Well today was a mixed bag. It started out kinda rough. Steve wanted to take a motorcycle ride so he tried to pick a fight so that he wouldn't feel so guilty. We discussed some preliminary travel plans. Then he took off and I had some much needed alone time. I worked on cutting some quilt pieces and walked the dog. I got caught up talking to Ron. Or should I say listening to Ron. Made some plans with Sandy and Alan, Bea and Lea and tried to reach Shirley and Hal. Grabbed a quick bite for lunch and headed off to coloring. We discussed how we all met out husbands. Darlene had a very interesting story to tell. Ben's ex wife left him for another woman. And the story spiraled down from there. Steve picked me up from coloring so that he could pick up his package from the office.
We ate dinner early waffles and fruit. Way too early. I am s Then down to the clubhouse dance with the Campell Brothers. They were very good. I improved doing the electric slide. We sat with Betty and Larry and John and Shirley. I sure fell like we are getting the cold shoulder from them I definitely feel like the newcomers from them. But Betty and I had fun. We sang and chatted and did some line dancing.
We came back and took the dogs to the dog park. Then shower and normal bedtime routine.
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