Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well today is the last day of 2018.  It has been a great year. So many new and different adventures and friends.  We are having a great time here in Casa Grande.
We got up at our normal time this morning.   I got busy right away and made the pie for tonight's dinner.  The pie was OK but the pie part needed more cinnamon. After the pie came out of the oven we set out on errands.  More propane a quick stop at JoAnn Fabrics and over to Safeway to get a bread bowl.  They didn't have any so I didn't get one which was just as well.  Back to the rig for a quick lunch and dishes.  Then it was time for coloring.   I started out walking but caught a ride with Larry.  Steve picked us up and our guests Alan and Sandy Clark arrived right in the middle a rain storm.  We shared home made clam chowder, salad and apple pecan upside down pie.  Long time since we had dinner guests in the trailer.   We chatted and ate for about 3 hours.  We had a nice time.  I did the  dishes and we are back to a normal routine of Movies and bed. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

December 30, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another super busy day here at Fiesta Grande. Got up about the same time.  Did our normal morning chores.   I decided to make the chowder for tomorrow's dinner.   It turned out Ok but way too thick so I added some more chicken broth.  Sandy stopped by for a minute.  Then we did lunch at taco bell and ran by Safeway. Looking for bread bowls.  Only had one so will have to check again tomorrow. 
Back to the rig and started work on my quilt.  Not perfect but getting better as I go along.  I got one block done.  Betty gave me lots of helpful hints and she loaned me her bottle of starch.
Worked some on the quilt after a quick dinner of pulled chicken which I did not like.
Before dinner we jumped in the Teryx and made our daily tour of the park with the dogs.
Regular season Football is over with.  That means no more recording numerous football games.  What will he do without football games to watch.  More boxing
I cleaned up the mess in the back as best I could.  Did a little vacuuming  this afternoon. 
Finally TV a shower and bed.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well this was a fun day.  We spent the better part of the day with the Nances.  The day started early at 8:30 with breakfast at JB's.  It was pretty good.  Then Larry drove us to Mulqueens which is a quilting store in the Phoenix area.  We made some purchases while the guys hung out at Home Depot. Then we headed off to 35th Avenue quilt store.  After more purchases the guys picked us up after doing a viewing at Lowes.  The off to yet another meal.  We ate at Sweet Tomatoes for a salad and soup lunch.  Finally a small tour of Casa Grande and back to the rig.  The puppies were sure glad to see us.  I no more than sat down and Betty texted me to come over to learn how to make candy bags   I was there about 45 minutes.   Steve took the puppies out for a ride to check on the mail.  Then we relaxed for awhile before a snack of cheese and crackers. 
Then I decided that I would quilt the candy bags.  Unfortunately that is when my machine decided not to stitch correctly so Steve and I fiddled around with that  for an hour. I did finish quilting all four pieces.   I worked out there til about 9:30.  Then TV and bed. I am at little intimidated by all this quilting stuff but it was really fun picking out the material for the new quilt.  Betty is so much fun.  Anxious to get started on it. 

Friday, December 28, 2018

December 28, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well today Ed is a76 years old. The year 2018 is coming to a close. We got up at the normal time.  I was up and down all night.  Steve as normal got up at 4 ish and wanted to switch places.  So I did.  After morning chores we worked around the house putting things back out.  All the things we put under the trailer to keep out of the rain.  I actually did some cutting of strips for the quilt. Just after noon we ate lunch.  Then down to the clubhouse for coloring.   Steve checked the mail. Saw sandy with her cart so I got out and and went with her .  We ended up in the Library coloring over puzzles.  We then moved into the  ballroom after the staff Christmas party.   At precisely three we went home.  We took a brief respite then headed over to Walmart to get the ingredients for the clam chowder for Year's Eve.   Back by 5 and dinner  and dishes. We talked to Nikki. Somehow the electrical problems in the house miraculously resolved themselves leaving only the issue of the oven repair.  Then off to the dance.  A single entertainer and way too much country music.  We didn't dance and left shortly after intermission. We did meet some more really nice people.   Back to our nightly routine of TV shower and bed.  On to the next activity.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

December 27, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

A full day today jam packed with activity.  One sour note Nikki's having electrical problems at the house.  I hope it is not related to the kitchen remodel. 
We got up at the normal time and ate breakfast.   Steve saw Sandy at the dog park.  So when she called she invited us to the Big Wa for lunch.  Steve went to carving and I decided to wash all the mats in the house in the special machine at the laundry.  While I  was at the laundry Betty started texting me so I stopped by her trailer on the way home.  We made plans to go to Mesa and pick up her sewing machine.  So I started home and Steve passed me in the Teryx.  I hung the mats out to dry and followed through on my plan to mop the floors.  The Chewy order arrived but the dog treats I ordered are too big for the girls. 
Sandy called and we took off for lunch.  The food was pretty decent and the price was right.  We stopped to pick up stamps and headed home so that we could  get ready to go to okay Fastrak.  Once we got home we made a hectic search for Steve's name tags.  To no avail.  So down to the market to pick up more tickets then over to the office for a new name tag for one who shall not be named.  Finally Fastrak for a couple of hours.  My team won twice. 
Back home to take the dogs for a ride and a potty. 
We hung out until it was time to meet the Fruths at Mimi's.   It was good to see them both.  We were home and watching TV by 7:30.
The weather has turned colder here and will likely stay that way for awhile.  No lack of things to do here. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December 26, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

The sun came out and the spirits lifted.  Got up at what has become our new awake time.  We did our normal morning chores. The streets are all flooded after the rains yesterday .I piddled around the house until it was time to go color.  Reading, coloring and started prepping material to cut. Off to coloring early so that we could buy tickets for some more events. Colored til three and walked home.  Took the puppies outside in the pen for awhile.
Made dinner early and tried out the instant pot.  Need some more practice.  I wanted to try some eggs but will have to buy some more before I do that.  Kind of a laid back day.  TV and a shower. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

December 25, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Park, Casa Grande AZ

Christmas day 2018. Not quite the Christmas I anticipated.   Something is missing this year.  Not sure what the problem is. But I am glad it is over.  Now on to other things.  We got up about the normal time. Had a cereal breakfast as our big meal was going to be at one.  After breakfast and package opening I went down to make sure the table was set up.  It was a little disconcerting to find someone putting table settings , name cards and Christmas favors on their table when we weren't supposed to put them on until noon.  Walked back to the rig only to turn around and come back to the clubhouse for the dinner at noon.  We stayed down there till about 2pm.  Dinner was nothing to write home about but the company was good.  Sat next to Jim McGregor and his wife. 
Back to the rig to make sure we were ready for the rain when it came along. 
Then I colored and watched a couple of movies in the garage.  Checked out the Instantpot I got for Christmas. That pot intimidates me as I have not worked with a pressure cooker before. 
Tried to take the dogs out but they were not excited about going out in the rain.
Then TV in the bedroom.   Don't feel very Christmasy I can tell you that.  The one bright spot Steve loved is Christmas present. 

Monday, December 24, 2018

December 24, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well Merry Christmas Eve.  This has been a really weird Chirstmas with the warm weather and all the activities here at the Park.  We got up at the normal time and took care of the morning chores.   Made the Jello salad for tomorrow's dinner.  Then I wrapped the Christmas gifts that we already know what's in them.  I watched a movie in the bonus room and spent some time coloring.   Took the dogs for a walk.   At 4:10 we walked down to Betty's then down to the club house for our Christmas Eve Soup dinner. It was quite good if you like soup.  It was supplies by Olive Garden .  We started with Cheesecake  then bread sticks and then soup.  They set out the luminaries throughout the park.  They looked really beautiful.   They were all lit when we walked out from the dinner.  Betty made Cherry Crunch.  So Sandy and Alan,,Larry and Betty and us sat out in front of Larry's trailer and talked for three hours and had yet another dessert.   It was yummy.   Came back about quarter  to nine to dishes and a movie.   Yep it turned out to be a nice Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well it is the day before Christmas Eve. Nothing went as planned.   I got up late 8 am and did my morning chores.   I was waiting for a text from Betty to see if she wanted to sew.  I got a text but didn't see it until about 10:30.  So I gathered up my sewing goodies and hooded it down to the sewing room. I saw how much I have to learn.  I came back to cut more strips but the dogs needed walking and Steve needed lunch. We made a short trip in the Teryx to drop off the recycling  at Don Morris' house then mailed a letter.  Then we decided that we could go to the store today which included a quick trip to Petsmart.   Sandy Clark called again but we had already left again.
Unfortunately we left the dogs at home allowing Steve the opportunity to come in the store with me.  He ran around the store like a chicken with his head cut off.  Rush rush rush.  He finally went out to the truck but ended calling me on the phone to see where I was.  Back home and unloaded the groceries .
I hate shopping with him.  He makes it so much worse than it has to be.  I get so rattled when he is in the store with me.
Once the groceries were done Steve went out to carve and watch TV.  I decided to sew while the meat was on the grill.  The back TV was still not working so I decided to try and fix it.  BAD IDEA.  I reset the receiver.  The world as Steve knows it ended.  The TV's stopped working.Steve was going to have to give up TV. Forever.  We got all the TV's working except the living room while the meat overcooked. We ate dinner while Steve continued to try and get the remaining TV working to no avail.  I did the dishes while Steve sat in the garage watching football  glaring at the TV.  I decided to call  DirecTV but they didn't really help. I ended up hanging up from a gal who I couldn't understand and who had trouble connecting me to her supervisor.  So we ended. Up swapping the genie out from the outside.  Working great now.  We may have to have Direct send us a new genie.
Then Steve decided he wanted some of the hot chocolate Sandy brought us.  Once I started upstairs Hazel promptly threw up her dinner on both sides of the red which I then stepped in.  Went to clean it up and had to get more paper towels down from the upper cabinet.   Finally it was time to rest and recreate.   Turned on the TV and got through one partial movie.  The guide rebooted.  The last new Christmas movie did not record in full .  All in all not a good night.  Hazel got sick again.  Hope this is the end of that..
Note to self do not touch the TV or any components thereof.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

December 22, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow what a day.  We were up and out of the house but shortly after 8 am.  We had an adequate breakfast at IHOP.  Then we were on the way.  We took the 10 to the 303 all the way to Surprise.  We surprised them by being 45 minutes  late.  We called to let them know we were going to be early.   Flu looks great for 101 years old.  She is able to get around fairly easily.   She takes no meds! I hope I am doing as well as she does. I hope I make to her age looking as well as she does at her age.  They live in a very lovely Del Webb Sun City in Surprise AZ.  Been there since July.  The dogs were pretty good. Hazel most likely pooped on the floor.  We had a very nice lunch fixed by Judy.  Roast beef sliders, broccoli salad cheese ball and cranberry salsa.  And of course dessert which I did not care for.  We were there about 4 hours.  We left about 2 and decided to stop at Costco which was a zoo.  Then we took the 202 to 10 and we were back home in nothing  flat.
Steve dropped me at the dog park. We unloaded the groceries and made dinner which was super easy since I bought a roast chicken at Costco.   Shower and dishes and I was ready to kick back with the TV.

Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We had a much needed restful day today.  Got up late and had breakfast.  We walked the dog or Steve did.  Steve must be really excited about his carving project as he carved quite a bit.  I finished the dogs sweaters.  Steve took me down to the clubhouse for coloring. I colored with the gel pens for the first time then walked back to the rig.  One of the ladies is still having problems with her dog who is on its last days.  So sad when that happens.   It is so sad..  we all walked back to the rig. Then when we stopped by the Nances Betty and I decided to check out the Quilt room.  So for the next hour and a half we talked quilting and a had a detailed tour of the quilt room.  Betty came back and gave me some hints about quilting. She left just after 5 after which I  made dinner of leftover tamale pie.  Dishes and then TV.  Anxious to get the holidays behind us.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

This was a most incredible day.  We started out at the normal time of 7:30.  Walked the dogs and did our normal chores.  Steve went to carving class and I decided to put together goodie trays for Sandy and Betty.  Delivered those then grabbed the towels and whites and the trolley then goofed it over to the laundry.   I was just finishing up the dry cycle when Steve got back with the Teryx.   Kevin came over to visit for a few minutes.   Then back to the laundry with three more loads.  Once that was in the laundry I came back and fixed us lunch. Back to the laundry for folding and finishing the laundry.   Back to the trailer to put all the clothes away and get ready for our night on the town.  We met the Clark's and the Nances and walked down to the clubhouse to wait for our bus.  We drove to Apache Junction to Barleens Dinner Show.  It was Fabulous! The lead guitarist was the same one we saw perform in Cody WY.   The entire show was absolutely amazing.   Betty talked my ear off.  Then back on the bus and bed.  Anxious to see the girls.  They didn't make a mess but they had to go bad by the time we got home. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 19, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another busy day at Fiesta Grande.   Up at 7:30 since Steve could not find a frying pan to make his chorizo  and eggs yuck.  So I got up and took the dogs for their morning ritual.  Came back and made my breakfast burrito.  Then I got busy and made roasted cinnamon sugar almonds.  I  fixed the cookies up for the cookie swap.  We took an early morning tour in the Teryx with the dogs.  Steve and I went up to the clubhouse for our dance lesson which did not go well.   Neither one of us can keep on the beat.  Then there is a problem of who is going to lead whom..  so half way into the lesson we gave up.  The teacher is a good dancer but a poor teacher.  What we need is each of us to dance with a person who can dance  and keep on the beat.  So I went to color class and Steve went home to do some lessons and bring the cookies for the swap.   Then after that I went to the cookie swap.  The only problem was I didn't have a phone to call Steve or a way to carry everything home   so Betty loaned me he phone and she went to tell Steve I needed a ride home.  Of course he was out doing errands. Poor planning on my part. Fortunately  he drove up right away.   Betty brought he her truck to bring me home which was very thoughtful on her part. 
We came home to feed the dogs and have dinner. Another tour in the Teryx.  I made hoagies for dinner. Then we were off to Bingo.  Since Sandy and Allen were working the Bingo we sat with Paul and Shirley Heebner.   So the we saved a seat for Betty.  Nobody won anything.   But we had fun.  Back at the rig for TV by 9.  Bingo went really fast tonight. 
Once we take the dogs for a walk we can get the hay.  Another busy day tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

All packages made it in the house.  Fate played a huge factor.  Got up about 8.  Steve was amazingly quiet.  Got ready and we jumped in the Teryx so that I could go check for my lost Amazon package.  I dropped Steve off and checked the mail and the office for the package.  There was a pick up slip in my box but when I went to the window there was no package.  I decided to drive by every site that ended in 33.  I did miss  site 33 never did find it.  So I went to 133, 233,333, 533, 633 and 733.  While I was on my scouting expedition I ran into Sandy walking to her appointment who turned me on to someone who cuts hair in the park.  No luck for finding the package.  Back home, then off to listen to the 3rd graders butcher some Christmas songs.  At the end the kids were given cards that they had made and they handed them out to people in the audience.  We got one from Aldo!
While we were in the show Ben from next door told Steve that my package was delivered to the park mode right behind him.  So off I went in the Teryx to get the package.  Once I retrieved the package I took it over to Diane who was not home.  So she got a double order as will I when the package arrives on Thursday. 
As i was pulling out of the driveway to go get Steve, he came walking up.  So we decided to take a run in the Teryx and ended up at the Heebner's. We chatted with them for about 45 minutes.   Steve then dropped me off at the ballroom for the potluck meeting.   When I got there there was only Jim McGregor who will cook the Turkey and myself.   Somehow I got to be the table chairperson.   Jane Appel  and Rosella who is Issy and Abby Mom and lives one row behind us.  She rides a motorcycle will be donning with us.    As I was leaving I asked the lady about the tickets for Barleen's .  She went to get it out of our mailbox and came back with the last  package I was waiting for.
The last package is the gel pens which i will keep.  They should last us both a lifetime.  400 or 500 pens and refills. 
Back at the rig I had lunch and made the pecan sandies for the cookie exchange. 
Finally we BBQ'ed hamburgers for dinner.  Then TV shower and bed.  A busy day and another one scheduled for tomorrow.   

Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

It was a wild day.  Steve was up and out of the door to the gym.  I think he spends more time having coffee than he does at the gym.  I took a walk and was able to get the mail before Steve.  Stupid.  Then I walked back home with the mail stuffed in the front of my jacket dumping the padded envelopes in the garage on the way home.  Even stupider.  Finally stashing the books on the patio to be retrieved later when Steve took a shower.
Shirley and Hal arrived about 12:30. We sat out on the patio and talked til about 1:30.  Then we decided to go to the Thirsty Donkey for a late lunch.   It was actually quite good.  Everyone but Steve had the fish and chips. We sat there till about 3:30 when they had to leave as they live about an hour away.  As we were leaving we ran into Larry and  Betty who stopped by the Thirsty Donkey for a quick bite.
We made a quick trip to the DMV to check on the regulations on the Teryx. 
Back to the rig to walk the dogs.  Then over to Walmart to grocery shop and resupply Steve's snack stash.
Once we got back groceries had to be put away.  Then I had to deal with an Amazon package that never showed up..  Finally got to sneak up to the bedroom to work on the other set of dog's sweaters  and some TV.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow what a busy day this turned out to be. I made up for sleeping  in yesterday.   I woke up at 5:30 . Steve was already awake. I tried to go back to bed but couldn't sleep.   So I. Had breakfast and fiddled around.  I was kind of cold so I went back to bed for awhile.  Still couldn't really sleep so I got up and made the bed and started doing things.  I decided to watch a movie CD while I pinned the edging on the girl's new sweaters.   Then I sewed them after the movie.  I helped Steve set up the new pens which the dogs really liked.   The two were too confining for Sophie. 
I finished the sweaters.  We took pictures of the girls with their hat and doggles on.
Then I started making the Pecan Cheesecake Bars.  It was very time consuming as each layer is cooked and then cooled.  It looks like it went well.
Then I made a tamale pie.  Then dishes and now TV.  Pretty soon a shower. 
Tomorrow the Perry 's will come I hope. 
Does not seem like I have had time sit at all.  Didn't go to the Christmas sing along.  The baking took longer than I thought it would. 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 15, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Wow Steve and I both slept in to 8:30!  That is very unusual.  Once we were up and chores done I decided to take my walk as Steve said he was going to carve.  So I put on my walking clothes.  As soon as I did Steve decided we should go to see Organ pipes National Monument.  So I did get a short walk in.  Once I got back we hopped in the car after I changed clothes.  We made a loop taking hwy 15vto 84 to 85 and into the park area.  About 300 miles round trip.  We took their 21 mile informational loop going very close to the Mexican border.  They even warn you that you could encounter smugglers or other nefarious persons.  We didn't.   But we did learn all about the flora and fauna of the Sonoran Desert. We saw a suguaro cacti, all kinds of cholla cacti and mesquite trees. They had brochure with info on 18 different stops.  I ended up reading the entire booklet to Steve.  The loop was supposed to take us 2 hours and it was right on the money.  We headed back at 4 o'clock.
We stopped for some Taco Bell. Guess Steve got his Taco Bell fix.  It doesn't really cut it for me for dinner. We didn't get home until 7 missing the lighted cart Parade.   I guess Steve was feeling cooped up and wanted to get out of dodge.  As we got off on Trekell Road we were once again turned around by the police.  Not sure what happened.   Saw two more cops headed over that direction.
Point of interest.  I questioned Steve about how fast he was going.  He asked me if I was nagging him about his driving.   Now he's knows what it feels like.  He laughed when I said that.  I doubt it made a lasting impression .
Walked the dogs fed them and now watching TV.

Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

The day was overcast.   I got up about 7:30.  We did our morning chores.  Steve wanted sausage and eggs for breakfast.   Then dishes.   Steve got my cutting board and guide down. I cut the ribbing for the dog's sweaters.  I swept the floors.  Ate a quick meal.  Then Steve drove me down to the Clubhouse for coloring.  There was a jam session where several people were singing some not as well as others.  Pat Deidrich was playing a guitar.  That woman does everything.  Truly amazing.  She carved feet and legs for a grand daughter who had both legs amputated.   Betty confessed that she and her sister had been sexually abused as young girls. 
At three I walked back to the rig and sat out with Steve for a bit.i did some sewing on the dogs sweaters. Then we came in and fixed dinner.  Dishes and TV as usual.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

December 13, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We had a beautiful sunny day but on the cool side.  Steve went to carving class and I got my nerve up and went for a walk.  I talked to the lady on the back side of the park.  There had been a cute little stray wandering around.  The neighbors got together and took it in.  They all donated to get the dog shots and spayed.  They named it itsy bitsy.  I took a short walk around the park.  Steve got back about 11:30. 
We decided to go down to the card room and try playing the new game Fastrak.  We played 5 games. Our team won 3 out of 5 games and were the camps.  The game is very similar to Jack's and Pegs or Aggravation whose name I could not remember. 
That lasted from 1 to 3.  We will try that again next Thursday. 
Then we walked back home only to return in an hour for the potato bar.  They had a small dish of salad at each setting and three cookies at each place.  We saved Seats for Sandy and Alan and Larry and Betty.  Then there were medium size potatoes for all. With lots of toppings.  Like chili and broccoli.   Then condiments.   We sat with another couple from Minnesota who are friends of Paul and Shirley Heebner.  We were done around 6 PM. 
We rode back to the house for Football and TV. 
I really like it here so far.  I hope I can convince Steve to come back next year for another 3 months. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

December 12, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I got up later today as I was up reading late.  Steve had already left for the gym.  I got dressed and took the dogs for their morning constitutional.   Came back and started the oven to warm up the French toast bake which was our breakfast.  Made the bed and other morning chores.
I finished one wreath and put it on the kingpin out front. Note to self: DIY projects on Facebook are not as easy as they look. I cut out the new dog sweaters.  Steve helped Kevin with his ATV. 
Then we went down to the ballroom to try out the ballroom dancing.  That was an abortion gone bad.  Neither one of us could find the beat let alone do the foot work.  I even tried the electric slide.
After dance lessons I tried coloring for an hour.  Walked home with Sandy and another lady.
I finally finished the book about the monkey killer.  Can you believe they still have not caught the main psychopath in the story .  I have to read yet another book to find out what happened.   The author even looks creepy.
We had dinner then walked down to the ballroom to play Bingo.  I thought I had a bingo bit also it wasn't a good one.  It was a curved line.  Oh well we had fun anyway.
Back home to watch TV and relax.  Ordered our Christmas presents.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

December 11, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

I got up at my normal time 7:30.  Steve ran the dogs over to the dog run while I did the morning chores.  Breakfast and Steve left for carving class.  Watched some TV then did my walk with the dogs around the perimeter of the park.   About 2 Miles.  
Steve came back at lunch and we ate.  I worked on gluing the stems to the ornaments.  I hate gluing.  Glue and I are not friends.  Then we jumped in the Teryx to deliver the recycling to Don Morris.  
We dove over to Walmart to pick up some incidentals and more Christmas ornaments.   
Working on trying to finish the book I am reading.  It seems to go on forever.   
We Bbq'ed ribs tonight which were very good.  I guess we are not exchanging gifts this year.  This is the one thing that really hurts the most.  I guess it is too much of an effort for Steve to do any kind of shopping for anyone.  Guess I will stop shopping too.He will be on his own form now on.  
He sure knows how to put a damper on the holidays.   
TV and words for the rest of the night.  

Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another great day in Casa Grande.  Up about 7:30.  Morning chores and breakfast.   Steve took off for the gym and coffee.  Steve brought my package back which was the dog meds.  Once he came back we hopped in the truck and headed out to get propane. Then we hustled over to get our pedicures. Now my toes sparkle.   They were great and we were so impressed that we are going back in a month.. we then visited the Ford dealership to have then teach us how to reboot the maintenance system.   We had lunch at Firehouse Subs.  I think I still prefer Subway which is I  think cheaper. 
We arrived back in the park.I quickly took the dogs for a walk then headed down to the ballroom for my first coloring session.   Nice ladies. We gossiped and vented about our husbands. One last who is also a wood Carver has  12 children and is from South Dakota. Walked back with Sandy.  Alan is sick with a cold and bad cough.
I worked on my Wreath but ran out of ornaments.  I had some difficulties keep the ornaments from separating from the hanger part  we will have to glue them eventually.   Walked the dogs and took our nightly Teryx ride.  Dinner,Dishes and TV. 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 9, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

The big deal today was laundry.  I got up at about 8:15 and  had breakfast.  Then Steve loaded the clothes in the Teryx and I drove it over to the Landry.  I drive back for lunch while the clothes were in the dryer.   Back to fold the clothes and brought them home.  Steve put up the vista shade.  I watched a movie and took a little cat nap. 
We put up the dog run .  We helped the neighbor behind us with his ATV.  He bought a trailer that was too small to carry it.  We were pulling it on to the trailer with a golf cart. 
I fixed tacos for dinner then walked the dogs.  Finally after the dishes were done I settled in to watch some screen. 
We needed a day to recoup from all the traveling. 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

December 8, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We made it home.  We are pooped but other than some wear and tear we are fine. 
The morning started out early.   I woke up at 6 after having slept through the night.  Steve woke up shortly afterward.   We were up and dressed and in the restaurant next door by 7:30.  We checked on the truck and but the dogs in their crates.  Breakfast was fair.
We decided to go into Quartzsite for the tire repair since nothing was open until Monday in Parker.  So we went about 30 miles to Quartzsite on a very low tire in the rear.  We were on the road again in about 9:30.  We took highway 95 to Done Valley this side of Yuma.  We probably went about 215 miles and were back in Casa Grande about 1:30.  However before we could go home the truck ,trailer and Teryx had to be washed.  As soon as we got home I rushed the dogs to the dog park where we were recruited into the ATV club by the man who handles the mail package window. 
We off loaded the Teryx and stowed the trailer in our new storage spot.  Next we received the extension cord so that meant we had to attach it and hitch up the trailer and move it forward about 4 feet.  Then we put all our travel stuff away.  Put down the mats .  We were allowed to restart few minutes then we were off to Walmart for Grocery shopping.  Steve cane in for a bit but he ended up waiting in the car for me. 
We stopped at Auto Zone then picked up a pizza.  While the oven was warming we took a ride over to get the mail and then looked at the Christmas decorations in the park
  Dinner, a trip to the dog park and a shower.  Keeping up with my recorded program for the rest of the evening. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018 Quality Inn, Parker AZ

Wow what a day we had.  We slept really well in the Best Western in Oakhurst.   Steve got up about six so that means we were all up at 6.  Out the door by 6:30. We walked over to the restaurant where they served a breakfast buffet which was free to the hotel guests.  Then we gathered up the dogs and took off for Park Sierra.   We stopped by the site #314 to grab a couple of things. Then over to the dog run and office.  Finally over to pick up the Teryx.   All seemed to go well so we headed out to the highway and we were on our way.  Steve wanted to take a leak just outside the front gate of the park. I put my foot down on that idea. I was afraid someone we knew would see him.  We drove about 10 miles and the trailer came off the truck.  Fortunately we were able to unload the Teryx and lift it back on the truck.  We then reloaded it and restrapped the Teryx.  When we were just about finished when Kent and Lin Russell drove by and checked to make sure everything was OK.  Apparently they were headed to Fresno and saw us.  They must have turned around to make sure we were OK.  So nice of them.
By 9:30 we were underway again.   We went back the same route as we came yesterday.   However we only traveled about 481miles  today.  We stopped in rest stops in Tulare and Boron.  We decided to get gas in Ludlow.  Of course the tire minder decided to alert.  There was a run down tire shack across the street.   Out of necessity we dove over there.  It was a run down place where they gouged you.  They tried to fix it.  Twice. Steve had to lend the guy the tools to do the job. We got as far as Needles.   Another alert.  The valve stem again.  A waste of $50.
Were continued down the road until we passed Needles and turned toward Havasu city.  There was a Loves travel center. W  We ate terrible burgers from Carl's Jr.  And continued on to Parker.  We reserved a room at the Quality Inn.It was almost 9 when we got to the motel.   It was not up to the Best Western standards.  We had to park the truck across the street in a vacant lot.  Not happy about that or the quality of the room..Very basic.  Hopefully it will be there when we wake up.
Fed the dogs and watching TV with the grinch.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

December 6, 2019 Best Western Yosemite Getaway Inn, Oakhurst CA

This was a killer day and and even worse drive.  We were up at 5 and left around 6:30 while it was still dark   We pretty  much retraced our steps going to Casa Grande. We jumped on Hwy 8 and turned on 85 at Gila Bend.  North to Hwy 10 west. In Quartsite we turned north on 95.  We took 95 through Parker and Lake Havasu.   Then jumped on 40 West  to Needles.  We veered off onto 15 to 58 across to Bakersfield.  The mountains had snow on them.  At Bakersfield we hit 99. Finally we took 41 into Oakhurst. We arrived in Oakhurst about 6 PM.  We drove 686 Mile's in 11 1/2 oops that should be 12 1/2 hours as we gained an hour coming back into Pacific Daylight Time.  Of course that means we will lose an hour going home. We stopped for gas three times once just as we left Casa Grande. Once in Parker and once at Murray family Farms.  We had lunch at Subway in Needles.  Steve took advantage of not having a trailer on the back and drove like a madman.
I drove after lunch for about half an hour. Or I should say I sat in the driver's seat while Steve drove.  I pulled in at the first rest stop so he could sit in the actual driver's seat.  I won't offer to drive again.
We ate at the Taste of China here in Oakhurst which was OK. We are staying at the Best Western in Oakhurst which is clean and dog friendly.   Hazel has not pooped so I will walk her in a bit.  Tomorrow we pick up the Teryx and do this all over again.  Yeah.   At least the trailer will slow Steve down some what.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

December 5th already.  Heading to Coarsegold to get the Terex.  The sat started off with a bang.  Steve went to the workout room . I met him in the ballroom for announcements.   Saw Paul and Shirley there.  To the office to secure some storage space for the trailer.  We were told to contact a guy to piggy back with.
She sent us to 304 to hook up with him.  Due to Steve's inability to believe in my map reading skills we went the wrong way to the spot.  Once we got on the right track and got to 304 the guy was gone.  Back to our spot where Steve jumped in the shower as Glenda and Tom were due to come by.  They were late due to fetid g lost. 
The guy Del finally came by and we came to an agreement.  So Steve headed down to the office to sign all the paperwork for the spot.  While he was gone I made lunch for all of us.  Sandwiches fruit and chips.  We sat outside and played Mexican Train. 
About 5 we headed down to IHOP to have one last meal together.
After dinner Steve and I returned to the to pick up all the things in the yard and the mats.  Came inside and stuffed some things in bags and a duffel bag.  Back to the nightly TV routine. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

December 4, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Well thanks to Steve I was up earlier than normal.  Lights on early and lots of noise.  Steve was off early to carve. I ate breakfast watched a little TV. Then got dressed and was off on my first walk around the park.  Up to the front of the office then up up and down two front rows back across the back of the office then around the back perimeter of the park and back to the trailer.
Back at the trailer to shower and dress the reading while waiting for Steve to get back.  He was full of news from talking to Alan.  We signed up for a bus trip to the Arizona Opry.
Steve was starving so I made some cheese and crackers.
We stopped at the office to pay for the bus trip and purchase some other tickets.  I must be really loosing it.  I couldn' t  find my gray sweater anywhere in the trailer so I thought I had left it at one of the stops we made yesterday. So we ran by JoAnn's to see if anyone had found it.  Nope.  When I got back to the trailer I did some serious looking and what did I find my gray sweater hanging on the door knob on the garage side of the connecting door. Boy did I feel stupid.  But I was happy to find my sweater.
Finally were off to Mesa.  The GPS took us to an closed location of camping world.  I called and was directed to the new location which I recall we had been to before.  Unfortunately they didn't have the dog run size we needed.
The of to the Firebird in Mesa for an early dinner with Glenda and Bea.  We met her beau Leroy.  Very nice guy.  Left there about 4:00.  The food there was very good.  Steve and I both had the rib eye steaks. Tom drives me crazy with his practical jokes. He got Bea with this snake eggs in the envelope.  The waitress would have got it as well but she was carrying too many dishes.  He thought it was funny.
Once we left there, I was about to suggest we stop for ice cream.  I was debating suggesting it when Steve brought it up.  So we stopped at Coldstone for our ice cream fix..  it was an expensive fix.
Back at the ranch Steve dropped me at the dog park where the dogs did their thing.
Watching TV and reading for the rest of the night.  I filled in the calendar for rest of the month.  Looks like our dance card is going to be full for the rest of the month. 
Our neighbors moved in today.  Now we have neighbors on both sides.

Monday, December 3, 2018

December 3, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Another beautiful day in Arizona.  We were up and out and about early.   We checked out some things at the office and then went to check out a place to store the terex trailer. Casitas Verde.  It is about 5 Mile's from us.
From there we went to Safeway to pick up a few things.  Then we stopped at Jo Ann's to get some thread and fabric. 
We got back just in time to get the rig picked up and the dog's meds ordered before Glenda and Tom arrived.  We sat outside in the sun as Glenda's knee is really bothering her.  Tom can't hear a word.
We called Bea and we are all going to rendezvous in Chandler for a meal tomorrow.  They took off about 1:30.
I finished hemming Steve's pants.
About 4:30 we went to Cracker

Sunday, December 2, 2018

December 2, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

Made it through all day on Sunday without my ice cream fix.  However the day started off with a sugar coma as we ate the last of the homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  We hung out at the rig all day long.  We finished setting up for the most part.
Steve ordered the extension for the electrical cord but forgot to put the site number so we will  have to alert the office to be on the lookout for the package. 
I hemmed a couple of pairs of pants for Steve they are pinned and waiting on matching thread. 
We took a,walk past the Heebner's but they weren't home.  So we stopped and chatted with a neighbor.   We checked out the clubhouse. 
Steve is anxious to get the Terex.   Wouldn't surprise me if we didn't make the trip by the end of this week.   Steve feels we can make the trip in a day each way if we share the driving.
Glenda called and was too tired to meet so we Bbq'ed hamburgers for dinner.  Of course football was the major entertainment for the day.. 
Dishes, shower and TV finished the evening.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

December 1, 2018 Fiesta Grande RV Resort, Casa Grande AZ

We made it to Fiesta Grande finally.  It seemed like a longer trip than yesterday. We lost an hour with the time change.  We didn't leave until 9 am.  We took hwy 40 to 95 .  We turned to head to Lake Havasu City and Quartsite.  We got gas when we turned to head to Lake Havasu.. paid way too much. We drove by the London Bridge in Havasu City.  We went through Parker which we hadn't seen before.  Just outside of Parker the warning lights came on the tire monitor.  Steve pulled off and checked it out.  The tire on the back dually on the inside passenger side.  The valve stem was bad.  We found a tire place in Parker who was able to fix it in less than a half an hour.
Back on the road we didn't take the turn to go to Quartsite so we headed down a bumpy road towards Vicksburg.   From there we took hwy 10 to Hwy 85. The Phoenix cut off.  We had lunch in a rest stop shortly after getting on Hwy 10.  Once we hit Hwy 8 we had about 70 miles to Casa Grande.  We turned in Trekell road.  We got to Florence Blvd and the  just as the police were closing the road for the Christmas Lights parade.   They let everyone through  but us.  We decided to backup and turn in a parking lot.  Just as we were turning into the lot the cop motioned for us to cross the road.  He opened it up enough for us to get through.   We went around  and finally got in.  The office was just closing but we were able to get checked in and parked.  Unfortunately we were not able to put the back down but after we get an extension for the electrical cord we should be able to lower
The back.
The trip was about 277 miles and we pulled into the park about 4:15 PM. 
We did a minimal set up which we will finish tomorrow. 
We then headed out to get some dinner and gas  for the truck.  We ate dinner at Panda Express.   Then Walmart and back to the rig for TV.  We see Glenda tomorrow!