Saturday, November 20, 2021

November 20, 2021 Red Roof Inn, Van Horn Tx

We drove 600 miles today.  This has been a hard trip for Steve.  We will have driven almost 4500 miles.  Well it was more like low flying.  Steve drives way too fast. The day was mostly fine.  Got up early and had breakfast.  Stopped quite often for gas and lunch.  Steve took a nap along the way.  We stopped in Boerne at Walnart looking for DEF.  We finally found some at Auto Zone. I tried to make reservations online and that led to a fight as does everything on this trip.  Everything was fine till we got to the motel.  Steve looks tired.  My back hurts and I know I am tired.  This is an adequate hotel.  Nothing like the accommodations ones we had last night.  Anyway we went to one restaurant before we checked in and it was closed.  Then we tried Wendy's but the parking lot was too full. We were going to walk across the street.  Then that was out.  So it was cheese sticks and pretzels for dinner.  Shower and cuddles for the rest of the night.   Won't be cuddling with Steve.  

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