Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 17, 2020 Whiskey Flats RV Park, Hawthorne NV

Today was a better day than yesterday  but we still have a way to go.  We got up at little later than yesterday but we didn't have quite as far to go.  Only 277 miles.  We left about 15 minutes earlier than yesterday  8:15.  We pulled off the side of the road twice .  The scenery was all the same and the road was pretty straight.   We got here about 2 pm. I walked the dogs.  Then we had an early dinner.  Sophie and Hazel did not like the 30 mile an hour winds.  I gave them both calming pills.  We had chicken alfredo from Costco.   Chopped salad and garlic bread.  Dishes and  TV with cuddles. 
I was shocked Sandy called me this morning and we chatted for quite awhile as we were moving down the road.  Sure do miss my Arizona sisters. 

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