Friday, April 12, 2019

April 12, 2019 Medina Lake TT, Pipe Creek TX

This is our last day here and I can't say I am sorry.  I am not sure why I don't like this park but there is just something that dosen't sit right with me.  It is like most Thousand trails park pretty run down.  They are talking about upgrades but that seems to be mostly talk.
We got up early for us about 7:30 breakfasted and showered.  We put away as much as we could for our departure tomorrow morning.   At 10:30 we hooked up with our new friends the Oakleys cousins to the Leaches. They drove us to Medina to the Apple Store where we had a wonderful lunch and of course apple pie a la mode.  We chatted quite awhile.  The we jumped into the car and headed home.
We each went to our separate homes for awhile then they came over to check out the rig and we chatted for another couple of hours.  Steve showed his art projects off.
I finally finished my Catherine Coulter book the Last Second.
We snacked for dinner again.  Then a quick walk with the dogs and TV.
Bertha called to ask about the machine and highly recommended the Juki.
We chatted for awhile.  More TV.
We are having trouble finding insurance for the Placerville house.  We will have to raise the rent to Nikki.

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