Saturday, March 28, 2020

March 28, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Another day if quarantine dowm and it is still March.  Up at 8.  Breakfast and morning chores.  I sewed for a while.  Then about 11:30 I got a text from Sandy and l agreed to craft at 1:30.  Steve shocked the hell out of me saying we should take a walk.  So we took a 40 minute walk.  Then came back had lunch.  A very short Teryx ride.  Then down to Sandy's for crafting.  Alan and Steve carved.  At 4 Sandy and I took a Teryx ride to the dog park.  Then I showed her the mariachi band in front of one of the houses.  I dropped Sandy at home.   Came home and fixed dinner.  We BBQ'ed chicken .  At 7 Sandy and Alan came over and we sat around the fire and chatted.  I made dessert.   They left about 9.  Time for TV and cuddles.

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