Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19, 2018 SKP Park Sierra, Coarsegold CA

Well not much took place today yet we seemed busy enough.  I got up early as I had really loose stool.. I tried going back to sleep but ended up really getting up about 6:30. We were out of milk so I made breakfast burritos  with just egg and cheese and Steve had oatmeal for breakfast.  After  breakfast I lazed around and read for while.  Then I did a touch of housework and made the bed.  I washed some dishes and finished putting some decor out.  Steve was home at 10:30 after he and Kent did some water valve work.
When Steve came back he put the filled propane tank on the trailer.  We then jumped in the truck and went to Oakhurst for an early lunch at Pete's.  Then a run thru Safeway for the necessities .  Stopped at the casino for gas and diesel.   Finally got our mailbox key from Yvette. 
Got back from lunch put the groceries away.  I did some recipe copying while Steve did some outside chores and chatted with the neighbors.  Steve taped the awning ends together so they won't come off which they are wont to do.
The we did our little tour of the park ending up at the dog park.  We saw Leah Gonzalez and stopped to chat with her. Then a stop at the dog park.  We saw several people there including our neighbors Ken and Kathy .  There older dog was pretty  vicious with all the dogs.
Back to the house for some coloring..  Dinner and dishes.  Then a partial movie and the finale of  Dancing with the Stars.
Sure do miss the Satellite TV.  Forced to watch commercials. 

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