Saturday, February 2, 2019

February 2, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We had a pretty relaxing day .  We got up late. Sophie let us sleep through the night. I used a different blanket and didn't take hers. I was excited about getting started on all the fun things I got at the quilt show.
We ate breakfast and piddled around the house.  I delivered cookies to Ron and Linda 'Betty and Sandy.
Did a little sewing then walked with Larry and Betty down to the Clubhouse for a hot dog lunch.  Then we went pur separate ways.  Steve went to horseshoes, Betty went to shuffleboard and I went to work.  Steve took a big platter of cookies to horseshoes.  I vacuumed the back and mopped and swept the kitchen and bath.  We cleaned out the back so we will be ready.  Steve came back from playing horseshoes and took me to Walmart to get a few things.  Then back to make Tamale pie.  Dinner ran late then dishes.  Then more sewing on the flannel quilt.  Final pick up of the back and time to head upstairs to watch TV and relax. 

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