Saturday, April 18, 2020

April 18, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

April is just flying by.  It is already the 19th!  We got up about 7:30.  The usual morning chores.  I finished my book Andy Carpenter book number 5.  I am so glad Sandy turned me on to these books.  They just get better and better.  Then I started cutting the sashing for my quilt.  Steve wanted to take a Teryx ride with a stop at the dog park.  We stopped and talked to our xcapper neighbors 2 doors down.  Turns out they were in Mexico with the Fruths.  Jess and Jenn.  We had lunch then off to Sandy's fir beading.  Betty called and talked for quite awhile.  She is becoming a regular Betty Crocker.  Headed over to the dog park.   We were alone there except for Otis a corgi Australian shepherd mix.  Back at the rig I decided to bake the cake for tomorrow 's dinner.  Not sure how it will taste.   Just needs frosting.   We BBQ'ed hot dogs and I sauteed some veggies.  Then dishes and TV with ice cream and cuddles.

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