Steve had a hard day today. We got up really early today to get Hazel to the vet for her teeth cleaning. Steve was on edge because it cost a lot of money for someone that once again was not important to him.. he didn't bat an eye when he was going to spend the same amount of money on a cover for the Terex.
Once we delivered Hazel to the vet and they did the induction we went for Breakfast at Pete's in Oakhurst. It was pretty good. Then a quick stop at Von's for some groceries.
Back to the rig. Sophie was lost without Hazel. We sat around waiting for us to go pick up Hazel. We did a few chores around the house but mostly it was a cold and dreary day. Every time I turned around Steve was snoring on the sofa. It was ridiculous. If he wasn't snoring he was stuffing food in his mouth. Some diet he is on. Around 2:30 we headed back to Oakhurst to pick up the dog. About 3 Mike's south of Oakhurst there was an accident which delayed our trip about a half an hour. When we got to the vet and before we got Hazel we were shown color pictures of the work they did on her teeth as well as X-rays of her entire mouth. We left there and came back about 4:10. We were expecting a package with the new satellite turret. When we tracked it it said they delivered it. We called FedEx. We now have a case number. What we don't have is a turret. They have until Tuesday to figure out what happened to it. Most likely it was delivered to the wrong site.
So we grabbed the dinner things and ran down to the clubhouse for the social hour. There were only 7 of us. Fortunately we still had left overs from the Turkey dinner which Sue quickly warmed up. And I got stuck with washing dishes. Again.
I caught Steve sleeping again and me the mistake of calling him on it. With all the other issues of the day it spiraled into a major argument. He doesn't do well with gray rainy days anyway so he packed up his marbles and went to bed at 9 or a little before. Life is tough I guess.
For me I watched TV in the bedroom til he wanted in. Now I am banished to the sofa til I go to bed. I must admit that I found the day rather boring and depressing as well.
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