Thursday, February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 This was a horrible day.  I got fairly early.  My routines are all screwed up.  I was planning on working on the craft room.  Steve who had no plans lied.  Sophie had gas all day and Steve was out of sorts.  This place does not feel like home yet.  I took Sophie for a walk so she could try and pass some gas.  When I got back Steve was staining the desk.  We were supposed to go to the cargo trailer and finish going through boxes.   Of course I fell and cut my finger pretty bad. Steve was mad I wouldn't let him help me get up right away but I wanted to make sure nothing was broken.   He threw some bandaids at me. He has no compassion.   Finally since it was bleeding profusely he helped get it covered.   We went home.  He must have diaheria.   Finally he took me to the trailer to get bandages.  No key so we went back home he slipped on the ice and spilled all our pills.  Finally we got the bandaids came back.  He had soup for dinner and I had a tuna sandwich.  I cleaned up the kitchen .Finally it was time for TV and cuddles with the dogs.   Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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