Tuesday, March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Finally the last day of March.  Tomorrow we start April.  We still have not been here a whole month. 
I got up about 8 after a restless  night.  Breakfast chores.  I cut the fabric for the Cowboy quilt binding.  At eleven we went down to Sandy's where we all jumped in Alan's truck and headed to Nichols west.   We ordered lunch . I paid and left without my credit card.  Over to the post office where we mailed all our packages.  Back to pick up our lunches and my credit card.   We had a picnic lunch then went our separate ways tik it was time for our trip to the dog park.  Steve and I took a Teryx ride around our village.  At a little before 6 we went to dinner with some nachos.   Sandy  fixed a taco salad.  It was easy and yummy.  Then we had the progressive part of dinner.  We moved down to our place and had dessert.   We sat and talked until our allergies drove us back inside our respective rigs.  Finally TV and cuddles  for the rest of the evening.

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

It is still March.  And it will still be March tomorrow.   We are still squatting here in Congress.   I got up and Steve came back from the Ford dealership.   Then I hustled over to the laundry to do my two loads.  I  was done by 11:30.  Then we ate lunch.  I got my quilt ready to put the batting in.  I used the table for ironing.   Sandy and I worked on finishing some beading projects.  Got everything ready to mail tomorrow.   Steve and Alan went to pick up the truck.  Steve went to pick up the dogs meds only to find out they weren't ready.  Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to the dog park.  We BBQ'ed hot dogs for dinner.  Dishes and TV with cuddles.  I don't see how I am going to make it for 5 more weeks here.  It doesn't look promising for our trip east either. 

Sunday, March 29, 2020

March 29, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

It is the end of March.  We have been here 20 days.  We are getting though them with the company of Sandy and Alan.  There is no other couple I would rather be stranded here with.  Their lifestyle is very similar to theirs. 
We both slept late this morning despite Steve's plan to get up early and walk.  We did breakfast and chores.  We did a garbage run and collected Sandy's on the way.  We decided to get together at our usual crafting time of 1 pm.  I finished the top of the Cowboy quilt.  Now for the back side.  We went on a Teryx ride as it was a gorgeous day.  I worked at Sandy's till 4 then we walked to the dog park and back.  Sandy kind of pushed Alan out of the house and over to Steve's  for carving.   We each went to our separate abodes.  We BBQ'ed some veggies on a skewer and reheated some leftover tri-tip.   After the dogs got their teeth brushed we retaired to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.
Not quite ready to climb the walls. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Another day if quarantine dowm and it is still March.  Up at 8.  Breakfast and morning chores.  I sewed for a while.  Then about 11:30 I got a text from Sandy and l agreed to craft at 1:30.  Steve shocked the hell out of me saying we should take a walk.  So we took a 40 minute walk.  Then came back had lunch.  A very short Teryx ride.  Then down to Sandy's for crafting.  Alan and Steve carved.  At 4 Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to the dog park.  Then I showed her the mariachi band in front of one of the houses.  I dropped Sandy at home.   Came home and fixed dinner.  We BBQ'ed chicken .  At 7 Sandy and Alan came over and we sat around the fire and chatted.  I made dessert.   They left about 9.  Time for TV and cuddles.

Friday, March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well I saw a side of Betty that I didn't much care for today.  She can be vicious.  Last night Shirley Little emailed me and asked me if I wanted some steps. I said yes. She said Jon and Roger would put them at Suzanne's.  This morning I got a scathing text from Betty claiming that I should have called them.  Anyway their feud goes on .  So silly.   I sure hope Shirley isn't  trying to put me in the middle.  Have to keep an eye on her  and Jon.
I got up at 8.  Ate breakfast and did chores.  Then I sewed for a while.   We got ready and left for the vet.  Steve has been crabby for a couple of days.  He sweetened up after I called him on it.  Not sure if it is the quarantine or the virus or the threat of the germs.  We stopped for gas on the way to the vet.   I was the only people there in the office.  Sophie  had to be muzzled as anticipated.  We have to go back and pick up meds.
After the vets I  went into CVS in search of alcohol sanitizer hand soap none of which was available.   Stooped at the hardware  and found alcohol.   Then over to Bashas for a few items Sandy wanted.  The refrigerator is full.  We will ok  here for awhile.   We will just have to be frugal with the toilet paper. When we came home Steve dropped me off  and I walked them over to the dog park and back .  It was cold and windy.  Betty called and we hashed out our differences.   Sandy came by to pick up her groceries.   I made masks for the 4 of us.  Steve pouted the rest if the afternoon.   Then we took a Teryx ride. I fixed dinner.  Chicken alfredo.   Not my favorite  but it tasted okay.  Dishes.  Then TV and cuddles with the dog.   Hope Steve's mood improves.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

March 26, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well we have just over 5 weeks here.  Providing everything goes as planned.  I got up at 7 with the alarm so I could be ready when Alan picked me up at 8 to head over Safeway for Senior shopping.  Shelves are still empty.  No pasta, flour, to and water.  People are still hoarding.   We will check with Bashas tomorrow to fill in the holes.  Alan joined us after he got gas.  Back to the ranch.   Put away groceries .  Steve carved most of the day off and on.  He must be starting a new diet because he has been grumpier than normal.   Steve and I went to get the propane then the dog park finally  a ride.  We had lunch. Then I went over to Sandy's around 1 for our daily crafting.  I finished a necklace.  One more necklace and one more bracelet to go.  Back to the house for some sewing finally.   I also got a little sewing done this morning. At 4 Sandy and I went to the dog park and I found out that I have another Arizona sister.  Once I came back we had a fairly early dinner, did dishes  then another long Teryx ride.  TV and cuddles followed. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

March 25, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

One more day of quarantine down.  I got up at 8 . We had left over biscuits and gravy for breakfast.  I then started defrosting the refrigerator as planned.  Finally finished it about 11.  Then Steve and I took the girls for a Teryx  ride and a trip to the dog park.  Then it was time for daily beading session..   went home at 3:30 and started preparing for dinner.  We had a nice spaghetti dinner with Sandy and Alan.  They left about 8.  Then TV and cuddles.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We are having a great time here during the quarantine  and time  of social distancing.   We have not left the park since last Thursday.   We have kept our days pretty full. I didn't sleep too well last night as I was worried because Steve said the Franchise Tax board sent us a letter.   Fortunately it was something we already got and must have dealt with. 
I got up at 8 and had breakfast.  Then we started adjusting our schedule.  Cancelling  reservations and extending here thru the beginning of May.  We scheduled some mail shipments.   We were confirmed for Space 442 at Fiesta Grande.  Anyway it took most of the morning to do our chores and make all those telephone calls.
I finally finished the river  quilt. Then I picked up Sandy in the Teryx  for a ride to the dog park.  We beaded for a couple of hours then I went home for a Teryx ride.  Back at the house I played words and fed the dogs and it was time to go to Sandy and Alan's.  We had a wonderful dinner and dessert.   We were home by 7:30.  Off to the bedroom  for TV and cuddles.
The main event for tomorrow is clean and defrost the refrigerator.   Can't wait.  We have just over 5 weeks left here at the park.  We have reservations here thru July if need be. 
We were also afraid we might not be allowed to leave CA once we got back. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020 Escapees North Ranch , Congress AZ

Bug news.  We are not going back to CA for three weeks.   Times are too uncertain right now with the virus.  The threat of martial law.   If we go into the state will we be able to get back out.  So now we will be here just over 5 weeks more. 
We were up early.  I was at the laundry before 9.  Two loads.  At 11 we got in Alan's truck and headed to Nichols West for takeout.  We stopped at the dollar store.  No toilet paper no flour and no pasta.  At Nichols West
We placed out lunch order and paid for it.  We went to the post office and mailed our packages.  Back to Nichols West to pick up our order.  Back to Sandy's and had our picnic.  Then while Sandy chilled and  heated her back Steve and I took the dogs to the dog park and took our daily tour of the park.  It showered for about 10 minutes.   Then the dogs and I went down to Sandy's for our daily craft session. 
We are both yawning so I went home for a quick nap. I wound up finishing the Harlen Coben book.  The boy in the woods.  Not one of my favorites.   Way too scattered.  Then Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to see some Easter decorations.   Then over to the dog park.  Finally dinner and TV with cuddles.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

It was a wonderful day today, my 68th birthday.     I got lots of Birthday wishes I got up about 8.  Had breakfast.  Did chores.  Changed the bedsheets and did some minor cleaning.  Some sewing.  Aride in the Teryx.  We had lunch.  Then over to Sandy's for a little beading and lots of conversation.   Then another trip to the dog park. At 6 Sandy and Alan came over for BBQ'ed BBQ'ed tri-tip.   We had a wonderful meal.  Sandy baked a delicious cake. There were candles and everything.   They left about 9.  Then TV and cuddles. 
It was a great Birthday all in all. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020

March 21, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We are having fun in confinement.   I got up about 8 and had a muffin for breakfast.   Then chores and I finally got a millisecond of sewing done.  About 11 I made pigs in the blanket and had Sandy and Alan for lunch.  After a leisurely lunch Sandy and I walked to the dog park.  Then the girls and I went down to Sandy's and Sandy and I beaded.  I made a bracelet.   We called Betty and chatted for a while.  Then Sandy and and I did some wire wrapping on silverware.   After that I needed a rest.  I came home for an half an hour.  I grabbed the Teryx and Sandy  and I took off for the dog park.  We tootled around the park for a few minutes  the Steve and I took our daily Teryx ride.  We had a quick dinner and now I am cuddling with the dogs on the bed and watching  TV. 
Tomorrow will be my 68th birthday.   We can't go out restaurants are doing take out only.   So we will BBQ here instead.  Oh and spring is officially here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today was a very interesting day. We got up about 8.  We had breakfast.  Then I got up and made cookie dough for Steve.  Once I got the cookies baking I did chores.  By 11:30 the cookies were done baking.  I  made grilled cheese sandwiches.   Then it was finally time to face the elephant in the room and go down to Sandy's with the puppies  and help her with her arm chair covers.  Alan came over and carved with Steve for a couple of hours.   Once that was done we did some beading. Then Sandy and I took the dogs to the dog park.   Then a Teryx  ride with Steve.     Then dinner which was left over chicken pot pie.  At 6:30 sandy came over for a campfire.  She stayed till almost 9.  Alan did not come over with her.  He could not get warm.  We made hot chocolate and took some down to Alan.  Finally it was time to cuddle with the dogs and watch some TV.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today started out cold and wintery.  I got to put Jean's on and a sweatshirt.   We did chores and had breakfast.   I had a nightmare about sharks eating the boardwalk under my feet. Then we went to downtown Wickenburg to go to the Cowboy museum.   It was really cool especially the downstairs of the second building where they had replicas of old hotels general store etc.  The even had a hologram set up in the general store.   One of the volunteers was from Davis  and her brother knew some people that Steve knew.  He was a road. engineer for the state. She brought some things out of the back room to show us.  We were the only ones in the museum for most of our visit.  Then lunch at Nanas.  Finally a trip to Bashas to pick up a few item.  No pasta, no TP, no bread.  They did have some canned fruit. Then home for a walk to the dog park with Sandy.  A Teryx ride with Steve.  Then I read for awhile.   Sewed for awhile. Another Teryx ride to watch the sunset.    Left over pizza for dinner.  Finally TV and lots of cuddles. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Things are pretty quiet around here.  We got up about 8 at least I did.  I fixed breakfast burritos  with the leftovers from the pizzas and added eggs.  Then chores.  Put my quilt on the bed and Sandy came over to render an opinion on the quilt.   Then I did two loads of laundry.   Everything at the park is closed up except  for the laundry and the outside bathrooms.   After laundry I came back and played words, read , and sewed .  It has rained off and on all day.  I finished my quilt top on the river log cabin quilt.   I made a chicken pot pie which turned out ok but definitely left some room for improvement.  Sandy and Alan came for dinner.  I made apple crescent rolls with ice cream  and Carmel sauce.  Steve turned on the TV while they were here.   They were quite fascinated with Family Feud.  I did dishes and it was time for TV  and cuddles. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

March 17, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We got up really late this morning.  I got up at 7.  Steve was still asleep out front so I went back to sleep out there.  We finally got up about 8:30.  Breakfast and chores then Steve left on a motorcycle ride. Sandy visited and I stayed home to sew.  About 1 we took a shirt walk with the dogs.  More sewing then a trip in the Teryx to the dog park.  Steve was home by then.  They  canceled  Bead week and carving week. 
I made pizza for dinner.  Tomorrow I  try my chicken pot pie.
After dinner Steve carved.  Then Alan and Sandy came and sat by us.  A nosy neighbor kept trying to insert himself  in our fire pit.  Finally around 8 we came in side for TV and cuddles.

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well the excitement of the day was the adventure the dogs had.  While I was talking on the phone with David the girls slipped out the back door went right by Steve who was engrossed in his project.  The next thing I know Sandy was calling me to tell me she had the dogs with her.  They were wandering around the office and someone corralled them in the laundry room where fortunately Sandy was doing laundry.   So I went over and rescued the wayward dogs.  Fortunately they were safe. 
Anyway we got up about 7:30 had breakfast and did chores.  Then Steve decided to transfer funds from one bank to another.  He ended up extremely frustrated which boded ill for me.  He took me to Safeway where the shelves were mostly bare.  It was hard not to stockpile food along with everyone else.  After shopping we took a ride out to Vulture Mine Rd to see the Vulture City. Then back home to get some sewing done.  Too many distractions here.  Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to the dog Park.  Then Steve mandvi went for a ride.  Monday and Thursday  are Alan and Sandy's TV night.  We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner.  Dishes and TV in the boudoir.   Of course there were lots of cuddles.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

I got up at 7:30 with the alarm.  Steve was already awake.  We got ready to go to breakfast with Sandy and Alan.  We each went to the Ranch House in our separate trucks.  We had a really yummy breakfast.  Wonderful apple fritters.  Then we got in our truck and stopped at family Dollar for Toilet paper.  Then we came back and took a Teryx ride to the dog park.  Then Steve carved and I sewed and watched TV.  About 2 I took a walk to the Dog park with Sandy.  Came back and Steve wanted dinner at 3.  So we BBQ'ed hamburgers which were not that great.  Then more sewing.  At 5 Steve and Alan went over to the activity center to see a wood carving workshop.  At 5:30 I walked over to Sandy's and we walked over to the activity center for the ice cream social.   We sat and visited for awhile.   Another trip to the dog park.  Finally we retreated to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

March 14, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

The weather was gorgeous when we got up by 8.  Steve actually slept longer than I did.  Sandy texted me about 8:30 saying she was ready to go.  At 9:15 we took off in the Teryx  to go garage sailing.  The first person we ran into we ran into Kathy Benton where we all found some jewelry we like.  We talked to Kathy Bross for awhile.   Then we toured the rest of the neighborhood and ran into Diana and Homer Lawless and Barb and John Ely.  We tooled around the area until 11:30 then took the dogs to the dog park.  Then I sat and chatted with Sandy for awhile.  We talked about books and I found
Alan and Steve drove to some wood shop in Prescott.  While he was gone I had lunch.  Took some items to the goodwill table.  And started mending Steve 's back brace.  Then I started working on the piano keys for the log cabin quilt.  We went on a long Teryx trip. We BBQ'ed ribs and Sandy and Alan came to dinner .  They left about 8.
Dishes then TV and cuddles.  All in all a good day.  The rain held off for the most part .  Started out with a clear sky and ended up with clouds and a few sprinkles. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

March 13, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Friday the 13th today.  More traveling today.  We left early so that we could stop and get some of the elusive toilet paper.  We then headed to Surprise to meet Dan and Sally Sullivan.  We sat in their trailer and chatted with them for about an hour and a half.  Then they gave us a cell phone tour of their park which is on the order of Palm Creek.  It was pouring rain. Then we hit the Mexican restaurant for lunch.  It was good we sat there there and chatted for another hour and a half.  They were all excited as they just bought a 2400 square foot house in a 55+ community.  Then we went to see Judy and Flo .  Flo will turn 102 on the 29th of this month.   We were there about one and a half hours.  Then back to Congress.  We made a stop at Safeway to get toilet paper which they had none. Homeward bound.  Dog walk at the dog park.  Home for dinner of waffles with fruit. Then TV and cuddles.   Steve and I have different memories about how we found out about the death of Tom Blodeki of chasers chocolates.  I know Myrna told us when we stopped to say hi on the way home .  Steve remembers it entirely different.   But we know how Steve loves to rewrite history.   Unfortunately I did not record it so no way to prove it.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today was gray and rainy all day.  It rained buckets every now and again.  We got up late.  Now Steve's shoulder hurts.  Anyway after chores we unloaded the loft finally and I got my ostomy supplies.   After that we sat down and did some trip planning.  I must say it looks more like an endurance test than a vacation  bit it dmshoukd settle down once we pass June 1st.   Sandy called and wanted me to head over to the Activity Center  for a meeting of the book club.  Cuymt was very interesting as we shared books with the mystery theme.  Found a couple of new authors.   Came back in a car as it had started to rain.   I tried to fix Sandy's pants.  It was not a five minute job!  Then I fixed dinner.  We has a rotisserie chicken.  I took the knorr fried rice and added bacon bits onion and egg.  It turned out really great.  Then dishes TV ice cream and cuddles.  Still raining.   Steve barely left the house today.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March 11, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

We got up early and took off for Casa Grande to pick up the Teryx.  Steve seemed fine but by the time we got to our destination he had worked himself into a snit.  His back was bothering him and as always he takes it out on me.  We got there an hour early.  I went into Fry's to get some French bread.  We went to the nail place who was three people down.  So we were there for an hour and a half.  I didn't even take the time to get a manicure.   My nails are too short especially the right little finger.  It is down below the quick.  Then off to lunch at the Creative Cafe.   Where Steve had another tantrum.   Finally over to pick up the Teryx.   Stopped by Suzanne's and made a delivery.   Then we saw Betty walking home and she jumped in the truck to go get the Terex in storage.  We hooked up and headed out.  Shirley came over on the way out and told us that they  bought a park model.  Right overby Wally  and Leslie.  Surprise  surprise. We dove home and parked the trailer and drove the Teryx home.  I had Sandy put three loaves of french bread in her freezer.   This caused Steve to throw another tantrum.   Like he is looking for something to blow up about.  We had leftovers from Sandy for dinner.  Then I escaped from the enemy and went to watch TV and cuddle with the dogs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

March 10, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today was gray and rainy.   We got up leisurely and  had breakfast and chores.  Steve had to charge his motorcycle as he left the light on and the battery went dead. We decided to go to Pescott for Walmart and Costco.   I picked up a few items for Sandy and the lovely dinner that Sandy fixed for us.  We went to Walmart then Costco.   It rained all day.  The road to Prescott is twisty in extreme.  I really like the town set at the top of a mountain .  We got back at 3ish .We put away all the  groceries and I made garlic bread to go with the  spaghetti  casserole that Sandy made for us. We had dinner at 5 then at 6 Alan and Steve went to carving.  They bull shirted til almost 8 even though they were only going to ne gone for a few minutes.   Sandy and I chatted for an hour then I came home and did dishes and started watching TV with the dogs.  They are changing the dates of carving and beading to February.   We are going to have to rethink our plans for next year. 

Monday, March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well we left Casa Grande this morning. Larry  and  Betty  came over for a last goodbye hug. We were ready to leave at 8 and Steve was chomping at the bit. I held him off till 9 but we started breaking down and loading the motorcycle.   Of course everybody stopped by to say goodbye.   Suzanne brought us Carmel corn and cookies and a Birthday card to boot.  At about 9:45 sandy and Alan headed out.  This time we didn't even make it outside the park when we noticed that the tire monitor was flashing and the right inside dually was reading 18psi.  Steve tried adding air but could not get up past 30psi.  So we pulled into discount tire but they were packed.  We then headed down the other way to Big O.  They were busy buy once they got us in it didn't  take long.   Sandy and Alan were there right by our side the whole time.  We grabbed a burger at Wendy 's and the left at 12:30.  Thank God Alan was there to help Steve back up and get on and off the trailer.  We arrived at Congress at 3 ish.  The dogs were happy to have a place to pee and poop. We unloaded the bike.  Then placed the trailer in the appropriate spot.  We unhooked and got  set up.  Then Dinner.   Finally after all that it was time for TV and cuddles.
And cuddles.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

March 8, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande

Today was a mixed bag.  It is hard to leave.  Steve is being an asshole.   We got up at what I thought was 8 but was really 7.  I was operating on daylight saving time  but Az doesn't change.  We are now the same time as CA.  We had breakfast.  Steve cleaned the happy jack and I made the bed.  We took a Teryx ride.  Then we put the dogs I. Then we checked the hydraulic system in the Jack's.  The reservoir was quite a bit down.  We hopoed in the car and went to the auto parts store to get more fluid for the hydraulic system.   Then Steve checked the tires while  I went to visit Sandy.  He drove the Teryx back to Sandy and picked me up.  Then we had lunch. I watched a movie.  Then when I wanted to go down to Betty's to say goodbye he pitched fit. I have to say his back is giving him fits. When I came back he had taken the Teryx over to put in storage by himself.  So I walked over there and he was in a royal snit. We came back and  parked the truck in site.  We decided to go to Lucky chinese for dinner.   It was ok.  On the way out Steve hut the cement blocks on Ben's fence AGAIN. So we had to make an emergency stop at Lowes for more brick.   Which Steve installed when we got back from dinner.  We barely spoke during dinner.  Going  over he kept gunning the truck.  So incredibly juvenile. So we went to  our separate ways to out separate TV rooms.  I got the cuddles tho.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

March 7, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well tomorrow is our last day here at Fiesta Grande.   We got up leisurely, breakfast and chores.   Steve washed the mats while I made the bed and pulled together the dog blankets to wash.  Then we went over to bring the Teryx trailer over.  Unfortunately Kevin parked his trailer over the line into our spot. So we went and got Kevin and he came and moved his trailer and helped Steve hookup our trailer.  We brought it home and backed it  into our RV spot.  Then we took a Teryx ride to the office where we tried to pay for another year of storage.   We drove around the park and chatted with John who we usually talk to while we are waiting for a show . He is from Abbotsford BC.  We got home just as it was time for me to go to a Farewell lunch with Sandy Betty Suzanne  and Karen Andrew.  We had a wonderful lunch at Mimi's.   Then a quick trip to JoAnn's.   While I was gone Steve went to a BBQ lunch with Don Morris and Roger.  When I came home  I grabbed the dog blankets  and jumped in the Teryx headed  to the laundry  for two more loads .  Then we went down to Larry and Betty's.   We chatted for awhile then Sandy and Alan came over until Sandy felt obligated to go do her laundry.  Back to the rig for leftover pizza.  After that snack it was time for TV and cuddles. 

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 6, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We we are only a couple of days from leaving.  Another early morning gig.  Breakfast at ihop so Steve could get his free pancakes.  There were 7 if us including Larry and Betty , Suzanne and Larry and Arlene from Palm Creek. After Breakfast we came back and got the dogs and truck and took off for Walmart.   Picked up some things then we went over to a car wash near Safeway.   Finally we went to Fry's to stock up on junk food.  Came home to put away the groceries.   We were just finishing when Shirley and Paul arrived.   We went to Barros pizza for a wonderful lunch.  Then a quick stop at the house to pick up the cards.  We drove over to The Heebner's house  and played cards.  Then home where I pulled all the laundry together and spent 3 hours doing 5 loads of laundry.   I got home at 7 and out it all away.  Finally it was time for TV and cuddles. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 5, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I am really tired of getting up early.  Went to class after breakfast and chores.  Sad about leaving.  Went to class to finish our Dresden neighborhood.  Just nor my cup of tea yet.  I will get there tho.  My heart wasn't in it.  I have to find a good applique stitch.  Frankly I just want to finish a project
 Before I start another one.  So many last minute events to take in.  Plus I was tired when I started  and even more  tired when I checked out at 2.  I came home and started organizing and stowing all my sewing stuff .  All done including the iron.  We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner.  Did the dishes.  Steve dragged out the firepit.  We sat outside for quite awhile and petted the dogs and checked out Facebook.   Then TV and cuddles plus ice cream. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Let's see.  We were up fairly early
  I got up dressed ate breakfast  did chores. Steve went to the cult meeting.  I walked over to Shelly Brooks for a hair cut.  Then came back and started to sew.  Steve came back and took off on a motorcycle ride.   I sewed and ate lunch.  Then walked down to coloring.   I tried to Drop off my raffle blocks.  Went to coloring.   Came back and did some sewing and fixed a quick dinner before leaving for Bingo for the last time.  Steve Finally won Bingo.  We came home for dishes and TV and cuddles

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

March 3, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We went to our last taco Tuesday dinner for this season.  If left up to Steve it will be our last one.  But that is today.  We had a really great  time as usual.  So I got up really early 6:30 with the alarm.  Chores and breakfast  and out the door to class by 8:15. We started the Desden neighborhood project.  Not really  my cup of tea but I need to learn how to replicate so this it.  I must learn to try hard and have patience and it will come.  We worked thru until 2:30.  Then I carried the machine and supplies  to Betty's and walked the rest of the way home.  We took a Teryx ride with Lexi.  Fed the dogs then we were off to McMashers.   Then home for TV and cuddles.
Today is David's 38th birthday. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

March 2, 2020 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another day in paradise.   Up at 7:30. I slept the night through without getting up to go potty until 6:30. We had breakfast and I did chores.   Steve went down to help Littles with their slides . I walked the dogs down to Sandy's to give her the small bucket ms and bows.  Steve showed up and we sat and visited with them for awhile.  We took a short Teryx ride and ended up back at the rig.  We hung out here for awhile then we met Terrie and Alan at the food truck for lunch.  We talked more about their trip back up the Coast.   Then Steve dropped me off at the craft room for coloring.   Betty seemed awful quiet today not sure why.  After coloring we walked home and I worked on sewing  project.  I packed up my gear for tomorrow.   I wish I hadn't let Betty talk me into going to the class tomorrow. 
At 6 we went to stand in line at at the clubhouse for the Eagles Tribute band.  One of these nights was the name of the band.  They were pretty good.   At least I recognized most of the songs.  Then home for TV and cuddles and ice cream.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

March 1, 2020. Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We actually had a restful day more or less.  Steve's plan was to work on the toilet  but he decided to work on carving first. I put my River quilt on the bed and Betty came over and we discussed a few things.  Then Betty and I took a short trip to JoAnn's and spent an hour and a half tooling around and spending money.  Then back to the rig for a very short sewing session.   We ate lunch the a Teryx ride was in order. 
We passed by Sandy and Alan's.   They were sitting out with friends so we sat out with them and chatted for awhile.  Around 4 we came home and I started making the spaghetti sauce.  Once had dinner and I did dishes then we walked around the block for some quick exercise.   We came back and settled in for the night with the pups.  One week from tonight God willing we will be in Congress.