Well today was a very interesting day. Up early as usual. 7:30 for me. Another cold day here at the park and overcast. Breakfast and chores. I sewed for awhile Steve painted his carving. At 11:30 steve decided to take a Teryx ride to get water and end up at the dog park. A quick lunch then off to coloring with Betty. Betty and Larry are not getting along. Betty was on the phone to me and an altercation broke out. Larry threw coffee at Betty. Anyway we talked before everybody got to coloring. Then we colored. Steve came to pick us up fir the show about twenty to three. One problem he forgot to get Alan. So off he went to get Alan and then return for us. Later I found out that he also forgot to walk the dogs and put out a pee pad. Anyway we went to the show. The guys saw Richard Jewell and the girls saw Ftozen II. The dinner at el Manuel. Not great but better than Eva's. Back at the Ranch I ran the dogs to the dog run and Steve had their food ready. Then movies and TV.
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