Sunday, May 31, 2020

May 31, 2020 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

The day  started out early for me about 7 or a little earlier.. I napped on the couch for awhile before Steve got me up and motivated. I got busy and got chores done and got breakfast started.  Stickney were due here at 9:30.  They didn't make until almost 10.  Steve was halfway thru his biscuits and gravy.  We finished up and I did the dishes.  In the meantime John Johnson stopped by.   Sheila and I took off for Walmart in Eureka.   They were headed over to  Carl Richardson's  in Myers Flat.  Before walmart we stopped in Fortuna for a Starbucks.    Sheila took my by her house in Fields Landing where she grew up.  Then we went to king Salmon where Jerry and Sheila lived before  they were married. While we were at king Salmon Larrisa called Jerry.  His phone was in the car.  We decided we would BBQ  at their house later.  We shopped at Walmart.  Then back to Safeway for a few groceries.   We jammed back to the rig to drop off groceries and pickup chairs and ribs.  Sheila drives terribly.  We got up to Carl's about 3:30.  We sat out in his basketball court and chatted while Carl pulled all the weeds out of the cracks.  They live in a gorgeous home up on the top of Fruitland Ridge .  Jerry BBQ'ed our ribs.  We all sat around the fire.  There were a lot of kids running around.  That is all we ate is several pieces  of pork.  We left about 7:30 and got back about 8:15.  Then it was a walk with the dogs and TV and cuddles for the rest of the night. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

May 30, 2020 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

Today was a nice quiet day at home. It rained off and on last night and today.  Never did see the sun.  Steve set up the sewing table and I finally sat down to do some sewing. I got caught up on my weekly blocks.  Then we ate lunch and we took off and went to Hobe's market to get milk and a few other items.    When I came back I sewed 2 more rows on the disappearing 4 patch  quilt.  I took a break and did some more reading.  Getting anxious to start my beading projects. 
I think Steve is really fed up with the quarantine.   He called the Parkers to see if we could come for a visit.  Sharon told him no way. 
Any way fried egg sandwiches for dinner.  Dishes and then TV  and cuddles. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

 Today was a much better day.  Steve was much more relaxed and amenable.   We hot up about 7:30.  Did our chores and got ready for Breakfast with Stickney's.   They were here 4 minutes early which for the Stickney's is about half an hour.  We had pancakes and sausage.  The guys had eggs.  I got the mess cleaned up.  The guys ate outside and the girls inside.  We sat and chatted for a couple of hours.  Then was walked down to the office and had an ice cream.  We sat outside at the picnic tables and enjoyed our treats.   We sat outside the trailer and chatted some more.  Finally about 4 we decided to go to Fortuna for Chinese. We took separate  cars so we could each head home after.We did takeout at Hunan on Main Street.  We took it to the park.  All the tables were cordoned off so we parked the car and tailgated off the back of the truck.  The food was delicious.   We took a nostalgic drive down the avenue before arriving home .  Then I fed the dogs and we headed up the stairs for TV and cuddles. I hate not having good internet.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

May 28, 2020 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA

We we had a mixed day.  We got up early.  6 am for me.  We too off about 8:30.  We stopped a couple of times. It was nice to be on the Coast again.  Things are pretty much closed down here.  We arrived at the Campground about one.  It was 80 degrees.   We were both sweaty when we finished.   Steve was as usual impatient and tiring grumpy.  We sat and reste awhile . Then we got busy again.  I tried to make reservations but it appears Steve was getting ready to have yet another snit fit.  Once we started finishing up I was really losing patience. I am so tired of being his whipping post .  Its getting to the point that traveling is not fun anymore.   Everything is a crisis.   So I tried to tell him how I felt and ask him why he was acting like a butthole.  It was met with more attitude and of course silence.  I got up finally and put the left over pizza in the oven.  We had just sat down to eat when Jerry showed up.  We sat around the fire and chatted till 8 ish.  He finally left.  We opened the mail and I went up to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.  I am beginning to wonder if he is still mad that we didn't go to Indiana this year.  In his heart it was the right thing to do but his mind is still pissed off about being cheated out of his trip.  But he still makes me suffer.  As I am closest.  I am tired of walking around on egg shells.  He was in a better mood by the time Herry left.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020 Laughing Alpaca RV Part, Cave Junction OR

Well we had a nice day today.  I got up about 8 and we had breakfast.  I called about getting the dogs nails trimmed.  I found a place in Cave Junction called You Dirty Dog.   Sophie knew what was happening the minute we walked up to the door.  She was squealing the minute the groomer started to take her. Steve had to help me get the muzzle on her.  Anyway after that I stopped at Shop Smart  to pick up a few items.  Then we ran home to drop off the cold item and grab some waters.  Then we headed out to Happy camp.  Cute little  town in Northern CA.  We decided to stop at the local deli but Steve decided he wasn't willing to take a chance on Getting poisoned.  We ended up getting premade sandwiches at the very nice  local market.  We ate in the parking lot . Then headed back.  The driver made a few wrong turns and we ended up on the hwy 46 on the was to the Oregon Cavesm so we drove up to see that they were indeed closed due to the Covid closures.  Finally back to the rig.  I made steak club salads for dinner. Dishes a dog  walk and the it was finally time for TV and cuddles.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

May 26, 2020 Laughing Alpaca RV Park, Cave Junction, OR

This is a very unusual park.  The majority of the residents are perms  there are about 4 or 5 overnight spots.  When we pulled in the owners wife was pushing her baby around.  Said she would catch up to us later for payment.   Since it is an all cash place they would be able to cash a $100 bill.
Anyway we got up early  6 am for me.  We were ready to roll by 8.  We even had time to sit for awhile.  Then we headed down the road to Henderson's Lineup in Grants Pass.  They have a nice place to park the trailer and do the work.  It will take about 3 days.
It took about an hour after which we headed down the road to Cave Junction.   We quickly got the trailer unhitched and set up.  We had lunch.  We hung out and took naps.  We ordered Pizza from Mad River Pizza who delivered us a very unusual Pizza.   It was cut into little 2 inch pieces.  First time ever.  We walked the dogs and sat out of the trailer.   Steve had very trusting gave the owner a $100 bill.  Then had to wait an hour for him to bring the change back.  Finally it was time for TV and cuddles. 

Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25, 2020 Seven Feathers RV Resort, Canyonville OR

I got up about 7:30. We has our cinnamon roll and sticky bun.  Then I got busy and did laundry.   Everything was washed and folded everything by 12:30.  Then we went to town to mail a letter.   We checked out the town of Riddle.  Once we returned we hung out till about 3:30 when I decided  to take my shower and wash my hair so Steve could dump the gray and black tanks.  We are in pretty good shape for tomorrow. I made white chili for dinner from a recipe that Sandy gave me.  Steve really liked it.   We had lots of planned leftovers. We ate early then dishes.  Finally time for TV and cuddles.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

May 25, 2020 Seven Feathers RV Resorts, Canyonville, OR

Well today was mostly boring.  I binged on chocolate.
We got up early  and met the kids for breakfast at Heaven on earth. It was still wonderful.  We let there at 10. Ish.  Back to the rig. I finished another Andy Carpenter  book. I talked to Sandy and caught up things.   We had an early dinner of BBQ'ed steak.  There were a few dishes.  I read some more then TV and cuddles.   Like I said boring day.  Thank goodness tomorrow is our last day.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

May 23, 2020 Seven Feathers RV Resort, Canyonville OR

Today I got up at 7:30.we g0t dressed and did our chores done and headed down the road to Heaven on Earth for breakfast. On the way there we saw on Facebook that the kids and grandkids were on the way to visit us.  After a wonderful breakfast served by an actual waiter.  It was wonderful.   Then we headed back up the road to Roseberg to Lowe's and Walmart.   Then back to the tiger and unload.  I spent most of the afternoon reading and wondering where we were going to put 13 bodies around the rig.  Or even if we would be allowed to.  They called about 3:15 saying they were about an hour and a half out.  We called and found out that  they were getting settled in their campsite a half a mile away just past the Burger King.  We set out and we got another call from Stephanie saying they didn't have a critical  part to make their stove work so unless we had one they could borrow or they could run to the local hardware store which unfortunately was closed.  So they hit Burger King all around.  We sat and chatted with them until 7.  We stopped on the way home for our burgers then came home and wooded them down.  I pulled the chicken off the bones.  Then upstairs for TV and cuddles.

Friday, May 22, 2020

May 22, 2020 Seven Feathers RV Resort, Canyonville OR

We had a very busy day.  We got up and had breakfast and did chores.  Then we jumped in the truck. We drove towards  Grant's Pass.  It probably was not a good day to go out as people were coming out in droves to get ready for the holiday weekend.   First we checked out Henderson's Lineup.  We found out that it will probably  be only 2 to 3 weeks before the parts are here and we can get the suspension replaced and we won't have hear about it for awhile.  Then we decided to check out the Campground where we will staying in Cave Junction.  We came back to Grant's Pass for a burger at Burger King.  A stop  at an RV parts store.  A quick stop at Home Depot to check out their bbqs.  Next on the list is Walmart.  We decided to hit Walmart in Roaeberg as it was packed.  Back to the rig.  Unfortunately the Casino opened and we sat in line to get in the RV park.  There was at least 10 rigs to check in ahead of us.  I read fo the rest of the day.  We had left over roll ups . We then walked around the park block.  The park is pretty full.  Since the turn around time is possibly reduced.  Steve has agreed to stay in Oregon instead of trying to get back to POS.  We made reservations at Honey Bear for a week right after Ancient Redwoods.   Tony Bonfiglio will join us there for a couple of days.  We may also met up with the Mitchell's.   Then we will have to see what happens.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020 Seven Feathers RV Resort, Caynonville OR

Well another day of driving.   We were up early and on the road to Max's Garage.  We were there  about 15vminutes and he replaced a fuse and then the marker lights now works.  Then we drove to Canyonville about 238 miles.  We took Hwy 140 to 62 to 5.  It rained off and on.  Once we landed at Seven Feathers it started to pour.  We got set up except  for taking the motorcycle out.  Steve and I were trying to make plans.  He was still insisting on making a run to POS.  I just think it would be a waste of money and wear and tear on the rig.  Especially  since he is uncomfortable driving the rig without the IS and disc brakes.  Still not sure what the plan is going to be.  Now he is all about going to see Tony Bonfiglio in Gold Beach.  So I was having a bit of trailer rage this afternoon.   We ended up having  fried egg sandwiches.   Steve called John Simmons.   We chatted for about an hour and Steve talked even longer.  This is a beautiful park.  It better be at the price they are charging per night. So at 8  I came up for TV and cuddles.
I was about to call it quits  on RVing.  The covid 19 is really screwing up on our schedule.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

May 20, 2020 Junipers Reservoir RV Resort, Lakeview OR

We had a really laid back day today.  I  got up about 7.  We had breakfast and did chores.  Steve looked at the truck's fuses and ended up breaking one.  So he decided to leave it to the experts.  We ran down town to get propane and fuel for the truck.  Then we headed over to Safeway.  It was an older one but very well stocked.   We stopped at the dog par . And Steve unloaded the groceries.   We ate lunch.  I finished my second Cort O'Connor book.  Steve went out and carved for a couple of hours and I went up on the bed  to try and get Sophie settled down.  I am really sick of the whining.   I worked some crosswords and read.  Then went down stairs and fixed dinner of Mamas chicken rollups.  Washed a boat load of dishes and started putting things away so that we can hit the road about 8:30.
Then took the puppies upstairs for TV and cuddles
Its official we will not go back to Park Sierra while waiting on the parts for the trailer.  We will hand out in and around Grant's Pass. Once the trailer is repaired we will go see the boys and probably had out where it is cool til after Labor day.  Or that I my wish.  We will have to see what happens.
It got up to 51 degrees.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020 Junipers Reservoir RV Resort, Lakeview OR

Today was a very cold and rainy day.  We got up leisurely and I made breakfast  burritos.   I did the dishes then  at 9 :30 we took a ride to see this part of Oregon. First stop we stopped a auto repair shop to make an appointment for Thursday.   The marker lights on the trailer don't work.  We drove by Summer Lake on highway 31  cut  off at Christmas Valley.  Then we checked out Abert Lake on 395 and continued  over  to the California  state line to see Goose Lake  and check out Goose Lake State Park.  Finally we headed back to the rig .  Dinner was left over chicken alfredo.  Then TV and cuddles. 
We are thi king of not going back to CA  until the work is done on the rig.  Hopefully  thousand trails will have some parks available in Oregon.

Monday, May 18, 2020

May 18, 2020 Junipers Reservoir RV Resort, Lakeview OR

Today would have been Larry's Birthday.   We got up and on the road even earlier  than yesterday.   Even Steve was impressed.   We saw a beautiful rainbow as we were leaving.  As we got closer to Winnemucca we started tossing around the idea of skipping Winnemucca.   I made some calls and decided to go straight through  to Lakeview.  So our trip was about 450 miles and about 8 hours.  We stopped a couple of times for potty breaks and gas.  We pulled into  Juniper Reservoir RV Park about 5.  It was cold here. Supposed to get down into the 30's tonight.  It was a Cow Ranch before it was an RV park.  The views are gorgeous and you hear the cattle in a near by field mooing.   I fixed a quick dinner the took the dogs to the dog park where they could run around and do their job.  Came back and it was time for TV and cuddles. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020 Whiskey Flats RV Park, Hawthorne NV

Today was a better day than yesterday  but we still have a way to go.  We got up at little later than yesterday but we didn't have quite as far to go.  Only 277 miles.  We left about 15 minutes earlier than yesterday  8:15.  We pulled off the side of the road twice .  The scenery was all the same and the road was pretty straight.   We got here about 2 pm. I walked the dogs.  Then we had an early dinner.  Sophie and Hazel did not like the 30 mile an hour winds.  I gave them both calming pills.  We had chicken alfredo from Costco.   Chopped salad and garlic bread.  Dishes and  TV with cuddles. 
I was shocked Sandy called me this morning and we chatted for quite awhile as we were moving down the road.  Sure do miss my Arizona sisters. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

May 16, 2020 RV Ranch Resort, Parhump NV

We are making our way to Oregon. Today we traveled about three hundred  miles.  I set the alarm for 6 :30 but Steve woke me up but Steve woke me up before it went off slamming doors.   He must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed because he threw a fit at 7 am when he tried to turn the antenna off.  I told we had at least another hour before we could hook up.  Something is stuck in his craw.  We barely spoke all day.  He has been like a 2 year old.  He swears like a sailor at the least bit of annoyance.   So we got to Parhump about 3.  We didn't have to unhook. We leveled out the trailer and came in fir more silent treatment.   I try to be pleasant but I have had just about enough.  I made dirty rice for dinner.  We have a shorter trip tomorrow to hopefully we a better day tomorrow.   Finally after the dishes were done it was time for TV and cuddles
It sure doesn't seem like Saturday.

Friday, May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Valley AZ

Our last day at Orchard Ranch RV Park.   I got up at 7:30.  Breakfast and chores then we hung out here till it was time to go to Verde Valley to see our friends the Fords.  We sat and chatted for awhile then took a walk over to their travel vehicle.   According to Steve we didn't have much to talk about.  We sat in their travel vehicle and chatted .  About 12:30 we decided to take their car to Cottonwood for Tacos.  Steve had to be back by 2:30 for a pedicure.   So Steve decided to cancel his appointment.   Were ate out on the patio so that we could have the dogs out of the hot car.  Then back to their campsite for more chitchat.  Finally left there around 3.  Stopped for gas.  I walked the dogs.  We chilled out for  awhile Hazel got mad because Sophie was in her spot  on the couch so she peed on the kitchen mat twice.  Dinner of fried egg sandwiches and then dishes.  Finally TV and cuddles. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Presott Valley AZ

Another busy day.  We got up and out to Costco early but apparently they opened earlier than anticipated.   We shopped there for all of a half an hour .  A quick stop at Safeway.   They were in much better shape but still were missing some things.  We came home and put everything away.  Had leftover pizza for lunch.  Finally I got up and did two loads of laundry.  Sophie got out and ran over to the office where Steve was able to apprehend  her. Guess we will have to lock her away while we are going in and out.  I tried to read for awhile but Sophie wanted to go to the dog park.  So off we went.  Then I bought a rotisserie chicken and some fresh veggies which I sauteed  for dinner.  I made pudding for dessert.   Finally time to have TV and cuddles. 
I am not sure what is going on with Steve but the littlest bump in the road become a huge road block and sends him into fits of swearing and cursing.   Not sure if it is quarantine frustrations or what but I don't like it. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Valley AZ

Got a hair cut today. A real one.  Feels so good.  I actually got up before 7 today.  About 5 minutes.  I fixed Steve pancakes for breakfast.  About 8:30 the guy from Prescott Valley came to replace our cracked windshield.   It took him less than a half hour to finish.  And he did it right at our park site.  After breakfast and chores Steve carved and I got a little sewing in.  Somehow my chores lasted longer than Steve's.   I checked in at Great clips  for hair cuts.   It was a three hour wait.  At first I checked only Steve in but later I decided we might as well get us both don . Thus was their first day open since the virus quarantine started about 7 weeks ago.
I walked the dogs.  We decided to leave early and go to the Post office and the bank.  Then there was a knock at the door.  It was Rob Mum an old boss of Steve's.   They chatted for about 10 minutes then it was time to leave for hair cuts.  The new procedure  for hair cuts is to check in online then wait outside until called in .  Also you need to wear a mask.  Anyway Steve checked in first and then they called me in after a minor snafu.
Then we hit the bank and finally the post office.   Back to the rig and the pups.   The puppies were anxious to see us.  I tried to read but the book really has not captured my interest.   I am only reading because I have read the last 19.  I did some crosswords and finally it was time for dinner. We had leftovers.   I did the few dishes and the it was time for TV and cuddles.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Valley AZ

Another day done, another day closer to having the work done on the rig.  We got and had breakfast and did chores.  Steve decided to carve this morning so I took the opportunity to get some sewing done.  I made the first block for the silver linings sew along.  Then I finally started sewing the rows together on the disappearing four patch quilt.  We had lunch. Finally about 1 we jumped in the truck.  We checked on the secondary dog park.  Then we located the car was on Gurly street and Steve washed the truck.   Then we started on our shopping route.  The first  place was Petsmart.   Then Walmart and finally Frys.  People are not taking the virus seriously.   There was no hand sanitizer or wipes at any of the three stores.  Walmart shelves and clothes racks were basically barren. We got back about 4.  Steve dropped us off at the dog park.  Then we unloaded the groceries and put everything away.  Then Steve went down to Lucky's for BBQ.   I wouldn't rush back there but then I am not a big fan of BBQ.   Once dinner was done  it was time for TV and cuddles.

Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Vally AZ

We started out small but it soon mushroomed into a lot. We decided to go out and get breakfast.  We wound getting take out at McDonald's which tasted wonderful.  We parked in a nearby parking lot and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.  We had a letter to mail downtown at the post office.  Then we headed to Watson Lake which is in  beautiful City park not too far from Prescott.   We let the dogs run on a huge field of grass.  We drove around the park and checked it out.  All the playground equipment and bathrooms were closed down with yellow tape strung around them.
We then decided to drive to Flagstaff where it was under 70 degrees. About 30 miles from Flagstaff the TPMS went off yet again.  Another valve Stem repair so we beat feet to the nearest Big O.  I refused to wait in the waiting room and could not understand why we couldn't wait in the waiting area.   But Steve insisted.  So we went outside finally Steve thought just maybe waiting in the truck would be ok.  We  waited about an hour.  Once he started it was about half an hour.  Then we were on our way back to Prescott.   Depending on how bad the Monsoons are I could see us living here permanently.   Colleen will have to keep me posted.  We headed back down 17 to 169 to 69 back to our park.  We stopped at the dog park then back to the rig for  some much needed rest. I made a few reservations for next week and did some reading.   Dinner was BBQ'ed chicken thighs.   Dishes and finally  TV and cuddles.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 10, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Valley AZ

I had a wonderful Mother's day today.  Becky called bright and early at 7:30.  We got up and ate breakfast then after chores Steve carved for awhile and I sewed for a minute until the Fords arrived.   They sat and chatted for awhile  then we walked over to their new annual site.  In fact we walked all around the park.  I would imagine the next thing we will be hearing is that they bought a park model here.  The only problem here is the wind.  After our walk we decided to do take out at a close by restaurant.   Our first choice was closed so we went to Left T's steak and Grill.   We brought it back and ate at our picnic table.   We went in after eating as it was too sunny out.  They stayed till about 3:30.  Then after they left I tried to read but Steve was trying to talk to me every 5 minutes.   I walked the dogs to the dog park.  It sprinkled  a tad while we were picking up the lunch.  We had leftover pizza for dinner.  Finally we went up to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

May 9, 2020 Orchard Ranch RV Park, Prescott Valley AZ

We are back on the road and slowly making our way to Oregon. We got up at a decent hour and got everything packed and ready to roll.  Sandy and Alan took off about a half hour before us.  We left about 10 and arrived here about 12 and were aet up about 1 pm. Then we slowly but surely got stuff put away.  We are finally off on our own .  The Fords are coming by  tomorrow.   Hopefully I don't kill Steve in the interim.  Something is bugging him.  Not sure what. 
Anyway Sophie was he antsy self.  We walked them to the dog park and checked some things out.  Of  course everything is shut down due to the virus.  We had left overs dinner.  At least it is cooler her and we have 50 amp service which means we can run 2 air conditioners. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today was our last day here . Tomorrow Sandy and Alan go to Creede and we head up to Prescott. 
We got up around 7:30 .  Breakfast then chores.  We finished packing up the back.  At 10 I went down to Sandy's to have Alan cut my hair.  We visited for awhile.   Then back home to read and watch TV.  It was hot again today.  Then at 6:15 the Pizza arrived.  We went to Sandy's and ate and visited until about 8.  Then home for TV and cuddles.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

This day is less than best.  I got up and fixed breakfast.   Burritos.   I made bacon and chopped it up.  Tim has it pretty much divided up then Steve grabbed much more than his share which he always does.  The day spiraled down from there.  About noon Steve threw his giant hissy fit like the two year old that he is.  We got  a lot packed away.  The sewing room is all packed away.   Steve slept the day away.  He tried really hard to be as aggravating  as possible. I am still pissed at him.   I am almost finished Andy Carpenter book 8!.  Have lots of books to finish.   We ate at Sandy's.   She made a pot roast it was ok but not my cup of tea.  We were home by 8. 
Sophie is driving us all nuts with her restlessness. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Very busy day.  We started out at 8 am.  Headed to Prescott.   Got turned around but found the Walmart and got the prescription.   Steve made two trips in and I stayed in the car.  We arrived at Star Island about 10:30.  Loaded the Teryx and took off for Casa Grande.  We got there at 1:30.  We unloaded the trailer in storage.  We visited with Betty Susanne and Larry for just a few minutes.  Then gas and Burger King  for late lunch, early dinner.  We headed to Culver's but no take out there.   According to Betty meat is being rationed there and getting expensive.   We hit the road back to Congress.   Home about 5.  I read til 7:30 then went to visit Sandy and Alan and report on the days events. We made reservations at Seven Feathers cancelled Morryde and scheduled Henderson's Lineup.   Long day.  Finally it was time watch TV and cuddle with the puppies.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May 5, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Another great day.  But a very hot one.  We got up spe eating.   Breakfast and chores.  Alan and Sandy came by early and we went to Safeway during geezer hours.  I got lots of groceries and came home and out the all away.  Did some reorganizing. Then I made the stuffed shells for tonight's dinner.  Cleaned up my mess and walked the dogs.  Then down to Sandy's for our last beading session.   Steve went to the Chandler to have his post put in.  He was not doing too well but improved  enough to join us for dinner along with Sandy and Alan.  We sat around the fire and chatted till 9 then more dishes and finally TV and cuddles.
Steve finally made the decision to have the work done in Grant's Pass.  Yeah!

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Today was a really special day.   I was the perfect whipping post for Steve's hissy fit.   I got up about 7 so I could get the laundry done.  We had breakfast and I pulled the sheets off and sorted the laundry..  the white had to be done of course. So I went down to the laundry at the activity center.   Two loads had to be dried a second time.  In the meanwhile Steve talked to Henderson's lineup about doing the IS system in Oregon.   They are about 4 thousand more than if we went to Indiana.   I am just really against going so far from home. Plus it is twice the distance.   The weather is much more unpredictable.   Then there is the virus to think about which has taken a life of  itself. 
I know Steve has his heart set on having this done but with all that is going on I  really don't feel safe drink g all that way.  So Steve has done his best to start a war but so far I have been able to resist. 
I know he is frustrated but am real tired of being the whipping post. 
Anyway as soon as the the laundry was folded we went and put the Teryx on the trailer and hooked it to the truck. 
We took off for Prescott and delivered the Teryx to Island Star motorsports.   We checked out orchard Ranch RV park  in Prescott  Valley.   Then took a whirlwind stop at Lowes.  They were doing a pretty brisk business  for these times. 
Then we headed home and arrived about 4.  Steve was still snarky but we got through dinner and dishes without a blowup.
Finally I could escape to the bedroom for TV and cuddles.
Fingers crossed that we don't decide to go to Indiana.   Maybe he will decide to wait until next year. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 3, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Well we are on the downward slope to the end of our stay here.  We got up early close to 7:30.  We had breakfast and I did chores.  I got down to business right away and got the panels cut and ready to be sewed.  Took the dogs for a trip to the dog park and checked out the neighborhood.   Back to the rig for lunch and fished sewing the panel for the back of the quilt.   Then down to Sandy's for beading.   Kathy Benton was there today. Steve is in the process of deciding not to go to Indiana and possibly having the work done in Oregon.   I sure hope he decides to do that.  I do not want to go back east.  We would just go there and turn around and come back.
He also decided that we will pick up the Teryx Wednesday morning and drive it to Casa Grande direct. 
Anyway we had a great time at beading and I drove her home in the Teryx.   Then I ironed the the front and back of the quilt. We had a lovely dinner at Sandy's then we sat out under the stars and chatted till 9.   Please pray Steve decides not to travel east.  This Corona virus is wrecking havoc with our travel plans. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

May 2, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Six days left and counting.  Got up at 8:30. It seems that I can't get chores done before 10 or later.  I was able to finish the masks and 2 of Sandy's  arm chair covers.  A trip to the dog park.  Lunch.  Then down to Sandy's for beading with Cathy and Sandy.  Back to the rig around 4.  Reading dinner dishes Teryx ride.  The TV and cuddles.

Friday, May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

Our days are numbered here.  One week from tomorrow we leave. Today is May 1st.. May day.  We have reservations at orchard Ranch for the following week in Prescott Valley. I got up at 8 and had breakfast and did chores.  Steve was outside carving early.   I was planning on sewing today before our scheduled lunch.  Cathy Benton was going to come  over again today so we went back to Nichols  west  instead of the Gila Monster in Wickenburg.  They went and got our lunch and we  ate in Sandy's trailer. Cathy texted that she was experiencing dizziness and would not make it to our beading session.   So we beaded until it was time to watch the flyover at 3:30. That didn't happen.  I stayed home and did a little sewing and reading.   We had fried egg sandwiches.   After dinner we took garbage and recycling  and a run to the Dog park.  Back at the rig it was time for TV and cuddles.
Talked to Betty for quite awhile  on the phone.  We talked to Dan Kibler who was just in the hospital to have a stent put in!  Glad he is ok.