Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25, 2022 Irchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 I never thought I would say this but I am sick of shopping.  Finally the desk is in the house.  I am so sick of hearing about the desk.   We got up leisurely.  Steve decided he needed a break from shopping and moving so we drove to Cottonwood to look at cars.  At Hyundai and Jones Ford. We went to Prescott Subaru and drove the outback and so far we like the Edge, Outback or the Murano.  For the first time we actually looked and didn't buy.  Then we went ti Costco and picked up a few things and got a check for our rewards.  $918.  And change.  Then Hobby Lobby  and finally . Came back and stopped at the dog park.   Home to unload and unpack all the amazon pkgs that came.  Dinner and dishes.  Finally it was time for TV and cuddles with the dogs. 

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