Thursday, May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020 Escapees North Ranch, Congress AZ

This day is less than best.  I got up and fixed breakfast.   Burritos.   I made bacon and chopped it up.  Tim has it pretty much divided up then Steve grabbed much more than his share which he always does.  The day spiraled down from there.  About noon Steve threw his giant hissy fit like the two year old that he is.  We got  a lot packed away.  The sewing room is all packed away.   Steve slept the day away.  He tried really hard to be as aggravating  as possible. I am still pissed at him.   I am almost finished Andy Carpenter book 8!.  Have lots of books to finish.   We ate at Sandy's.   She made a pot roast it was ok but not my cup of tea.  We were home by 8. 
Sophie is driving us all nuts with her restlessness. 

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