Saturday, February 9, 2019

February 9, 2019 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

When is Arizona going to get warm?  It was cold and windy and overcast all day.  We got up and dressed and headed out to the Gourd festival at the Pinal County fairgrounds.   It was very interesting but I don't think I need to go back next year.  We toured the competition gourds first.  Their were some amazing entries.  I got some really great pictures.  Then we went through the vendors.  Steve went to Mountain Carvers and picked up a few items. We had a chocolate funnel cake at the fair. 
Back to the rig after a quick stop at Petsmart. 
Once we got back I filled out the paperwork and got info from the lienholders so that we can get the vehicles registered  in South Dakota. Steve was being difficult  since he did not want to do it.  There is some notary work that needs to be done.    I made the BlackBerry cobbler for tomorrow's dinner.  Then cooked a meatloaf for dinner.  I spent some time cutting fabric.
The trailer is becoming too small for the both of us and our hobbies.
It was the perfect night for Hot Chocolate.   So I made  some for each of us.  Went up to watch TV.  And when Hazel got up she peed on me and the bed.  I flipped out and sent her out.   I will have more than enough laundry to do tomorrow morning.   .

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