Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24, 2023 Orchard Ranch Home, Dewey AZ

We got up at normal time. Breakfast and chores.  Steve hunkered down in the office so I decided to get a jump on things and vaccuumed and dusted.  Steve wasn't going to go to Colleen's but at 10:30 he and I headed over to Colleen's for a visit.  We sat in her sewing book. Wonderful place. Nice and cozy.  I ended up inviting them to game day on Sunday.  Then home to grab the dogs for a dog park run. We met Jane who lives in a park model on Wolf.  He as a beautiful German Shepherd  named Ellie May and another dog Forest Gump.  Then we drove around the park and returned home to stitch. Another trip to the dog park.  We BBQ'ed hamburgers for dinner.  It snowed lightly this morning.   But is was disappointing for what was promised.  All melted.  Finally it was time for TV cuddles and stitching.  

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