Monday, December 9, 2019

December 9, 2017 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Today was perfect. was raining when i woke up.  Steve was in his chair asleep.  He was in a foul mood most of the day.  We got the dogs taked care of then took off for Coolidge and the Walmart there.  Much fewer people there.  It is 20 miles away.  It rained off and on.  We got back about 10:30 then I put away the groceries and fixed lunch for the grinch.  Steve was upset because we had a few raindrops on the back patio.  We either leave it up on down.  Anyway that set him off for the rest of the day.  I decided not to go to coloring and sew for the rest of the day.  But by the time we should have left for coloring  the sun came out.  I took Betty the onion I borrowed and made our way over to the dog park.  More sewing and watched some TV.  Steve lost the magnet to his name tag which threw him into a real tizzy.   Then a Teryx ride to check the mail.  I fixed a new dinner tonight.  Bacon Ranch Spaghetti with Parmesan.   Steve was kind of leary but in the end he liked it.  It was pretty fast and easy.  Did dishes and it was time for TV in the boudoir. 

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