Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Another day.  Same stuff different day as they say.  We got up before 8 today.  Breakfast and chores.  I sewed for awhile. Then I did some reading.  Trip to the dog park.  Steve washed the Teryx and motorcycle.   Then the dogs and I went to beading at Sandy's.   Both dogs were really good.  Sandy was working on a really tough bracelet project.  I am almost finished with my necklace bracelet and earrings.   Then back to the rig for relaxation and reading.  We had dinner and watched game shows. Dishes were done.  A run to the garbage and dog park.  Steve ran a sign down near the garbage bins which we fessed up to with the park host.  The dogs got their teeth brushed.  Finally  time for TV and cuddles. 

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