Friday, February 17, 2023

February 17, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

 Well apparently there is a pacemaker with my name on it.  They determined that I do not need the plumber for the hole in my heart but the electrician will put in a pacemaker.   I have afib.  Tachy dicky syndrome. Brought on by age I guess.  So next week I will see yet another doctor for the pacemaker.  Much calmer now.  Things will work out.  Steve took me out to lunch after the appointment at Firehouse subs. I think his enchantment with work has ended.  He called them and told the powers that be that he would not come in unless they were super busy.  He is only working 9 or 10 hours a day anyway.  Then home and a ride to the dog park. We stopped and chatted with Terry for 20 minutes.  Colleen came to visit for over an hour to catch up.  Then another run to the dog park and swung by the Fords to pick up bread and puzzles.  We decided to eat left overs for dinner.  Cleanup.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching. 

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