Saturday, January 26, 2019

January 27, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We both got up after a good night's sleep and some very weird and vivid dreams. After morning chores I made my pinwheels for the blocks of the week.   They came out rather well.  I hope part 2 goes as well.  Steve worked on ruining the recliner by trying to use a leather repair kit.  Guess I am going to have to make some covers for the tops of the recliners.  Once all those chores were done we took off for the big city.
On the way there Sandy texted me and told me which spot they would be in at Congress.  So I called and got a spot nearby.  We continued to 35th Avenue Fabric World with only one little mishap.  I went in and did my shopping, such a fun shop.  Then we went to meet Bea and Lee.  We were a bit early so I sat in the car while Steve shopped in Michael's.
We has a fun lunch.  Then back to the rig.  Took the dogs for a walk and dropped in on Sandy and Alan.  Sandy invited us to the Movies tomorrow afternoon.   Stopped to say hi to Betty and Larry.  Came back and  worked a little in the sewing room. Ate a quick snack for dinner and adjourned for TV and games in the upper and only bedroom.

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