Friday, November 12, 2021

November 12, 2021 La Quinta Inn, Tucumcari NM

 We got up really early but not as early as Steve wanted.  We left 45 minutes later than Steve wanted but you can't always have your way. So the trip started out on a non speaking basis.   We travelled 576 miles mainly across hwy 40.  We have three more days of driving. Very boring in the motels.  We stopped McDonald's as the few rest stops they had were closed.  Then we stopped in Grant's NM for gas and another potty brake.  We stopped about 4.  We went around the block to Subway and brought the sandwiches back to the hotel room.  We were done about 5:30.  The rest of the night loomed ahead.  Steve went down and ride the bike for 10 minutes then set in the hot tub for awhile.  Pretty soon I will take the dogs out for their final heathen it will time for lights out and cuddles with the dogs. 

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