Last day of 2022. Got about 8. Fixed breakfast. Chores. Stitched. My life is very boring these days. Valdez's asked us out for Pizza but Steve worked til 6 and he would be too tired to go. Guess he will be too tired to go to Golden Corral. While he was gone I stitched of course. Then I worked on January calendar mug and dusted. Yippee. Dog park run. Steve was home about 6 for leftovers. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well 2022 is almost over. We went to storage taking what we already packed and picking up empty containers for the last of the Christmas stuff. We packed up the rest and took those back. We cleaned up the mess and we are done with Christmas. We BBQ'ed brats about three. I stitched the rest of the dat till Steve came home at 8:30 ish. His hours are disrupting my routines. David called and we had a really good talk. Finally it was time for bed.
Thursday, December 29, 2022
December 29, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Last few days of 2022. Got up at 8. Breakfast and coffee. Started taking Christmas down. Made Mexican stuffed shells for dinner. Was able to fit stitching and TV in. Steve worked 10 to 4 ish. He came home for a dog park trip. Finally after dinner it was time for TV and cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022 Orchard Ranch home, Dewey AZ
We got up about 8 and had breakfast. We sputtered around the house. The weather turned cold. Rain last night. I stitched this morning. We had a late lunch. We went to get our toenails done. Then picked up a few things . Trip to the dog park. Dinner, cleanup. Then TV cuddles and switching.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Quiet day at home. I worked in the craft room with the dreaded glue gun. We survived. Steve worked outside. Rain coming. Couple of trips to the dog park. Steve put all his tools away. I stitched the rest of the day . Leftovers for dinner. Steve was happy with mash potatoes and gravy. Finally it was time for TV and cuddles with lots of stitching.
Monday, December 26, 2022
December 26, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Say after Christmas. Got up about 8. Hazel still not feeling tip top. Breakfast Laundry. Went to Ace hardware and Safeway. Then home. Steve worked 2 to 8. I watched Hazel while I switched and watched TV. Got pot pies ready for when Steve came home. Then it was time for night time routine. My routine is definitely upset.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
December 25, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Our first Christmas in the house. Very low key. Fords came over for a quick breakfast. They were scheduled for 9 but came at 8:30. Thank goodness I set the alarm for 7. Then we hung out watching football and stitching. Steve did some intarsia. At 4 we went to Wendy and Ralph's for a wonderful turkey dinner. We were back by 6 for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Christmas Eve 2022 . First in our new home. We got up about 8. Breakfast and chores. Hazel not feeling well. She had the squirts really bad but seems better tonight. The off to the grocery store. Home to unload. Watched football and stitched. Dog park trip. BBQ'ED brats and left over mac and cheese for dinner. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Friday, December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well it was a very quiet day here. Bizarro Steve reared his ugly head. Early. First he complained that there were nuts in the pancakes. Funny how he can eat candy awent tond cookies but not pancakes with nuts. Then we had words because I told hime to do something. Ugh. So we had quiet time till he decided to take a motorcycle ride in the dead of winter. He was gone about an hours. It was nice outside so he worked on his wood projects. I stitched most of the day. I finally finished the reindeer. I fixed hamburger Salisbury steak for dinner. The grinch liked that. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. In the bedroom by myself.
Thursday, December 22, 2022
December 22, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Our third and final busy day. We got up late and Steve decided not to go to carving. He wanted avocado toast so that is what he got. Then we loaded up after a trip to the dog park. We stopped at the Dentist for one last adjustment on Steve's teeth. Then off to great clips. A quick car wash. A hair cut. We checked out Mortimer Farms. Pricey. Then home. We chilled at home till 5 dinner. A quick visit from Mike Ford. Dinner was left overs. Then we went to Fain Park to see Valley of light. It was amazing. Finally home it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
December 21, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home , Dewey AZ
A very busy day today. We got up late to start the day. Steve made a double payment to citybank. Then we were off by 9:20 to the post office. First stop the Fords to turn on the heat. After the Post office we made our 10 o'clock appointment at OneAZ to open new accounts. Then a surprise trip to Social security in Prescott. Surprise Very little wait. Then we had a nice lunch at Gabby's Grill. Poor service but good food. Final stop was Walmart where the parking lot was packed. Then back home . We went with the Fords to Casa Perez for a nice dinner get together. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. Close to done on the reindeer.
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
December 20, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy day today. I got late but before Steve. Breakfast. Steve wanted scrambled eggs easy to chew. Teeth still hurt. I prepared my goodie baskets for the people in the park. At one we went to the dentist for an adjustment on the teeth. He thinks it feels better. Then picked up a few things from Safeway 7.50 for a dozen eggs!. We checked out somethings at Tractor Supply. Bought dog stuff. We checked out Golden Corral location. Then we gave out goodie baskets. Made another. Then dinner. We then took hot chocolate and checked out the lights in the park. Pretty sparse. Our neighbors did the best. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Hazel and Sophie both slept on my lap last night. Got up and fixed the worker breakfast. I did a load if bedding this morning. I continued to hobble but the more I walked the better my leg got. Not perfect yet but getting there. Did a lit of stitching. 2ctripa to the dog park. Lots of TV. Frozen lasagna for dinner. Stevecwas home at 6. Beautiful day out. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
December 18, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I am married to a 2 year old. We got up late this morning. I was actually up before Steve. I did a couple of loads of laundry and made my batch of chocolate chip cookies. Steve tried to work outside but it was just too cold. He left for work at 1 and came back shortly after 7. I did a dog park run but somehow developed sciatica in my left leg which is preventing me from doing anything but sew. I watched TV and stitched most of the day. Darn the bad luck. It wasn't worth watching TV in the bedroom as it was so late. So we watched football till bedtime. My immature husband fought with the dog.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve let me sleep till almost 8. We had mondo cinnamon roll for breakfast. Next time we split one. I got busy and made my Praline crunch. Then stitching the rest if the day. Two trips to the dog park. Dinner was left over chicken alfredo. Steve made inroads into his intarsia. Sophie was driving me nuts trying to work with her standing on my lap is a real difficult thing. Finished the night off with TV cuddles and stitching.
Friday, December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up about 7 :30. Breakfast. Steve went for a haircut. I made 7 layer cookies. Steve tried to work on the intarsia but it was too cold out. Judy across the street came to visit and drop off a hand made card. Stitched most of the day. Dinner TV and more stitching and cuddles.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
December 15, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Another busy shopping day. I made french toast for breakfast. Steve secretly wanted to go to the wood store in Prescott so he didn't want to go to carving. He had a headache. So we headed out to that first. The we made our monthly donation to Costco. The a quick stop at Hobby Lobby. Then home to put it all away. Stitching the rest of the day. We did a dog park run. Dinner and cleanup. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy day. We were up early and out the door. Hit the Post Office first then stopped by the Credit Union to make the car payment. Breakfast at Mickey D's. Then off to the Dentist. That took a couple of hours. The Steve came out with a full aet of teeth. Then off to the grocery store and home to unload and put away. Lunch and stitching. Then off in error to Walmart to get a prescription that really wasn't ready. Stopped by the trailer for a mug. Home to relax . Dinner and cleanup. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up rather late this morning. Work is taking its toll on Steve. But he should toughen up soon. Honeymoon phase. I fixed breakfast of breakfast burritos. We woke up to lots of snow. Then Colleen and I took Christine wall hanging to her. I think she liked it. We chatted with her for awhile. About eleven we went to Pet Headquarters to have the girls nails trimmed. Then over to Walmart. Came home and chilled while Steve waited to go to work. He picked up an extra shift. 4 hours tonight. We had pot pies for dinner. I wrapped the packages for the girls so that we could mail them. Then I finished up the evening stitching. Cuddles with the girls.
Monday, December 12, 2022
December 12, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at 7 30 and went outside to snow on the ground. Breakfast and chores. Finished making the tamale pie. Did a few things then took the dogs to the dog park. We ate at 2 so Steve could leave for work. Stitched most of the day and night. Hate it when he works nights. Watched TV and had lots of cuddles.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We were up by 7. Breakfast and chores. Steve left for work. I got the laundry started. Then I finished Wendy's Christmas present. Made the crust for the tamale pie. Loaded the dishwasher. Took the mail to the Fords and turned their heat up. Dog park. Finished the laundry. Stitched . Steve came home and after a trip to the dog park we went to Lefty's for dinner with the Fords. Then home where it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, December 10, 2022
December 10, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up on the late side. Breakfast and chores. A quick trip to Hobby Lobby. Back home. Steve was painting the sleigh. I stitched. Wendy brought over Christmas goodies. Steve watched the army navy game. A quick dinner of BBQ'ed hamburgers. Then card Bingo. Both Steve and I each one a game and Steve won the big jackpot. Finally home for TV and shower and bed.
Friday, December 9, 2022
December 9, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve was up at the crack of dawn but I went back to bed for another hour. I got up and had a wonderful cinnamon roll. Then we took the truck to the mechanic. More dollars involved. Then home. Steve worked on the lights and I stitched. We ate at 2 since Steve left for work at 2:30. I stitched. Talked to Debbie Snodgrass for 45 minutes. Then a dog park run and mail. Grabbed a package off the Fords porch. Then home to stitch. Ice cream when Steve gets home. Stitching and TV for most of the night.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
December 8, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
What a day. I got up and fixed Steve breakfast and he took off for work at 9:39. I got right to work. I made cinnamon rolls from scratch. First time in a long time for bread dough. Flour all over the kitchen, the floor and me. I washed the comforter on our bed. I had did two dishwashers full and put them away. Trip to the dog park. Raked leaves. Then Steve came home. Took care of some business matters. Warmed up some leftovers for dinner. Finally it was time to retire to the bedroom and watch TV have cuddles and stitch.
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up late this morning. I fixed Steve a nice breakfast of french toast. Then we arranged the vehicles so that we could take the truck on a test drive. We headed up through Jerome to Cottonwood thru Sedona to Flagstaff across forty to Ash Fork. The brake fluid seems to be leaking. Then a quick stop at Frys for groceries. Stopped at home to unload then over to put the truck away in Storage. Mail stop. Dinner. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
December 6, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at a reasonable hour. Breakfast and chores. Steve stressed out on paycheck issues. I am sure he will figure it out. He also wrote the letter to Citi bank about the shoes. I stitched. It has been cold all day. Lunch and more stitching. Steve and Sophie butted heads. He just keeps bugging her til she snarls. Then he gets mad and isn't spirals down into a war. We went and got the truck. Won't cost as much as we thought. Home for brats and mac and cheese. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, December 5, 2022
December 5, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up super early. We did speak but it was spotty. We picked up the truck from storage and I followed in the car to the repair shop. Then back home. I stitched and Steve watched missed football games. Then we loaded up the dogs and went over to the trailer to try and cancel the streaming services. And we got a refund. We finished putting Christmas boxes away and the final decorations up. A quick trip to Hobby Lobby. Home for more football and stitching. Leftovers for dinner. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, December 4, 2022
December 4, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well everything was going well until Steve came home from work. I fixed Steveca breakfast. He went to work. I stayed home and did laundry. Made mac and cheese. Said goodbye to the Fords. They wanted us to go to dinner but of course we are too poor to go. So was going to have them for dinner. But Steve didn't want that either. And neither did they. So we are here and they ate somewhere else. As far as I am concerned I will no longer be friends with the Fords. Steve and I did talk at dinner and I do now see that we are very poor. And financially strapped. We went over finances. We need to do more talking. I gave Steve my credit cards. He will now do all the shopping. I quit. I will stay home by myself at all times. Never leaving. He BBQ'ed steaks and ruined them. Finally I went in the bedroom and he stayed out front fighting with the dog.
Saturday, December 3, 2022
December 3, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I have decided not to divorce Steve at least for today. He was quiet enough that I slept in until 8:30. Got my wordle and played words. Coffee and a muffin. Watched TV finished decorating the tree and house. Steve was working. I made a jello salad. Some stitching. Steve called around 2 during his lunch. He worked an extra hour. Then we had pot pies and went to card Bingo. We didn't win but our table had 3 Bingos. Home in the rain and watched some football. Stevecwasvin much better spirits. When he gets wound up he has no filters.
Friday, December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well today started out ok. Steve slept in and so did I. I fixed him waffles for breakfast. I didn't even get to drink my coffee. Then he wanted to go to Lowes to get lights and Christmas decor. On the way there we had a terrible fight. Most probably because he found out the it was his boo boo that caused us to not get the shoes he ordered. Anyway we said some pretty awful things especially Steve. Then I went in Walmart and got what I needed. Came home and put it away. Once we got back Steve put out the Christmas lights and just about killed himself. I put out the rest of the house decor. Fords dropped by after I took the dogs to the dog park. Finally it was time to escape into the bedroom for TV cuddles and stitching.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well the dreaded appointment with the neurologist is over. As anticipated no news or insight. We got up Steve early me 7:30. As usual Steve made as much noise as he could. He went to carving after erecting the Christmas tree. I spent the morning stitching after vacuuming the mess up off the floor. Then about 1 we took off for Flagstaff. We finally found the place and I saw the doc. 40 minutes in and done. Then back home. We stopped at Lindo Mexico for a bite to eat. We got home about 6:30. Fed the dogs and it was finally time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
November 30, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve's second day of work. He seems to really like it. It it is definitely something I will have to get used to. I got up just after Steve left. I did a few chores and stitched most of the day while watching TV. Steve came home just after 4 and we took the dogs to the park. Leftover spaghetti for dinner then it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Today was Steve's first day of work at the local Tractor Supply. He got up at the crack of dawn to get ready. I tried to go back to sleep but between barking dogs and Steve it was not possible. I got up and had breakfast. Vaccuumed the floors. Brought in the garbage. Worked in the quilt room. I have to say I missed him and so did the dogs. Two trips to dog park. Put up a few decorations. Ran a load of. Dishes. Stitched of course. Dinner was enchiladas. Cleanup and finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy day today. We got up and out of the house early to go to the copy store and Fry's. Then home to put away groceries. Fords came over for a visit. Then over to load up the truck with Christmas stuff. Then Mike and Steve went to Lowes and Harbor Freight. Two hours of peace. I made the spaghetti sauce for dinner. Then stitched. Of course when Steve came home I had to go over to storage to park the truck. Then over to to dog park. . Early dinner as we skipped lunch. Cleaned up dinner and of to finally watch TV cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, November 27, 2022
November 27, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Breakfast and chores. We had an early morning visitor. A stray dog came to visit while we called his owner to come get him. Started laundry. Did some stitching. Watched some TV. Steve worked outside til it was time to watch football. Did a dog park run had a short visit with Colleen and Mike. Then home for more football and lunch. Then football and stitching. Dinner was fried fish and shrimp. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
November 26, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Today was pretty much the same as yesterday. We got up. Breakfast and chores. I stitched. Steve worked intarsia and watched football. I finished Wendy's initial. Steve helped Ralph winterize his trailer. Couple trips to dog park . Card Bingo . I won once then shared one with 3 other people. Home . Snack, some TV and games.
Friday, November 25, 2022
November 25, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up. Fixed Steve avocado toast. I stitched most if the day. Steve worked outside. Trips to dog park. Burritos for dinner. Laid back day. Colleen was silent all day. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching
Thursday, November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home
Today was Thanksgiving. We got up at 7:30. Steve was really quiet. I was amazed. We hung out till 1 pm . I stitched and Steve watched football. We had a really nice time at Colleen's. We got to know Eve and Terri. We chatted from one to three. Dinner. Chatted until six. Played one game of left center right. Came home at 6:30. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up at the crack of dawn 7 so Steve could take the car to have the windshield repaired. He also paid a visit to Bosa donuts. And a car wash. When he got home we took a short ride to post office. A couple trips to the dog park. Stitched after lunch. I asked Steve how we stood financially what was in the bank accounts. He blew a gasket. But he did apologize. We had left overs for dinner. I got things ready for tomorrow. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
I also found out that Kim died Monday night. So sad. That family has really been through the mill.
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Breakfast chores. Dusted. Baked the crust for Thursdays dessert. Then we ran some errands. Copy shop and ace hardware. Then home for stitching. Stevecwored outside. Couple dog park runs. Colleen dropped by to deliver bread. Lunch. Steve is in a snit about something. Routine day. BBQ'ed brats for dinner. Stevecwas happy with mac and cheese. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Monday, November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up at the crack of dawn to have breakfast at the backburner. Then over to Fry's for some last minute grocery shopping. Who should we run into but the Fords! The home to unload and put everything away. We found evidence of a rat so we got some traps from the Fords. I stitched most of the day. Carving Jim came over to sharpen knives. I made chili relleno casserole for dinner. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching to round out the day.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We had a good day. Steve got the job at tractor supply! Bummer. We will see how it goes. Steve ket me sleep till 8! Breakfast and chores. Laundry. Stitching. Steve worked outside. Dog park. Lunch. BBQ'ed hamburgers for dinner. More stitching and TV. SSDD.
Saturday, November 19, 2022
November 19, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up about 8. Cleaned up the dog food that spilled all over. Breakfast chores. Stitching. Steve worked outside. Colleen came and got me to run to Hobby Lobby. Came back for more stitching. Pot pies and card Bingo. Home for stitching TV and cuddles.
Friday, November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
It was a good day even tho the weather was cloudy. We got up had breakfast. I stitched after chores. Steve worked puzzles. Wendy came to drop off the key. We visited for awhile. Steve and I went to get pedicures. We were only gone an hour. More stitching. I realized I had made a fatal mistake and had to do alot of frogging. Then I realized that I would run out of thread so a trip to Hobby lobby was in order. Steve had me drive so I could get a feel for the car. Then home a trip to the dog park and more chores. Tacos for dinner.then Betty called and was on the phone for an hour with her. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
November 17. 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up or Steve woke me by putting the dishes from the dishwasher away. I think he is lonely for company. Breakfast and he decided to go to carving. I stitched. Then we prepped for the Thanksgivibg luncheon. Christine managed to make it back for the luncheon. It was ok but most of the food was gone by the time our table went thru. Then home with full bellies. A dog park run. Christmas movies for me and stitching. Made Steve a snack.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
November 16, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7:30. Breakfast chores. Colleen picked me up at 10:15. Steve left at 10 to pick up Mike to set up tables. Colleen and I finished the table decor. Then home for stitching. Steve worked outside. Then dog park mail and gathered a few things out of storage and the trailer. Lunch. I made the salad for tomorrow. Then stitching. Another dog park run. Finally dinner cleanup. Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
November 15, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up and I made avocado toast for breakfast. Then Steve went over for his interview at Tractor Supply. He said it went well. He visited the diesel place and made an appointment with them. Came home and had a snack. The off to the dentist. I stitched during the day. BBQ brats for dinner. Finally it was time for TV, cuddles and stitching.
Monday, November 14, 2022
Nivember 14, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up around 7:30. Breakfast and chores. We decided to hit Costco and Fry's. First Steve applied for gate guard duty with Ben. Then we hit Costco for food and meds. Then over to Fry's. Spent way too much. Then tractor supply called for Steve to take an interview tomorrow. Spent a bunch . Came home and put everything away. Then some stitching. Dog park and a visit with the Fords. Home to clean out the fridge of leftovers. Finally it was time for TV , cuddles and stitching.
Sunday, November 13, 2022
November 13, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Nice quiet day at home. Got up had breakfast and coffee. Started the laundry. Stitched and watched football. Pot pies for dinner. Couple of trips to the dog park. Cold day and more coming. Finished the day with TV and cuddles and stitching.
Saturday, November 12, 2022
November 12, 2022 Irchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
First thing this morning Steve had a melt down. He wasn't getting a job. We are selling the truck and trailer. The end. We will see what happens. Tune in later for an update. I decided it was easier to agree. I sputtered in the craft room. Cleaned up the mess. Attached the label and cleaned out the machine. Then I stitched the rest if the day. Steve worked on a puzzle. Watched TV. We had an early dinner. Went to card Bingo. Steve won half a Bingo. Too late to get much done. Shower and bed.
Friday, November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We had a fun day as we celebrated Veterans day. Got up fairly early. Colleen came by to finish our wall hanging. The guys went over to the trailer to work. Then about 2cwe picked up Allen and the Fords to cash in on the free meal at Red Lobster for Veterans. We were home by 4:30. A dog park run. Colleen came over to finish the wall hanging. Then TV and stitching the rest of the night for me.
Thursday, November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up fairly early. Steve went off to carving. I sputtered around. Did a few chores waiting for Colleen. She texted me that Christine' son had been killed in a car accident so she was off to lend moral support. She came over about 11:30. I decided to make pigs in a blanket for all of us. Colleen and I worked on the quilt. She worked on the quilting. I did more chores. They left about 2:30. I stitched the rest of the day. BBQ chicken for dinner. Then it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We had a nice breakfast of avacado toast. Steve worked on putting the cover on the cart. We had some errands in the park and storage area. We made sure the truck would start. We checked the trailer and found it had a dead battery. Then I sputtered around until Colleen came over. Then we made a quick trip to Walmart to get some more fabric. Then we put the borders on. She left. I did some stitching. I prepped the dinner. Fords came for irene's white spaghetti. They left around 7. I cleaned up the mess. Then it was time for TV and stitching.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
November 8, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up had breakfast. Steve wanted avocado toast but has to settle for oatmeal. Chores and I hit the quilt room. So many seams to nest. Then Colleen picked me up for the activity . I think I am done with those. Then home for a snack and back to the quilt room. Finished the project at least sewing the squares together. We decided to go to Casa Perez for Taco Tuesday. Then a quick stop at Safeway. Back for TV and stitching. Election day.
Monday, November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We got up on the late side and ran over to Subaru. Steve thought it was ok but they tried to go over how the car works. Then Walmart and Safeway. We put everything away and I did a few chores. Then Steve worked on the puzzle. I worked in the craft room. I have misplaced a pattern that I want. I saw it then it was gone. We BBQ'ed brats for dinner. We went our separate ways me for TV and stitching.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Nice day. Got up , lingered over breakfast, chores . Started laundry. Worked on the wall hanging. Then Colleen came over and we worked on the wall hanging some more. She left about 2:30. Did some stitching. Took the dogs to the dog park. Steve worked on the new puzzle. Watched sports. Ribs for dinner. TV and stitching to finish off the evening.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
November 5, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve let me sleep in till 8 am. It was nice. Breakfast and chores. Then I worked on Christine's wall hanging. About 12:30. Took the dogs to the dog park. Then stitching for the afternoon. Another trip to the dog park. A quick dinner. Then off to card Bingo. Sat with Marge (site 93 on Racoon) and Carolyn who lives on our block. Steve won twice and I split a Bingo. Came home to finish the night with some TV.
Friday, November 4, 2022
November 4, 2022 Irchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up fairly early. Chores and breakfast. so Around 10:15 we went and got the Fords we could get a seat at the Veterans luncheon. It was very nice. We were home around 1. The a quick trip to the dog park. Then Colleen came over and we cut the fabric for Christine's wall hanging. She left about 3:30. Then Steve hunkered down in the quilt room. I stitched. Then left overs for dinner. Finally it was time for TV and stitching.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
November 3, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
The dreaded doctor appointment is over with. We got up about 7. Steve did his dog chores then left for carving. I got busy and vaccuumed the floors. Then ironed the fabric. Finally I sat down to stitch and of course Steve came home. Then we went to the copy store. Steve applied at Home Depot and Hobby Lobby. It was snowing quite hard while we were out. Home so Steve could fill out his apps. Then off to the doc's. We got our about 4:30 and we met up with the Fords at Casa Perez for an early dinner. Then home for chores and finishing off the evening with TV and stitching.
November 2, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
I got up around 7:30. Breakfast and chores. Got ready to work with Colleen on finding a pattern fo Christine's Pioneer Woman Quilt. Then we went to Walmart. And Home Depot. It was around 1 when we got back. Then I washed all the fabric. Steve and Mike winterized the trailer. I stitched the rest of the day. Colleen and I planned the Thanksgiving meal. We ate pot pies for dinner. TV and stitching to finish off the evening.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
November 1, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up super early so we could get our labs done at 8. Then we had breakfast at Blue Hills which was so so. Then home after stopping at Ace hardware so Steve could apply for a job. Then home . I finally finished June mug. Then I started another project. Stitched most the afternoon. Steve worked outside and I got to Binge watch Chesapeake shores. Then dinner dishes. TV and stitching to complete the evening.
Monday, October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Happy Halloween., we got up about the same time. Steve took the dogs to the dog park about 7:15. Then I tore Steve away from the car and manuals to go get a hair cut. Had to wait 45 minutes but it turned out great. We stopped at Fry's and loaded up on groceries. Back home to put everything away. Dog park run. Then a visit with Colleen. Home to stitch. I made a pot roast in the crockpot. Dishes the TV and stitching to complete the evening.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
October 30, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up had breakfast. Did two loads of laundry while we watched football. At 1:30 we picked up the Fords for lunch at the Canton Dragon. Then home for more football and stitching. Steve decided he needed dinner so I made grilled cheese sandwiches and left over jello salad. Then TV and stitching to finish off the day.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up about 7 thanks to Steve. Breakfast of avocado toast. Steve wanted to test drive the car again. About 8:30 we drove over to storage and took everything important out of the truck to put in the truck. Then we picked up the Fords and drove up to Lynx Lake. Dropped the Fords off. Then Steve buried himself in the manuals and I took the dogs to the dog park. We snacked for lunch and dinner. I stitched. Went to the magic show at the clubhouse. Back home to TV and stitching.
Friday, October 28, 2022
October 28, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Wow what a day. We made the plunge and bought a new car. Up early as we were scheduled for a test drive at Subaru. We drove the Ascent and the outback. The outback was too tight in the back. So we decided on the Ascent. We made a plan to come back and sign the paperwork at 4:30. Then we went to Steve's interview at Lowes which lasted 10 minutes. Back home for lunch. Filled out the credit app. We went back at 4. We were there till 7. Drove back. I followed Steve in the truck which we left in storage. Then home for left overs . Not much time for stitching.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Busy day. Last night was a nightmare. It was after 2 when I finally got to sleep. Came to bed with Steve and Grove home out. It was almost 8 when I got up. I reminded Steve that it was carving day. So he hurried off. Came back at 11. Went and got the truck. Mike took him. Then he decided it was imperative that we get pedicures. So we made appointments at a new place. So we jumped in the car and test drove a Nissan Rogue and Murano. Then we grabbed lunch at Taco Bell. Washed the truck and headed over to the nail place. We have an appointment tomorrow morning to drive an outback and an ascent at the Subaru dealer. Steve's interview at Lowes. The day ended with as usual with TV and stitching.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Nice day. Up late almost 8. Breakfast. Spent a couple hours on the computer. Then stitching . Cart rides. Steve went car shopping on the motorcycle. Grocery store. Ford want $5600;more for repairs . We declined. BBQ'ed steak for dinner. TV and stitching to top off the night.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Got up breakfast and chores. Steve went outside to putter and I dusted the house. Stitched most of the day. Took the dogs for a walk about 10:30. About half a mile. Steve went to check out some cars. Then a hair cut. I took the dogs to the dog park. Dinner was hamburger Strognanoff. Then it was time for TV and stitching to finish off the day.
Monday, October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Well my husband decided to interview at Lowes for work. He seemed better today. We got up and had coffee and breakfast such as it was. Colleen picked me up at 10 to go grocery shopping at Fry's. Came home and unloaded. Steve took a bunch of stuff to storage and the rig. I started stitching. Steve went to the Dentist. I took bags to the dog park. Tacos for dinner. Pushed doc to next week. Got a reprieve. Beautiful say. The truck is not in tio bad of shape. Betty's truck wouldn't start. The disease is catching. Finally time for TV and stitching.
Sunday, October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
A miserable day.steve made sure of that. I know he is upset about the truck but why make me miserable. He was up at 5:30 I went back to bed tol 7bish. We had a nice breakfast. He got frustrated when canceling our streaming services. Somehow it was imperative that I take part in the misery. I did not agree. So he blew up at me. Tired of being the whipping post. He seemed better but then he went off again about some minor thing. So sick of this. I took the dogs for a walk and ran into the Fords. They stopped and visited for awhile. Then we dined. And went our separate ways.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
October 22, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
Steve actually let me sleep in till 7:30. Actually it was the dogs that insisted I get up. We eased into the morning. Then fought with Good Sam over the tow truck . About 10 we went over to the rig to get a few things we forgot. Steve got under the truck and jiggled the linkage. The truck started. So they ran it over to the Ford place. Steve came home. Then we went over to Valdez's to chat for awhile. Steve gave them a flute that he made. Then we had lunch. I was able to chill. Took a cart ride. More stitching. BBQ'ed brats for dinner. Finally it was time to retreat to the bedroom for TV and stitching.
Friday, October 21, 2022
October 21, 2022 orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ
We made it home. We got up at 6ish and left by 8. We traveled 219 miles stopping in kingman to top off on the gas. We got to the house close to noon. We unloaded the trailer in about 2 hours. We took it over to storage. We got it backed in and went to unhook. Truck would not start. Mike and Colleen came and got me Mike stayed with Steve. I continued putting things away. We had dinner at Mike and Colleen's it was great. Tow truck never showed. Hopefully tomorrow we will take it over to Ford. Maybe Monday. Truck and trailer is in storage. Came home and went through mail. Lots of goodies. Getting ready for bed pooped.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
October 20, 2022 Deset View RV Resort, Needles CA
Well today was absolutely miserable. Steve thought he was being quiet while I tried to sleep. He wasn't. Talked to the dogs. Made all kinds of noise. When I mentioned it he went ape shit. Harsh words were spoken. Then he went past my table into the garage and purposely spilled my coffee all over me the table and the floor. Then we did not speak the rest of the day and we are still not really speaking. Someone needs to grow up. Steve moped and slept the rest of the day. We started bagging stuff up to make unloading easier. I finished on of my stitching projects and continued on another. I am sure we are on edge about the last leg of the trip. It will be good to be home. We had left over pizza for dinner.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
October 19 , 2022 Desert View RV Resort, Needles CA
We got up and decided that we would go to Bullhead City for breakfast at the black Bear diner. Went to start the truck and nothing. It would not do anything. So I decided to walk the dogs. Steve gave me the high sign that it was good to go. He had it it ow mode I guess. So off we went. First to Breakfast. Filled up with gas. A quick stop at Hobby Lobby for some floss. We were going to Oatman but I think Steve was afraid we would get stranded out there. Back to the rig. I sewed and we finished watching Longmire. For the second time. Then we decided to go back to Safeway for a Birthday card for Stehanie and picked up a Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner. More stitching and more TV. We are both anxious to get back home.
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022 Desert View RV Resort, Needles CA
This day sucked. We got up and started preparing to leave. About 9:30 I went up into the trailer to put the slides in and and the one control got stuck on Stupid. So we screwed around with that. We finally called Affinity and the helped unplug it and it worked. We went and dumped. Then as we left I noticed a low tire on the tire monitor. We pulled into Loves and someone had parked right in front of the air machine. So we went over to the Loves tire shop and they told us that we had a screw in the tire.but they could no fix it. So back into town to the tire store. Anyway they were able to fix it. It was one when we left. The truck got a little hot pulling the rig up the grass. So we called Murphy's. Not sure what we are going to do. We got here about 5 240 miles east. Left overs for dinner and Longmire. Nice park tho.
Monday, October 17, 2022
October 17, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Our last night here. Never thought it would come. We got up late. Had a light breakfast and decided to test the exhaust brake on the truck. Took it to tractor supply to get propane then we drove to the Tehachapi loop for trains which was not a big deal. The we stopped for gas and finally Albertsons. Back to the to unpack groceries . We put a few things away, walked the dogs. Did two loads of laundry. Watched TV and got a little stitching done. Fixed dinner and did some more stitching. Watched football and one episode of Longmire. And we are off, I hope.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
October 16, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
We are seeing an end to our time here. Steve let me sleep late. Almost 8 when I opened my eyes. I made avocado toast . Then we watched football all day and I stitched. We put a few things away but all in all we just chilled.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
The truck is back. We are poor now. $9100 dollars in the hole. We got up. I stitched and Steve carved. We took two loads of black and gray water to the sewer dump. More showers for us! I took my normal walk with the dogs. Took my afternoon walk. Andrew from Murphy Diesel came and got Steve about Steve. When he came back we took a drive to see Colleen's former house 22812 Scout Point Circle Tehachapi. Then we got burgers from the burger spot. Home for more Longmire.
Friday, October 14, 2022
October 14, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA l
We almost had a truck. They keep tweaking this and that. Busy place. We decided to move our reservations in Needles to Tuesday so God will we should be home in a week. This way we can drive the truck some here and have problems if any fixed Monday. We have thru Monday here at Mountain Valley. Got up at the crack of dawn so Steve could make a donut run to Carlos. I stitched most of the day. Much better day than yesterday. BBQED pork steak for dinner. The mechanic worked late but will finish hopefully tomorrow. Can't wait to dump.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
October 13, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
We are still here. Day started out ok . Made avocado toast for breakfast. Steve's patience is wearing thin. So it was a very quiet day. Thought he was going on a motorcycle ride but we just watched TV all day. I stitched .we were going to get burgers so Steve went to burger king. He got bacon cheese burgers but the were far from whippers. They sucked. Terrible. Oh well what can one do. I did get my walk in with the dogs. Fingers crossed we will get the truck back tomorrow and we can get out of dodge.
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
October 12, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another day . Pretty much the same. We will get the truck hopefully by Friday. We changed our reservations in Needles. High light of the day was a fly over from Edward's air force base at noon. Lasted about 60 seconds. Otherwise same shit different day. Stitching and TV.
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
October 11, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another day. Same routine. Got up had breakfast and did chores. Steve did two shopping trips. Albertsons and walmart. They are making progress on the truck and it looks like it may be Friday. We made reservations in Needles for 3 nights. I stitched most of the night. Took the dogs for a walk. Walked 9 days in a row. BBQ'ed hamburgers for dinner. Finished with Longmire episodes.
Monday, October 10, 2022
October 10, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Today was really exciting. I did laundry most of the morning. Steve got us up at 6:30! Otherwise it was pretty much a repeat of the last 8 or 9 days. I feel very noble as I got my walk in. Even wearing one of Steve's shoes. It looked like rain so we had pot pies instead of bbq. We watched Monday night football.
Sunday, October 9, 2022
October 9, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Same thing different day. Up fairly early. Got to sleep ttil almost 8. Breakfast and chores . I stitched for awhile. Then took my walk. We had lunch. Watched some football. Watched the 9ers game. Steve did some carving. Watched people come and go. Dinner and a few episodes of Longmire.
Saturday, October 8, 2022
October 8, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another day. Repeat of the say before. Up early breakfast and chores. Took my walk.then I stitched most of the day. Steve carved. The a motorcycle ride and stopped at Walmart to pick up a few things. I walked the dogs several times. We BBQ'ed a steak for dinner. Finished the day with some TV episodes of Longmire.
Friday, October 7, 2022
October 7, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Got up early about 7. Breakfast chores. Early walk with the dogs. Steve went and got lunch at the German Bakery. Walked 5 days in a row. Ready to go a little farther tomorrow. Hung out the rest of the day. Steve went to the store since he was out of waters. Otherwise no new. I paid for 6 more days. I learned how to used the phone as a hot spot so we were able to watch more TV and use the computer with out using up gigs on the mifi. The bakery sandwiches were huge so we were not all the hungry. Quesadillas for dinner.
Thursday, October 6, 2022
October 6, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another day same routine. Up about 7:30. Breakfast chores. Then I got real motivated and mopped the floors. Then I was real noble and did my 10 minute walk around the storage area. Finally vi got to stitch. Steve worked on intarsia most of the day. The mechanic dropped off the turd herder. We BBQ'ed hamburgers and brats for dinner. Then watched football and longmire episodes.
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
October 5, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another repeat of the day before. Stevecwoke me up before 7. Jerry Stickney called. We had breakfast of bacon and eggs. Steve carves and painted. Morning chores . Steve went grocery shopping. Just as I was about to mop and clean the bathroom Steve came home. Then more stitching. Did my 10 minute walk. Steve ma chicken kabobs. Not my cup of tea but I didn't have to cook. We ate early. Watched some TV. Another day done.
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
October 4, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another day pretty much the same as the one before. I got up about 7 and we had breakfast. Morning chores. Quick walk with the dog. Finished a stitching project. Stevevdud his daily shopping tour. Put the groceries away. Visited with the neighbor. Some TV. Steve carved off and on. Repeat.
Monday, October 3, 2022
October 3, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another nice day in the park. We got up at the crack of dawn as sophie had diarrhea and upset stomach. We had breakfast but I was dressed bt 8 . Took the dogs for a short walk. Steve carved and painted his road runner. About noon he went to check on the motorcycle and picked a couple things Walmart. I was able to watch a couple of my shows. Of course I stitched and am almost finished with July. We spent 2 hours trying to get ESPN so we could watch the ball game. Missed half of it. Otherwise another day down.
Sunday, October 2, 2022
October 2, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Got up early to prepare to go get donuts at Carlos Donuts but Verizon called to help us get more 4G gigabytes. Priorities. Steve went on his mission about eight. The apple fritters were huge. We cut them in half. Then we hung out at the house. Steve spent the morning in a snit but I decided to pretend all was well. Steve did a little carving and of course i stitched off and on all day. Another pleasant day weather wise. Looks like i will be doing laundry here by the end of the week. Leftovers for dinner. Yuck.
Saturday, October 1, 2022
October 1, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
We were up early and out of the house . We walked to the office about 8:30 to secure our spot for 6 more nights. Vicky the owner was quite the talker. Then we hooded over to the airport cafe for a mediocre breakfast. Then back to the rig. Steve took off on the motorcycle to get a few groceries. Came back and unloaded. Then he went to the train loop and got drinks. I stitched most of the day. We walked the dogs. Sat out and chatted with our new neighbors . I chatted with Colleen and betty quite a bit. Tried watching tv but we ran out of 4g on the mifi. Dinner was BBQ'ed hamburgers and brats. Steve will get up early to hit the best donut shop in Tehachapi. Carlos Donut shop. It it rather nice here. Steve wanted to take glider rides but we did not make the weight limit.
Friday, September 30, 2022
September 30, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Last Day of September. Steve was up early and off with the truck to the repair shop. He was back before 10. Worse case scenario another 8,000 dollars. Of course it turned out to be the worse case senario. So we signed on here for at least a week more. We thought we were going to have to move and Jeff from Murphy's was willing to come help us move the trailer but at the last minute they told us we would not have to move. We unloaded the bike and made toom in the back for Steve. Changed all our medical appointments and started to enjoy our stay. The weather is moderate. We have the bike so Steve can get a few groceries. Jeff offered to take me shopping. Thought that was nice. So we hung out here. Took walks with the dogs. Sat outside. It has been very pleasant.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022 Mountain Valley RV Park, Tehachapi CA
Another road trip from hell. We left Coarsegold about 7:30. Earlier than we planned. Thanks to Mr Rush budget . We got to the beginning of the climb to cross the Tehachapi's and decided to sit and take a potty break and rest the truck. we no soon started the climb and realized the thermostat wasn't the cure for our problems. We we stopped again. The sat and cooled down. The about 20 miles west of Tehachapi we were over heated again. We sat there about 4.5 hours. We had to call roadside service and wait for a truck to pull the rig so we could get the truck to the campsite in Tehachapi. I sat in the sun and broiled for 4 and half hours. Read, did puzzles until we were rescued. Steve ran the battery on the truck down talking thru the truck in the phone . Had to have jump to get going again. Fortunately Steve had cables. Finally the truck came to tow us to the park. We got set up and neither is felt like eating a big meal. This is incredibly the worse time we have had this much trouble. Sad to leave our site in Park Sierra.
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
This is our last night as Park Sierra members. It is bitter sweet. Steve let me sleep until 7:30. I fixed breakfast sandwiches. Then at 10 we met the Ely's in the Club house. We chatted for about 2 hours . Came home I defrosted the fridge . The Steve dumped. We are ready to head out tomorrow. Pray that the truck behaves. Pot pies for dinner. Stitching the latter part of the day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
This was not a quiet day. We got up early. We were out the door We had a 10 am toe appointment. Not real happy but it is done. The a quick stop at the quilt store. Von's for food. Cash machine and gas. Then home for BBQ brats. Then over to the laundromat with 5 loads of laundry. Took me until 4:30. The we BBQ'ed hot dogs and Steve had one of each. Stitching was difficult and I have some frogging to do. 3cdays till we are back to real life.
Monday, September 26, 2022
September 26, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
We were up early, thank you Steve McCrumb. He was out the door about 10 after 8. I got up and dressed and took a walk. Yeah for me. I watched TV what I wanted. They replaced the thermostat and hopefully that will take care of the problem. He was home about 12:30. Dogs were happy. We went down to the office and turned in our leaving papers. Boo hook. Then despite Steve bringing home 4 pot pies we had shrimp for dinner. TV and stitching for the rest of the night.
Sunday, September 25, 2022
September 25, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
Another quiet day in the rig. Football and stitching. Still hot here. Not much to report. Steve takes the truck in tomorrow morning early. A morning to my self. Yeah.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
September 24, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
We had a quiet day at home. Steve did some carving. I stitched most of the day. We BBQ'ed a steak. Took the dogs out numerous times. Watched TV. Our says here are winding down to a close.
Friday, September 23, 2022
September 23, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
I got up at a reasonable hour. 7:30. Breakfast and chores. About 10:30 I decided to take the dogs to the office to get mail. Steve decided to drive me. We went to the dog park and Steve grabbed the mail. Then we decided to drive to Yosemite Lakes Hillside market. Steve went in and grabbed the groceries since I did not have my purse. Then home.. I gave both dogs a bath. Then lunch. Then stitching. Steve managed to get us set up with TV. The smart TV was stuck on stupid. Steve repaired the shade on my side of the slide which required him to take down the entire valance. Steve did some carving and I stitched. Dinner dishes and bath.
Thursday, September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022 Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA
This leg of the trip will have to go down in the Annals of history as the worst. When Steve had the truck in for the catalytic converter in Roseville they told him he had a leak in the cooling system and needed a new thermostat. He was either in sticker shock over the cost or the clerk on the other end mis understood him and that portion of the repair showed as declined. We had no problems with the truck until we were headed over to Duncans Mills on the coast. The truck overheated a couple times and we had to pull over on the steeper grades a couple of time to let it cool down. We had one issue while we were there. We added coolant and things looked good to get to Coarsegold. We made an appointment at the Rusty Piston in Oakhurst who have made the A list on the friend list. We left the coast about nine after dumping. All went well until we hit the hills in Oakland. We had to pull over twice there. Once on the Altamont pass to cool down. We had to stop once in Madera and once more coming into Coarsegold about 7.5 miles from the turnoff for the park. Once the truck reaches a certain temp it goes into limp mode and will only go about 5 miles an hour. Then with the gate to the park in sight we had to pull off to the side once more. We finally made it in about 6 but we did make it. There definitely is a God to which I was praying the entire trip. And I thought our adventures were over.
Steve I found out doesn't like to be snarled at. Amazing when the soe is on a different foot.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
September 21, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
Our last day here. I don't have to look forward to any more games of 5 crowns. Got up breakfast and chores. Steve carved outside I stitched. Lunch then we slowly started putting things away. About 3 we took the truck to Guerneville to top off the tank. Stopped at Safeway to pick up some pot pies. I think we are both done with the trip. Then dinner and cleanup. I was stitching and guess what. Steve wanted to play cards. So that is what we did. Hope we have a good trip tomorrow to Coarsegold.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
September 20, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
Do I know my husband or what. Last night as I was getting in the shower he blew his top because I made some unauthorized purchases. I thought he must want to take a ride tomorrow and he feels guilty. Sure enough this morning he announced he wants to go on a motorcycle ride. So that is what he did and I finished my December mug. He was back about 1:30. We had lunch. Then took a ride to get some apple fritters at Safeway. Then took some back roads to get some pics Steve wanted of some totem poles. We took the Cazadero highway. Then home for BBQ'ed chicken breasts. We played a round of 5 crowns. It was fun.
Monday, September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
We got up and had a light breakfast. Then off to Guerneville to get antifreeze. Back home to relax for awhile. About 1:30 we hopped in the truck and dove to Dillon beach and Tomalas. Came back to the boat house for very expensive fish and chips and clam chowder. $65.00. came home to stitch and Steve watched the Monday night game. We seem to be right where the other one needs to be . Do you think Steve could wait 2 minutes now whenever the urge hits him that his when he has to do it. UGH
September 18, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
It rained all last night and off and on all day. Mostly on. Dark and dreary. Loved it. We got up about quarter after 7. About 10 I n
Made avocado toast with sausage and egg. It was determined that the auto parts store was closed on Sunday so we chilled till it was time for football to start. Steve hurried over. Had the house mostly to myself. It was nice. Bizarro Steve was gone and my loving husband was back. We made pot pies for dinner. Steve went back for the evening game came home for pie and ice cream.
Got lots of stitching done.
September 17, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
The lack of TV has reared its ugly head. We are now known to each other as bitch and asshole. You can guess which one I am. Steve was making noise by 7 so we got up. I made breakfast sandwiches. Steve carved and I made an apple pie. Apples needed to be more done. Phones and internet are practically non existent. About 11 we went on a walk to the river. Walk did a lot of good as far as my knees. Need to do more. Rain is expected. tomorrow through Tuesday. About 2:30 we went for a ride . We hit hiway one to Ft. Bragg. Went as far as ocean Cove. Came back to take the road cto Cazadero. Very steep. Truck over heated again and lost power. Once we hit the down hill we were fine. Got back about 4. As expected Steve got his Knickers in a twist. We had heated words. Cooked the salmon Nikki gave us. Took forever. Getting ready to shut down for the night.
Friday, September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
Our first whole day with no TV! We lived to tell about it. We got up earlier than I wanted to . Breakfast. Then hit the road. Stopped at our favorite fruit stand for Gravenstein apples but not luck. Then the Walmart in Windsor. Costco and Best buy. Finally we got gas. Back to the rig for lunch at 1:30. Steve went for a short ride. I stitched. He was back by 4. BBQ'ed steak for dinner. More stitching and we played cards.
September 15, 2022 Duncans Mills Camping Club, Duncans Mills CA
We got up before 7 thanks to Steve and were out the door by 9. Just as we were ready to leave here came Jerry for one final goodbye. We drove 191 mile and arrived around 2. We pulled off twice as we got an alert that the engine was over heating. Their vacation has been one crisis after another. Once we got to Ukiah it was mostly down hill from there. We made it to the Campground from there without stopping. When we got here we were dismayed that we had no cell or internet and thus no TV. So we are here for 6 more days with the tv in the clubhouses. At least we don't argue about the programs. Steve does not share well. I have decided to cut back on Glends games since she can't play if she is gone. Poor baby Tom needs her attention. Steve watched football at the Clubhouse. Came home to BBQ dinner and went back. I stitched most of the night.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
September 13, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
Today was laundry day. I finally got to watch the season finale of NCIS Season 13 which said good by to DiNozzo when he left for Bull. Steve took a motorcycle ride down the Avenue. Lunch then 3 hours plus for laundry. John Johnson came by to say hello and goodbye. Dinner we BBQ'ed a pork steak. Tomorrow we prepare to leave for the Coast.
Monday, September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
Sunday, September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
We had a very laid back day. We got up late. I stitched most of the day. I didn't get dressed until noon. The sky was gray. I was great temperature. About 3:30 we headed to Eureka to meet Jerry and Sheila for dinner. Sheila showed me what a tragedy the house has turned into. They are hoarders. We had a wonderful dinner at Shamus Tbones. Pretty pricey. Then home for more stitching. The end. Steve got to watch some football.
Friday, September 9, 2022
September 9, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
Thursday, September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
We were up by 7:30. Nikki called to tell us there was a fire in Forest Hill about 20 miles from where we were. We decided to run some errands . I mailed Dan his quilt. Went to Safeway. Then back to the rig for lunch. Jerry and Sheila was supposed to be here at 3 or 4 and finally made it at 5:30. Stickney time. Then we met at Eel River Brewery in Fortuna for a wonderful dinner. Back to the rig to finish the evening at home.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
September 7, 2022 Ancient Redwoods RV Park, Redcrest CA
We got up at the crack of Dawn to prepare to leave before the heat took hold. We drove about 300 miles and arrived here about 2:30. It was hot when we got here but as soon as the sun went down it cooled down. We got set up and chilled out. We decided to call Jerry Stickney tomorrow so we can rest up. we were able to use the oven and have electricity without using the generator. This trip has really been a challenge. And it is not over yet.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
September 6, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
What a day. Steve was on the rag when we got up. So he decided to run to town for a funnel and new nozzle for the gas can. He came back and no sooner sat down and he wanted to go to the gas station for more gas. I suggested he call Ford to see if the truck was done but was told they would call him. Fortunately at one he called and it was ready. I suggested since the truck was ready we leave tomorrow instead of Thursday. We will have to work well into the night to get ready--not. We had less than an hour wirth of things to get ready. Any I vhangedvour reservations at Ancient Redwoods to arrive tomorrow. Then we jumped in the car and drove to Roseville. 118 degree. We had the car washed dropped it off at Nikki's. We filled the truck with gas and stopped at Buttercup cafe for dinner with handtown riders. We saw everyone ate dinner and headed back to the trailer. In 45 minutes we were packed and ready to go. So hot here. Still no electricity.
Monday, September 5, 2022
August 5, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Another very hot day. About 112. We got up at a reasonable hour. Breakfast. They came and dumped us. We weren't even aware they were working on the rig. About 10:30 we drove to the Chevron Station and filled the 5 gallon can with gas for the generator. Then a stop at the dog park. I finally finished the November mug. All the back stitching. Then started the December mug. We stayed inside and about 3:30 we decided to take a ride up in the hills to cool off. We drove up to Wentworth Springs Road to ice house and stopped at Safeway for more gas. Bacon and egg sandwiches for dinner. Dishes. Still hot outside.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
I got up about 8. Steve was as noisy as he could possibly be. All our neighbors are gone. Lots of people left early due to the electricity being off. Everyone is running generators. We jumped in the car first thing and went to ferry propane and gas for the generator. We came back and hing out here trying to stay cool. About 4 we left for the Sportsmen Hall in Pollack Pines. We me the kids or some of them there and celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. Then headed home to turn on the air conditioner. Three more days of unbearable heat. Fingers crossed.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Happy 17th Anniversary to us. We got up about 7. Very hot again. I stitched most of the day. I thought I was done but I forgot the backstitch. Back at it tomorrow. We left here about 4 for Auburn. We got to see alot of relatives. The wedding was outstanding. Beautiful. Bride was gorgeous. It the outside at the Ridge. The girls were there. Then we were waiting for the bride and groom to come to the reception and we got a call from the park to get back get the dogs as the power was out at the park. Looks like it will be out for the next week. We left the wedding early. Made a beeline for the park. Had leftover pizza for dinner. This park is leaving out lust of faves.
Friday, September 2, 2022
September 2, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up early and had breakfast. Very hot today. We were out the door by 9. Drove to Folsom. Waited for Kohl's to open. Went in there to find something for the wedding. Got a real nice blouse. Then stopped at Les Schwab to fill the tires with air. Finally we hit Costco. Then home to put it all away. We hung out in the cool rig. At 2:30 we received word that the truck would be ready sometime Tuesday. Great weight off our shoulders. About 4 we headed to Cool to meet Tim Jones and his wife Cheryl. We had very good Pizza. Then about 7 we headed home for more TV Nd stitching.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Not even Friday and the park is almost full! Steve was off early for his ride with Don Reutzel. They had a great time . Road over to Black Bear and up thru Berryessa. I stayed home and stitched. Steve came home about 1:30. Around 3 we left for Lyllie's game at Golden Sierra. They won 2.5 games. We were back by 4:30. Trip to dog park. Then dinner and stitching. No word on the truck.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
August 31, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Last day of August. Steve was up and out early to go to coffee with the motorcycle guys in Diamond Springs. Came home and I had everything prepped to do laundry. Then off we went. Had to go to Placerville no laundry in the Park. Busy place and hot. The an errand at Wallmart. Stop at the dog park. Put the clothes away. Had a snack Steve took a nap. He started a movie which was ok. An episode of Longmire then the final episode of Longmire. Dog walk. Dishes. Fun fun.
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
August 30, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Fun day with the Kibler's. Got up at 8. Slept right thru the night. Hung out till they got here at 11. About 12:15 we went to American River Pizza for lunch. We sat there for 3 and a half hours chatting and more when they came back to the rig. The finally left about 4:30. Then we called Ford and found out that the are having difficulty finding the part we need to repair the truck. We may have to stay here another week and everything out a week. We did not have an official dinner as I was still full from lunch. Then the neighbor came over and visited for half an hour. She flies a private charter plane for celebrities. Very interesting life. More stitching and more episodes of Longmire.
Monday, August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Got up at a decent hour. Steve carved for awhile while I stitched. We hung out at the house until it was time to go to dinner with Maylene and Don at the Forrester in Camino. Took us awhile since traffic was bumper to bumper due to construction. We were a few minutes late. Maylene ate almost no food. What we had was delicious. We left there at about 7 and stopped at Safeway to pick up a few things. Finally home to put away groceries and relax.
Sunday, August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Fun day. We got up late. Me at 8. I made eggs for breakfast. Then about 10 we borrowed the park's blue boy. We made two trips to the dump station to empty the black and gray water tanks. The rest of the was spent watching episodes of Longmire. Dinner was BBQ'ed hamburgers. The more TV and stitching. We are on the downward slope to leaving here. Tomorrow we should know more about the truck.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Interesting day. Got up after a fairly good night's sleep. I actually fell asleep while reading a book. Woke up about 5:30. Went back to sleep for about an hour and a half. Then breakfast and some stitching till about noon. We determined that the gray water was full. Steve called to schedule the honey wagon. Not sure if it will be ready by Monday. May have to borrow their blue boy. Then we took off for Glenda's. First stop was the dog park. We stopped at big 5 for Steve's shoes. Then home depot. Then Nikki's to pick up the chewy box. Finally Walmart. Then over to Glenda's . We played Mexican train. I must be losing it as I missed several plays. Then Tom BBQ'ed brats. Finally home where we hit the dog park again.
Friday, August 26, 2022
August 26, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Another leisure day. We were not supposed to do much of anything today. Breakfast and chores. We looked up and the electricity had gone out. We puttered around here till about 10:30. Then we decided to take a ride into Georgetown. PG&E was replacing a power pole here in the park. We picked up a sandwich at the market/deli. Sat outside and ate then jumped back in the car and drove up Wentworth Springs Road to Stumpy meadows Reservoir. We got back about 2:30. We had power by then. Breaking news their honey wagon is broke down. This ought to be interested as I think we may be full. No truck to haul it down to the dump station. Speaking of the truck. Over 6 thousand to repair it. It is what it is. Anyway we hung out here doing TV and stitching. Dinner was leftovers. No more in the refrigerator. Lots of people in the park. Weekenders. Next weekend will be a mad house here.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Today was busy but laid back. We got had breakfast. The jumped in the car and headed down town to the needle craft store. Not much there. Then we stopped at Verizon. Will have to replace the phone. Eventually. The got a hair cut. They closed the hospice on Placerville dr. Finally headed home. Then we hung out at the house the rest of the day. Lasagna for dinner. Lots of stitching. Steve painted in the back. Sofie has had diarrhea and some blood in her stool. Likecthus streaming.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
Another day spent stitching. This will be a stitching trip. Stevecwas up early and out the door. He met Jim Moore and his cronies in Diamond Springs then on to Sportman's in Pollock for breakfast. He was home about noon. Then we just hung out the rest of the day. Steve made tons of plans which did not include me. We BBQ'ed pork steak for dinner. TV and stitching the rest of the night.
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022 Ponderosa RV Resort, Lotus CA
We got up a 5 and were out the door at 6:15. We stopped for gas at the Chevron by the Coloma club. Then drove to fleet services with no incidents. Except that we turned one driveway too soon. Then we headed to Caneron Prk for a breakfast sandwich at McDonald's. we stopped at Safeway to pickup groceries. Back to the rig to put everything away. Then Jim moore called and wanted to meet for lunch and it had to be today.. so if we went to meet him at Mel's. It was ok. We stopped at the quilt store but I took a fancy to nothing. Back home for stitching. Finished the Eagle. Love having the car. Steve's shoulder continues to bother him. Wonder what that is about. Always something