the different vendors and Steve had Don Morris sharpen some knives for him. We took the dogs for a short Teryx ride.  Their favorite thing to do.
Once we got back to the rig I went down to Betty's to see the quilt she had quilted.  Then we decided to check out the local quilt store.  I dove Betty and me to the store and parked near the curb.   Went inside but decided we needed to come back so we didn't miss the hot dog lunch by Relay for Life.   We sat in the pool area with Sandy and Alan.  Dropped the guys off so they could play horseshoes while we were back at the quilt store scouting fabric for two more projects.   Back to the park without incident.  While the guys were still playing Betty and I started making out pencils roll.  When I walked down to the park Darlene was headed down to the clubhouse and guess what she bought a pencil roll.  So when Betty and I dot stuck we hijacked the Teryx and headed down to the clubhouse in search of Darlene and her pencil roll.  Once we figured out what was what we were back to the trailer to do more cutting.   They were having happy hour which Steve did not want to do.  I came home  and we took the dogs for yet another ride in the Teryx with the dogs.  Then we grilled the steaks.  It was threatening to rain so we wanted to be done grilling and get the BBQ covered. We had a  great dinner and used the new steak knives.  Dinner then dishes and some sewing on the quilt.   Still having some trouble with the quarter inch seams.  Some TV and a shower to finish off another very busy day.
So glad Steve decided to play horseshoes.  I hope he continues to play while we are here.  Good exercise and entertainment.   Keeps him away from the snacks for a few hours.

Friday, January 4, 2019

January 4, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow another fun filled day in Fiesta Grande.  We got up as normal and did our chores.  We were planning on doing some errands this morning.   Just as we were leaving Betty called and wanted me to go with her to pick up her quilt.  So I had to tell her no.  We went to the Verizon store so they could put the new protective face plates on.  Then over to Michael's.  Then we stopped for propane.  Last was a stop at Walmart.  We finished up putting everything away by 12:15.  A very quick lunch then down to coloring.   Stopped to pick up Betty but she left already.  Picked up a new person named Barbara.  Back to the house and got in a ride in the Teryx.  A stop at the dog park. Then I got an hour or so of sewing in.  A quick dinner then off to the dance.  Vintage Gold was the name of the band.i had a great time.  We finally we plucked up our courage and got on the dance floor.  We danced about 4 or 5 dances.  We sat at a table with Marge and Jim who we met last year. The band was fantastic.   We still are not in sync on the dance floor.  I almost screwed up my courage to do some line dancing.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 3, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another cold day in Casa Grande.  Temps down in the 20's again and the hose detaches from the trailer.  We were out early despite the cold.  Steve drove me in the Teryx over to Sandy and Alan's.  Sandy and I made our way over to Honey I shrunk the kids.  I didn't get brave enough to get on the scale but at least I am more aware of what I am eating.  I need to cut back and at least tonight I had only one taco instead of two.  We offered each other moral support and share tips.  Hopefully I will get motivated.
Sandy and I walked back and I decided to sit and visit with Sandy for awhile then home for a shower and a shave.
Picked up Alan and Sandy and we dove to Maricopa for lunch at the 347 Grill  at the Casino. It was very good.  I had fresh fruit instead of fries!  A win for the home team.  Then over to the Dwarf Car Museum.  Really cool.

The cars are built to a 11/16 scale. There were movies about haw he built the cars. They are driveable.  He recently drove one to Tuscon.  Then we drove back to Fiesta Grand.  Took the dogs to the dog park and their ride in the Teryx.  I made tacos for dinner then dishes, sewing, TV. 
A really great day and even time for a short nap.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January 2, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We are sure busy here.  Seems like we are constantly on the go.  Just when I thought I was going to have a few morning something popped up..  we got up at the normal time.  Steve headed off to the Gym.  I met him at the meeting where they tell you what is going in for the month.  Don't think I will be going to the meeting very often.
Picked up the mail which included packages for Steve.  Then we headed back to the rig.  I worked on my quilt for awhile.   Steve checked out his new wood burning kit. Then took the dogs for a walk.  Grabbed a bite to eat.  Headed out with the Teryx to pick Betty up and went to the quilt club and joined.  Then over to coloring first a short session.  Then took Sandy out in the Teryx.   As soon as I got back home Steve wanted to take the dogs for a ride in the Teryx.  We cooked brats on the grill for dinner.  Then down to the clubhouse for dobbing on the bingo cards. Alan finally binged.  Walked home for dessert and some TV time.  It has been really cold here for the last week. In the 20's at night.  Steve even disconnected the hose from the trailer.  Everyone is complaining.   Due to warm up in a couple of days.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January 1, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ.

Well the first day of 2019 went very well.  We got up really late. As a matter of fact I had to wake Steve up for once.  He was going to carving but I told him he wouldn't have time if he wanted biscuits and gravy.  The biscuits and gravy won.  So he had a really big breakfast.  We then went down to check on the mail.  Then over to the laundry mat with four big loads of laundry.   That too a good three hours.  I put the key to the Teryx in my jacket pocket then threw it in the wash.  So I had to wake back to the rig to get the dryer sheets.  Good walk.  Once the laundry was folded and put away. Steve carved and I walked down to Betty's to work on the candy bags.   While I was there Diane came looking for me to buy the set of pens.  She drove me back to the rig.  Then we got ready to go to Taco Tuesday. 
We drove to Eva's and enjoyed cheap taco and good company.   Janice and John came from another park.  We had a really good time.  Sandy and Alan Larry and Betty us and Janice and John.  Guess that is just a tip of the iceberg.   We drove through old time by mistake but it was dark and hard to see much.  At the rig the dogs got walked and fed.  We had dessert and dishes got done.   I finished one candy bag ruined a zipper .  Then spent the rest of the evening watching TV and playing games on the phone 
The weather has been cold here.  Supposed to hit in the 20's tonight.  High today was in the 40's.  Snow in Tuscon.  Should stay pretty cold for at least the rest week the low 60's.  We are having a great time so far.  Betty is relentless when it come to sewing.  Just what I needed to get a jump start.   She is good for me.  We have become way too insular   we rely too much on each other for company.