Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well the excitement of the day was the adventure the dogs had.  While I was talking on the phone with David the girls slipped out the back door went right by Steve who was engrossed in his project.  The next thing I know Sandy was calling me to tell me she had the dogs with her.  They were wandering around the office and someone corralled them in the laundry room where fortunately Sandy was doing laundry.   So I went over and rescued the wayward dogs.  Fortunately they were safe. 
Anyway we got up about 7:30 had breakfast and did chores.  Then Steve decided to transfer funds from one bank to another.  He ended up extremely frustrated which boded ill for me.  He took me to Safeway where the shelves were mostly bare.  It was hard not to stockpile food along with everyone else.  After shopping we took a ride out to Vulture Mine Rd to see the Vulture City. Then back home to get some sewing done.  Too many distractions here.  Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to the dog Park.  Then Steve mandvi went for a ride.  Monday and Thursday  are Alan and Sandy's TV night.  We BBQ'ed chicken thighs for dinner.  Dishes and TV in the boudoir.   Of course there were lots of cuddles.

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